1. Wow, you really know your stuff. This is my favorite!
  2. Perfect timing—I was just starting to get hungry. Come on, split some with me!
  3. Hey, food is food. No complaints here.
  4. Wait, so you're not inviting me to train? That's fine, I guess...
  5. All right, we'd best be on the move. If you're too slow, I'll leave you in the dust!
  6. Hey, this is the perfect place for a duel... Kidding! Only kidding. I promise.
  7. I always feel so relaxed in the forest... What, did I say [cdb]something strange?
  8. So when you climb this high up, do you ever feel a [cdb]sudden urge to just shout at the top of your lungs?
  9. I have to say, unwinding in a peaceful place like this [cdb]certainly has its charms.
  10. Well, I'll take it, I guess. But I'm not five years old, [cdb]you know.
  11. And what am I supposed to do with this, exactly?
  12. Hunting, huh? Now there's an idea I can get behind!
  13. Lady Rhea's always been an animal lover too. That's [cdb]why there were always so many dogs and cats at the [cdb]monastery.
  14. That's not too deep—you can just walk it off. Oh, but make sure to wash out the wound first.
  15. What are you, a toddler? Oh, fine. Hop on. Maybe I [cdb]can consider it extra training...
  16. Sure, why not? There isn't a shortage of anglers in this [cdb]army, I'll tell you that.
  17. That looks a little deep to me. Maybe we should just [cdb]try catching some fish instead.
  18. I've never been great at needlework, but it sure comes [cdb]in handy when a tent needs repairing.
  19. You sure you don't want to spar a little? It seems like [cdb]a waste not to, now that we're here and all.
  20. Come to think of it, you don't have a nickname, huh? Maybe I should give you one.
  21. Until I can protect the people who are dear to me, I'm going to keep getting stronger.
  22. It sure is quiet here. It's actually making me a little [cdb]antsy.
  23. I also studied at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach, so I guess that would make me your senior.
  24. Fódlan needs Lady Rhea now more than ever. We have to protect her, no matter what.
  25. Training and sparring are great and all, but I also like [cdb]listening to musicians play at feasts and banquets.
  26. I can't stand bad food and cheap booze. But I save my [cdb]grievances for the battlefield.
  27. My only wish is to protect Lady Rhea until I draw my [cdb]last breath.
  28. I have my share of problems, but nothing worth [cdb]complaining about.
  29. My father entrusted me with Thunderbrand, and I [cdb]intend to live up to that honor.
  30. I met a person at the Officers Academy who I thought [cdb]could be my partner, but...it didn't work out.
  31. There are plenty of skilled fighters in both the knights [cdb]and the Kingdom's army, which means I always have a [cdb]sparring partner.
  32. I usually just charge headlong into the enemy ranks [cdb]and start swinging. It tends to work well enough.
  33. Come on, let's spar! I want to see what you've got!
  34. After the war, will you return to mercenary work? Well, whatever you do, just don't have any regrets.
  35. I'm fighting here because Lady Rhea told me to, [cdb]but it would be nice to see her face once in a while.
  36. When you fight for a living, it tempers you like [cdb]steel. But that's not always a bad thing.
  37. My hair? Oh, I just cut it and tie it up. No big deal. Want to tell me why you're staring at it now?
  38. I used to grow my hair out when I was little, but it [cdb]started getting in the way.
  39. If you've got something to say, just say it to my face.
  40. Ha! You blinked. I win.
  41. This armor is pretty nice, right? I'm quite fond of it.
  42. My armor is marked with the Crest of Seiros—the [cdb]same Crest Lady Rhea bears. I try to keep it nice [cdb]and polished.
  43. Thanks for today. We should do it again sometime!
  44. Time just seems to fly by when I'm with you.
  45. All right, let's do this.