1. Heh. I see someone has been digging into my [cdb]culinary preferences. Well, who am I to say no?
  2. Well, well. Should I be questioning your motives, [cdb]or merely thanking you?
  3. I know you mean well, but I do have standards.
  4. An excursion? Very well. The shorter a leash, [cdb]the better.
  5. Keep an eye on you? Nonsense. This is strictly for [cdb]my own pleasure. Heh.
  6. There is no better place for a ride than an open space [cdb]where one's horse can run free. Do you not agree?
  7. Ah. Woods are the perfect place for an ambush. One never knows what—or who—might be lurking [cdb]among the trees.
  8. What is the saying? You can lead a horse to a cliff, [cdb]something-something fall to their death?
  9. Once, two souls took a boat out on the water... Only one returned. A fine story, yes?
  10. You excel at identifying wildlife, hm? All I know [cdb]is which ones are likely to kill me.
  11. That? Just the random scribbles of an insignificant [cdb]individual, I trust. Leave it where you found it.
  12. Your point? Do you have some nefarious plan in mind [cdb]once we are by our lonesome?
  13. Yes, I thought that might happen, so I kept track of [cdb]the way. You are rather notorious for becoming lost, [cdb]after all.
  14. Terribly sorry for the trouble. Ugh, and how [cdb]mortifying that I need your help.
  15. I'm sorry, you want to...carry me? Ah, I see. Clearly, my taking a spill is only the beginning [cdb]of my endless humiliation.
  16. And you actually pictured us going for a boat ride? Oh, but that is simply charming.
  17. Do such ailments often befall you? I fail to see how it [cdb]is any worse than riding a horse.
  18. When I told Her Majesty about today, she expressed [cdb]a wish to come along. You should invite her.
  19. You do love inviting me on excursions. You must be [cdb]quite fond of them...or me.
  20. If I were planning to kill me, this would be the [cdb]perfect opportunity.
  21. Have I ever mentioned how you would fit right in at House Vestra? Heh.
  22. Are you ever suddenly struck with a brilliant strategy [cdb]on expeditions such as this?
  23. In the beginning, there was no goddess in Fódlan. That is scripture, by the way—not sacrilege.
  24. You always seem to be enjoying yourself. Not to say I am miserable, of course.
  25. I enjoy clever people who are committed to serving Lady Edelgard—and I am certain you wish me to [cdb]include you in that number.
  26. I have an entire laundry list of loathings, but if I had [cdb]to pick one, it would be reminiscing.
  27. Dreams retain their luster when you keep them [cdb]private—though feel free to guess if you like.
  28. Oh, you wish to help me with my troubles? In that [cdb]case, simply tell me how to dispose of you.
  29. My father is dead, as you know. As to the rest? Ah, but that is a fascinating subject indeed...
  30. Ah, I have one. Do you remember when we first met [cdb]and I thought, "Great, another worthless scoundrel"?
  31. Her Majesty acts more liberated of late. I think it is a [cdb]wonderful thing.
  32. Why be choosy? All that matters is that the enemy is [cdb]dead and you continue to draw breath.
  33. I would classify you as a threat, frankly—so do not [cdb]expect me to take my eyes off you anytime soon.
  34. I would say you are a person of extreme importance [cdb]to Her Majesty—or at least extreme utility.
  35. I am well—and please do not join the chorus of [cdb]wailers who claim I look pale as the grave.
  36. I am quite tired, if we are being honest. Hence the [cdb]need for little reprieves such as this.
  37. This brain is packed with secrets only I know. I imagine you would quite like a peek inside, mmm?
  38. I have considered trimming my hair of late. And on [cdb]that subject, you simply must do something about [cdb]those wretched bangs of yours.
  39. A gaze that piercing is enough to unnerve even me.
  40. Are you waiting for me to make a funny face? You will be waiting a long time, if so.
  41. Looking for a concealed weapon, are we? Well, [cdb]you will not be finding it there.
  42. I am not draped in this color because I like it. I simply find it hides the bloodstains best.
  43. That was a fascinating diversion—as was the chance [cdb]to study you up close.
  44. Heh. I find every moment with you to be utterly [cdb]engaging. Feel free to call on me whenever you like.
  45. I will finish it summarily.