1. Yah! Hah! Yaaah!
  2. ...
  3. Is that you back there, Hilda?
  4. Gah! Yeesh, Holst, you scared me. How did you [cdb]even know I was here?
  5. I strive to keep my mind sharp and clear at all times. How then could I not recognize the presence of my [cdb]own dear sister?
  6. It's a feat anyone can accomplish with good, honest [cdb]training. You should try it sometime.
  7. Honest training isn't really my forte.
  8. Same goes for our regular drills. If no one's making [cdb]me do it, not a chance I'll even bother.
  9. Ha! That's because you have the makings of a first- [cdb]class prodigy. Even without putting in any hard work, [cdb]your talent shines bright.
  10. But now that we're both here, why not train with me? It'll be just like old times.
  11. You mean like how you used to carry me on your [cdb]back while you were doing push-ups?
  12. No thanks. That was fun when I was little, but it'd [cdb]be incredibly embarrassing now.
  13. Hmm. That's a shame.
  14. By the way, Holst, how long are you planning on [cdb]sticking around with us?
  15. As long as I can. It'd be a hassle coming out here [cdb]every time a roundtable meeting was called, after all.
  16. But I'll have to return home at once if Almyra [cdb]starts showing any signs of mischief.
  17. As long as I can. I'm not much use if I'm away from [cdb]our king during a time of war.
  18. And though he surrendered his title, Father is still in [cdb]fine health, so I've nothing to worry about by leaving [cdb]our territory in his hands.
  19. Uh-huh. So the fact that your little sister is here [cdb]has nothing to do with you being here?
  20. Not pleased with my answer, eh? I thought you [cdb]hate it when I admit to being overprotective.
  21. But yes, of course you're the biggest reason why I'm [cdb]here. I can keep you safe so long as you're close!
  22. Additionally, I must be on hand to punish any [cdb]scoundrels who attempt to woo you! Hahaha!
  23. Yeah, I don't love that part. It's not just scoundrels [cdb]who are terrified to approach me now.
  24. Still, he's thinking about my well-being, so I guess [cdb]that feels pretty good.
  25. But there's actually another reason why I'm here.
  26. Oh yeah?
  27. The opportunity to cross swords with a warrior like Count Bergliez doesn't often present itself.
  28. The opportunity to cross swords with the mightiest [cdb]warriors of the Kingdom and the Knights of Seiros [cdb]doesn't often present itself.
  29. True valor is only polished in life-or-death battle with [cdb]the most powerful fighters.
  30. Just thinking of how I may one day encounter these [cdb]veterans makes me tremble with anticipation!
  31. Of course it does.
  32. So that's the real "biggest reason." I probably [cdb]should've guessed.
  33. No! Don't get me wrong, Hilda—it goes without [cdb]saying that the most important thing in my entire [cdb]life is the well-being of my beloved sister.
  34. Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. Good luck with the [cdb]training.
  35. Wait! I beg of you, wait! My dear Hilda, come back!