1. Yuri, may I have a word with you?
  2. Seteth. Did you need something? If you want to [cdb]talk business, we can go somewhere more private.
  3. No, it is nothing of the sort. I happened to [cdb]see you speaking with a scholar earlier.
  4. I am curious as to the nature of your conversation. You seemed quite absorbed.
  5. So you saw that, did you? Well, I suppose you would [cdb]be familiar with the topic...
  6. I was trying to learn a little about the legend of the Ten Elites.
  7. That is...rather diligent of you. I'm impressed.
  8. Nothing diligent about it. I just didn't quite receive [cdb]the same education as my noble peers.
  9. It's said that the goddess granted the Ten Elites power [cdb]in the form of Crests, allowing them to defeat the evil [cdb]that threatened Fódlan.
  10. That power freed them from the ravages of age, [cdb]and even saved them from the brink of death.
  11. So the legend goes. It is also said that some Crest-bearers live much longer than those without.
  12. There is even a theory which posits that Nemesis, [cdb]the King of Liberation, lived for several centuries.
  13. Is that so...
  14. I do wonder, however, why such a subject would [cdb]interest you.
  15. Hmm... Well, I suppose I can trust you. The truth is, I wanted to figure out who exactly I am.
  16. Given your position, I'm sure you know of the Crest I bear.
  17. Indeed I do. I must admit, its discovery upon your [cdb]enrollment at the Officers Academy came as quite [cdb]a surprise.
  18. After all, you bear the Crest of Aubin, which was [cdb]thought to have been lost long ago.
  19. An exceedingly rare Crest, yet I have no idea where it [cdb]came from.
  20. My mother's status being what it is, I don't have [cdb]the slightest clue who my father is or where he [cdb]was from.
  21. I'd never once doubted that I was my mother's son. But then I found out about my Crest...
  22. It's made me question everything I've ever known [cdb]about myself.
  23. I see... So you yourself do not know the origin of your Crest.
  24. But then I'd heard the Ten Elites weren't born with [cdb]their Crests.
  25. So I figured that would be a good place to start [cdb]digging.
  26. No matter the nature of your Crest, I am certain it [cdb]was bestowed upon you by the will of the goddess.
  27. Do not resent the power that dwells within your [cdb]blood. Cherish it, and you shall find your way.
  28. Heh, you sound just like the scriptures. But I [cdb]appreciate the encouragement. Now, if you'll [cdb]excuse me, I have some business to attend to.
  29. ...