1. And that concludes today's performance. Thank you so very much for coming!
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. That was a great show, Manuela. You really put a [cdb]smile on this old man's face.
  5. Not as extravagant as I would've liked, but I suppose [cdb]it wasn't so bad, all in all.
  6. But why put on an opera just for me?
  7. It was actually your kid's idea.
  8. Really? But how did...
  9. I'm sorry, but after hearing that sad story about your [cdb]wife, I just couldn't keep it to myself.
  10. Hmm. I see.
  11. I didn't mean to spill everything, but you raised quite [cdb]the listener! Also, I was drunk, so...there's that.
  12. Honestly, I don't even remember the conversation. I'm just going off what I was told the next day.
  13. Wait, you were so drunk you couldn't even [cdb]remember?
  14. Anyway, when I finally stumbled out into the light of [cdb]day, your kid suggested we show you the opera that [cdb]your late wife never got the chance to see.
  15. Well, I'll be...
  16. I know! It was such a noble, touching idea. It actually [cdb]caught me a bit off guard.
  17. But I so wanted to try and fill that hole in your heart, [cdb]even if only a little...
  18. So we turned the opera into a duet and practiced [cdb]during whatever free time we could carve out.
  19. Honestly, thanks for going along with it—I know [cdb]you've probably got better things to do.
  20. I'm sure this opera put the original to shame. I'm grateful, and...I'll probably be seeing my wife [cdb]again soon, so I'll be sure to tell her all about it.
  21. You're hardly in a position to judge, seeing as how [cdb]you never saw the original—and you can stop that [cdb]morbid talk any time you like!
  22. You sound like a man on his deathbed, and I [cdb]won't stand for it!
  23. You and that wunderkind of yours are going to [cdb]survive this war and do your wife proud by living [cdb]long and happy lives.
  24. Now promise me!
  25. Sorry, but I can't do that.
  26. We're at war, and I lead a band of mercenaries.
  27. Tomorrow isn't something I'm entitled to—I made [cdb]my peace with that a long time ago.
  28. I admit there are some things out of your control...
  29. But I also know you'll do what you must to survive.
  30. So when this war is over, I want you to come see me [cdb]perform again.
  31. And I mean on a proper stage, with an orchestra. Why, even a tough fellow like yourself won't be able [cdb]to hold back the tears!
  32. And after the show, you must let me try to seduce you [cdb]again. Otherwise, I'll always be left wondering.
  33. Just can't let it go, can you? I told you not to waste [cdb]your time on this old man.
  34. I don't care how old you are or if you can't forget [cdb]about your wife—just promise me!
  35. I'll wrap your whole family up in my arms and give [cdb]them more love than they know what to do with.
  36. But until then, I suppose I can settle for just being [cdb]drinking buddies. You wouldn't let a poor woman [cdb]drink alone after her star performance, would you?
  37. I think she just tricked me into agreeing to that. Still, a man is only as good as his word...
  38. Sorry, Sitri. Looks like you'll have to wait just a little [cdb]bit longer for me...