1. Ah, you're back. I heard you went to Fraldarius [cdb]territory?
  2. Yes, I had a bit of business to take care of there. I forgot how long it had been!
  3. What was it like to return?
  4. It was always like a second home to me, in a way, [cdb]so being there brought memories flooding back.
  5. I found myself taking little detours everywhere, even [cdb]though I knew I did not have time for such trifles.
  6. And what impression did it give in its current state?
  7. The region itself is quiet and peaceful.
  8. But lack of food has left the surrounding towns and [cdb]villages in a precarious situation.
  9. It reminds me of when the people of Galatea territory [cdb]fought over provisions during famine. If things keep [cdb]on as they are, there could easily be an uprising.
  10. Perhaps we should ask the refugees to cultivate the [cdb]land. Ah, but that isn't my decision to make.
  11. Thank you, Ingrid. I will let Felix know your [cdb]thoughts on the matter.
  12. I would appreciate that. Oh, and it's not as if [cdb]everything has changed for the worse.
  13. There were new shops around, and all of the roads [cdb]were well-maintained.
  14. It's surprising to see how much has changed over [cdb]the years.
  15. That's right, you used to visit multiple times a year [cdb]when Glenn was still alive.
  16. I...I did, yes.
  17. Though I might never have visited again if I had not [cdb]been presented with this opportunity.
  18. I am glad I decided to take it.
  19. Once this war is over, would you mind if I came to [cdb]visit Fraldarius land as I once did?
  20. Not in the slightest. You can visit any time you like.
  21. I'm sure that Felix and the rest of my family would [cdb]welcome you with open arms.
  22. We certainly owe you that much, considering all [cdb]you've put up with from my sons.
  23. Not at all. If anything, they put up with me.
  24. My brothers are both so much older than me, [cdb]so Glenn and Felix were among my few friends [cdb]growing up.
  25. Thinking back on it, I feel like I was always ordering Glenn around...
  26. Well, if the time you two spent together helped you in [cdb]even the smallest way, I am satisfied.
  27. And I know Glenn would be overjoyed.
  28. Those days are irreplaceable to me.
  29. They will live in my heart forever.
  30. Spoken like a true daughter of Count Galatea. You've grown strong, Ingrid.
  31. Thank you for saying so. Still, I want to keep [cdb]moving forward as best I can.
  32. Yet it's good to acknowledge one's limits—people are [cdb]allowed to show weakness, you know?
  33. Oh, look at me, talking your ear off while you're still [cdb]covered with dust from the road. My apologies.
  34. No, I am grateful for the concern. Thank you.
  35. There's no need for thanks—after all, you're like [cdb]a daughter to me.