link Edelgard volume_up
I'm told the secret passage they used was sealed off centuries ago.
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, the palace floor plans fail to even show it. I'm shocked the church knew of its existence.
link Edelgard volume_up
In the age of Seiros, the Empire and church were intimately related.
link Edelgard volume_up
It's safe to assume the Central Church took pains to retain its information from the time.
link Hubert volume_up
I shudder to think what other inconvenient secrets they might be privy to.
link Edelgard volume_up
Yes, well, based on the scale of the attack, they must've seen this as their first and only chance.
link Edelgard volume_up
Ah, there you are.
link Shez volume_up
They said you wanted to talk?
link Shez volume_up
They said you wanted to talk?
link Hubert volume_up
Er, yes. I believe I owe you an apology.
link Shez volume_up
Oh yeah? What for?
link Shez volume_up
Oh yeah? What for?
link Hubert volume_up
To be blunt, I thought you were with the enemy.
link Hubert volume_up
I had you pegged for an informant planted among us by those who slither in the dark.
link Hubert volume_up
It was not an unreasonable assumption. You enter Her Majesty's life at the perfect time, allure her with your strength, and choose our house to study with?
link Hubert volume_up
And oh, surprise! You have dark powers! It was all too much to dismiss as mere coincidence.
link Edelgard volume_up
It was at Hubert's suggestion that I appointed you captain of our mercenary unit.
link Edelgard volume_up
He felt this would allow us to quietly assess your abilities and allegiances, and I agreed.
link Edelgard volume_up
I know I told you I did this because I believed in you and your strength, but the decision was somewhat more nuanced than that.
link Edelgard volume_up
I'm sorry.
link Hubert volume_up
The moment I got wind of this attack, I immediately thought of you.
link Hubert volume_up
"This is it," I thought. "The traitor has sprung the trap, and now the emperor's life is in danger."
link Hubert volume_up
But instead, you thwarted the assassination attempt and kept Her Majesty safe.
link Hubert volume_up
I was wrong about you—deeply so—and for that I am ashamed beyond measure. Pray forgive me.
link Shez volume_up
Don't worry about it. I would've done the same.
link Shez volume_up
Don't worry about it. I would've done the same.
link Shez volume_up
Honestly, I thought it was weird how quick you both trusted me. Good to finally know the reason behind it all.
link Shez volume_up
Honestly, I thought it was weird how quick you both trusted me. Good to finally know the reason behind it all.
link Edelgard volume_up
That does not excuse our actions. We had no right to deceive you as we did.
link Edelgard volume_up
But I swear we will make amends—you have but to let us know how.
link Shez volume_up
You know, I thought it was weird how quick you both trusted me, but this is seriously too much.
link Shez volume_up
You know, I thought it was weird how quick you both trusted me, but this is seriously too much.
link Shez volume_up
Surely there was a better way than this to test me.
link Shez volume_up
Surely there was a better way than this to test me.
link Hubert volume_up
Perhaps. But I believe we made the proper decision at the time given the facts at our disposal.
link Hubert volume_up
I was not about to hang my head and apologize until I was certain it was safe to take my eyes off you.
link Edelgard volume_up
That said, we owe you more than a logical explanation.
link Edelgard volume_up
There must be some way we can make this up to you.
link Shez volume_up
You can start by trusting me.
link Shez volume_up
You can start by trusting me.
link Shez volume_up
Or if that's not in the cards, have the decency to tell me you don't to my face.
link Shez volume_up
Or if that's not in the cards, have the decency to tell me you don't to my face.
link Shez volume_up
At least then I'll know where I stand.
link Shez volume_up
At least then I'll know where I stand.
link Hubert volume_up
I doubt doing so would've changed anything, but I understand the sentiment.
link Hubert volume_up
We will attempt to be better going forward.
link Shez volume_up
"Be better"? Really?
link Shez volume_up
"Be better"? Really?
link Edelgard volume_up
Hubert, why not just promise to be more forthright?
link Hubert volume_up
Because that might make me a liar.
link Hubert volume_up
Let me speak plain—I no longer believe you to be working with the enemy. However, that does not necessarily mean the possibility is now nonexistent.
link Shez volume_up
Well, I guess I did ask for honesty... But look, do you guys trust me or not?
link Shez volume_up
Well, I guess I did ask for honesty... But look, do you guys trust me or not?
link Hubert volume_up
Of course we trust you.
link Edelgard volume_up
Or I do, at least. So please, let us begin this relationship anew on solid ground.
link Arval volume_up