1. Sorry about earlier, Ignatz. I wasn't much help at all.
  2. No, it's fine. You actually did a lot.
  3. If anything, your stories of Gustave just helped to [cdb]confirm what I was thinking.
  4. That you're not cut out to be a knight? Is that what [cdb]you were going to say?
  5. Heh. Exactly. You're pretty sharp, Annette.
  6. Well, since I'm the one that brought on this [cdb]misunderstanding, I'd better clear it up.
  7. What misunderstanding?
  8. Look, my father is clearly an incredible knight, [cdb]and everyone knows it.
  9. But if everyone was a knight just like him, we'd still [cdb]end up losing every war we fought.
  10. Don't let looks fool you—he's sloppy when it comes [cdb]to taking care of himself. Also, he can be stubborn as [cdb]a mule, and he's a complete worrywart to boot.
  11. But he's maybe the best fighter in the land, and isn't [cdb]that what a knight's job entails?
  12. Not necessarily. The thing is, there are all kinds of [cdb]different people who report to my father.
  13. And most are excellent fighters, sure, but then there [cdb]are others who can barely even ride a horse.
  14. Yet my father relies on them all the same.
  15. But how can he rely on a knight who can't fight?
  16. Because they have other skills. For example, a handful [cdb]of his reports know absolutely everything about [cdb]cooking and ingredients.
  17. Imagine they're under attack and rations are [cdb]running low.
  18. Those people tell the others what ingredients to [cdb]gather and use them to make food, which allows [cdb]everyone to fight another day.
  19. Which is how they gain his trust.
  20. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and it's [cdb]a commanding officer's job to know what those are [cdb]and give orders accordingly.
  21. And sure, all of this comes secondhand from my [cdb]father, but I also know it's true. So I don't think [cdb]there's any reason for you to be so pessimistic.
  22. Charging directly into the gut of the enemy's main [cdb]force isn't the only way for a knight to be useful.
  23. So you really think I'm still helping in some way?
  24. Absolutely! Maybe it's your skill in painting, or your [cdb]knowledge about works of art, or how carefully you [cdb]always look at your surroundings.
  25. You have a lot of strengths, and it would be a real [cdb]pity to bury them all under an avalanche of "I'm not [cdb]cut out for this kind of thing."
  26. You know what? You're right. There are all kinds of [cdb]different people in our army!
  27. And in that case...I think I'll keep trying to be a [cdb]better knight.
  28. I'm so glad to hear that. This was really weighing on [cdb]me, so I couldn't just let it go.
  29. And hey, you know how I always make a mess of [cdb]things the second I lose my focus?
  30. Well, I used to get really worried about that for the [cdb]same reason as you—I thought I was holding [cdb]everyone back.
  31. Really? But you help us all the time, Annette!
  32. I mean, if not for you cheering me up, I probably [cdb]would've resigned from my knighthood.
  33. Aw, that makes me so happy, Ignatz. I'm really glad I [cdb]could help.
  34. I know we both have our own sets of worries to deal [cdb]with, but we'll just keep working hard together.
  35. And I know I can work harder if I'm with you!