1. How did you know I like this? Yes, well, I admire [cdb]people who show such consideration.
  2. Oh, thank you. I'm going to enjoy every bite.
  3. Did you...make this? That is so... Yes, well, I thank you.
  4. Only you would ask the emperor out on an excursion.
  5. I'm excited to be off. These jaunts with you are such a [cdb]wonderful diversion.
  6. I rarely go riding, but find it to be quite liberating.
  7. I love the scent of the forest—it makes me feel so far [cdb]away from all of my other commitments.
  8. I believe any mountain can be conquered, including [cdb]the great task I've set myself.
  9. Do you enjoy the sound of the water? I find it tends [cdb]to bring up bad memories.
  10. Oh, what a lovely flower... Still, perhaps it would've [cdb]been best to leave it be.
  11. Trying to startle me? Sadly for your little prank, I'm perfectly used to all manner of insects.
  12. Knowing Hubert, I doubt you're right. But we can [cdb]pretend that's the case, if you want.
  13. You can't be serious. Should I call for help?
  14. I'm glad you can handle it, but I wish you'd be more [cdb]careful. It seems you're always nursing some wound [cdb]or another.
  15. Me? Well, I suppose. But just this once.
  16. I suppose I can take or leave them, although there is [cdb]a particular seafood dish that's near to my heart.
  17. Truly? Well, I suppose I'll come along—if only to [cdb]watch the owner's jaw drop when the emperor [cdb]delivers it personally.
  18. Though I don't see them, I know Hubert's people are [cdb]out there somewhere, watching us.
  19. I thought outings like this were a noble pastime, [cdb]but I see you're an expert at it as well.
  20. Do you ever wish you could be completely and [cdb]utterly alone? It is a daily dream for me.
  21. The sun is so warm on my skin. I see why people pine [cdb]for it so.
  22. There are hunting grounds near Enbarr that the Imperial family uses for outings.
  23. Tell me if you see any pretty flowers. Not to pluck, [cdb]mind you—just to admire.
  24. What are you thinking about? You look as if your [cdb]mind is a dozen leagues away.
  25. I adore nature, which is precisely why I treasure days [cdb]such as this.
  26. I dislike convention. I can't stand missing a good [cdb]opportunity simply because I'm "not supposed to."
  27. My dream is to sit about and simply do...nothing. Sadly, there's so much demanded of me it will likely [cdb]remain a dream until my final days.
  28. Oh, I could go on and on about all of my intractable [cdb]problems. How much time do you have?
  29. I'd rather not talk about that right now. Perhaps some [cdb]evening, when sleep eludes me.
  30. Have I told you about the boy who gave me the [cdb]dagger? I called him "Dee," which is all I really [cdb]remember about him.
  31. I'm lucky they're all so capable, as are you. I do [cdb]hope you see that.
  32. I don't object to swords or magic, but an axe has [cdb]always felt most natural in my hand. I'm not sure why.
  33. I hope I'm paying you adequately for your service. The Imperial army would be lost without you.
  34. I hope you'll continue to lend me your strength long [cdb]after this war is over.
  35. Me? Oh, I suppose I can't complain.
  36. Don't worry, I'm taking care not to overwork myself.
  37. There are gaudier crowns, but I like this one best.
  38. Do you like my hair? It used to be darker, years ago.
  39. I'm not adequately prepared for such examination.
  40. Your eyes are such a pretty color—like someone has [cdb]locked all the light of dawn inside.
  41. I'm going to assume you're looking for a crack in my [cdb]armor where a blade might slip through.
  42. When this war is over, I want to doff this armor for [cdb]good and explore the world unencumbered.
  43. Back to work, then. You and I both have a mountain [cdb]of things to do, after all.
  44. That was delightful! I'll go out any time you ask.
  45. Leave it to me.