link ??? volume_up
We love you, Manuela!
link ??? volume_up
Ahh! Did you see that? Dorothea looked right at me!
link Dorothea volume_up
Well, that crowd was amazing.
link Dorothea volume_up
I thought they were going to faint on the spot the moment you appeared.
link Dorothea volume_up
Pretty impressive reaction considering how long it's been since you quit the stage.
link Manuela volume_up
Don't sell yourself short, Dorothea—those people were cheering full-throat for you as well.
link Manuela volume_up
That's also a fine reaction considering you left the songstress life behind nearly two years ago.
link Manuela volume_up
But time passes quickly—and let me tell you, it has certainly done a number on me!
link Dorothea volume_up
Oh, stop it.
link Dorothea volume_up
Time hasn't diminished your beauty, nor your voice.
link Manuela volume_up
Well, you're very sweet to say so.
link Manuela volume_up
But we both know I'm getting by with smoke, mirrors, and the skin of my teeth.
link Manuela volume_up
I'm no longer fit to command the stage.
link Manuela volume_up
At best, I can serve as a bodyguard to our successors in the Mittelfrank Opera Company as they look to entertain our troops.
link Dorothea volume_up
Yes, well, all kidding aside, we both know it was the current songstress, Adrienne, who received the loudest cheers from the crowd.
link Shez
link Shez
link Manuela volume_up
Feel free to join in the conversation anytime.
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, all this is a bit outta my wheelhouse. Makes me wonder what I'm even doing here, actually.
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, all this is a bit outta my wheelhouse. Makes me wonder what I'm even doing here, actually.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, not to bring down the mood, but, uh... What am I doing here?
link Shez volume_up
Hey, so not to bring down the mood, but, uh... What am I doing here?
link Shez volume_up
I don't know the first thing about opera, and I'm sure you had plenty of people clamoring to keep all of you safe on this little excursion.
link Shez volume_up
I dunno the first thing about opera, and I'm sure you had plenty of people clamoring to keep all of you safe on this little excursion.
link Shez volume_up
So why me?
link Shez volume_up
So why me?
link Shez volume_up
We've already been over this, Dorothea. You and I both know this kinda thing isn't my cup of tea.
link Shez volume_up
We've already been over this, Dorothea. You and I both know this kinda thing isn't my cup of tea.
link Dorothea volume_up
Actually, your unfamiliarity is the reason we chose you to accompany us.
link Dorothea volume_up
If we brought along a bunch of star-struck fans to serve as escorts, it would end in disaster.
link Manuela volume_up
Sadly, we've learned from experience that people will use any excuse to get close to our singers.
link Manuela volume_up
Sometimes they even convince themselves that we've reciprocated their feelings when we've clearly done nothing of the sort.
link Manuela volume_up
Alas, we've all had to get quite good at close-quarter combat as a result.
link Dorothea volume_up
The opera company was where I learned my dagger skills—though I admit it's hardly the most appropriate weapon for a battlefield.
link Shez volume_up
Sounds intense.
link Shez volume_up
Sounds intense.
link Manuela volume_up
Indeed. Behind the glitz and glamor of the stage swirl all manner of dark desires.
link Dorothea volume_up
But when it works, everyone comes together to beat back the darkness and create something magical.
link Dorothea volume_up
Like most everything else, you just have to take the good with the bad.
link Manuela volume_up
Heh. This kind of talk really takes me back.
link ??? volume_up
Forgive our intrusion, my lady, but we're ready to begin moving again.
link ??? volume_up
We should reach the next town in a little over... Hmm? What's all that racket?
link Shez volume_up
Sounds like we're up.
link Shez volume_up
Sounds like we're up.
link Dorothea volume_up
Don't let them harm any members of the company!