Thales: This will be an arduous battle.
link Shez
I can't hear Arval anymore...
link Shez
I can't hear Arval anymore...
link Shez
Everything's coming to a head. I've got a feeling this next battle will be the final one.
link Shez
Everything's coming to a head. I've got a feeling this next battle will be the final one.
link Shez
I oughta give this Merc Whistle to someone while I've still got the chance.
link Shez
I oughta give this Merc Whistle to someone while I've still got the chance.
Thales: This will be an arduous battle.
Miklan: Utterly atrocious.
Rodrigue: The war's mostly behind us.
Jeritza: I'll never forget it.
Tomas: It's so weird.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I can be holding my head high.
Ordelia General: Hey, listen.
Viscount Enid: I will finally crush them.
Myson: I never found that special someone.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Do you have need of me?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Is it really that important?
Metodey: I wonder if I'll ever figure it out.
: I feel it's my duty.
Charon General: I've got a feeling.
Shez: I just don't agree.
Pittacus: They won't slip through my fingers!
Chilon: I want to fight alongside everyone.
Dominic General: I suppose we have no choice.
Rufus: They were incredible.
Viscount Fenja: Keep a close eye on her.
Dorothea: I'm glad you weren't hurt.
Sylvain: I'm glad you weren't hurt.
Viscount Hymir: It's concerning.
Adrienne: What about you?
???: Garreg Mach...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Good luck out there.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Thank you so much!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Would you find out for me?
???: I called it.
Old Man: I don't have the guts.
???: I do hope he's all right.
???: Let's get a move on!
???: My sincerest apologies.
???: According to my fortunes...
???: Baron Barnabas is in charge of Garreg Mach.
???: Not much has changed at all.
Raphael: Finally.
Jeralt: Hmph..
Constance: What is to become of me?
Merchant: I didn't see that coming.
Raphael: I'm relieved.
Jeralt: I'd rather not let you live.
Constance: I hope they emerge victorious.
Merchant: It's such a relief.
link Edelgard
We are truly nearing the end. What do you think you will do after all of this?
link Edelgard
Personally, I hope that you continue to support the Empire...or, well, me.
link Edelgard
You need not decide immediately. But would you tell me when the time comes?
link Edelgard
I am so relieved we did not lose you too, [HERO_MF].
link Edelgard
Though I fear Hubert's confidence in you is probably shattered.
link Shez
I understand. I did attack one of my allies, after all.
link Shez
I understand. I did attack one of my allies, after all.
link Edelgard
Your ability to take things in stride is impressive. Hubert would approve of such an attitude as well.
link Shez
Ugh, and just when I'd finally gotten him to trust me.
link Shez
Ugh, and just when I'd finally gotten him to trust me.
link Edelgard
Are you certain of that? I cannot speak definitively on his feelings in the matter.
link Edelgard
But knowing Hubert, he would likely say that he never had much trust for you to shatter in the first place.
link Hubert
Hmph. We never did obtain any clues as to your real identity.
link Hubert
But if Thales appears at Garreg Mach and we succeed in killing him, it will spell the end of their ilk once and for all.
link Hubert
The question is, would you truly find such a conclusion satisfactory?
link Shez
Sure. What do I care? I'm good with how I am now.
link Shez
Sure. What do I care? I'm good with how I am now.
link Hubert
Quite a bold statement. If only our pasts could always be dealt with so easily.
link Shez
If I'm being honest, I don't think I would. I still don't know anything about myself.
link Shez
If I'm being honest, I don't think I would. I still don't know anything about myself.
link Hubert
Most understandable. I would find it an unfortunate loss as well.
link Hubert
Every bit of my good sense says I should kill you.
link Hubert
But after weighing the pros and cons, I have decided to wait and see.
link Hubert
In the meantime, let us hope you prove to me your worth. For both my sake, and yours.
link Ferdinand
Garreg Mach is ours and so too is the work of defending it.
link Ferdinand
Unfortunately, our opponents are far more familiar with the monastery than we are. This will be a most arduous battle.
link Shez
We've got this. We're fully prepared to stop them.
link Shez
We've got this. We're fully prepared to stop them.
link Ferdinand
Yes, you are right. Perhaps I was underestimating our abilities.
link Ferdinand
Let us meet them head-on! I, Ferdinand von Aegir, shall ensure our victory!
link Shez
Yeah, it's gonna be brutal. I hope we can pull through.
link Shez
Yeah, it's gonna be brutal. I hope we can pull through.
link Ferdinand
I am surprised that you of all people would be worried. Do be careful not to underestimate us too much.
link Ferdinand
Let us meet them head-on! I, Ferdinand von Aegir, shall ensure our victory!
link Linhardt
These marches over every hill and dale in this weather have been ruthless. It's difficult enough to walk, let alone fight battles.
link Linhardt
Everything has been utterly insufferable. Though I suppose that's to be expected in a war.
link Shez
Do you seriously think marching's all that bad? Well, whatever I guess.
link Shez
Do you seriously think marching's all that bad? Well, whatever I guess.
link Shez
At least when the war's over we won't have to travel around as much.
link Shez
At least when the war's over we won't have to travel around as much.
link Linhardt
I certainly hope so. I wouldn't mind the exhaustion if I were on a research trip, but this is ridiculous.
link Shez
You said it. We've been marching our feet off lately.
link Shez
You said it. We've been marching our feet off lately.
link Shez
At least when the war's over we won't have to travel around as much.
link Shez
At least when the war's over we won't have to travel around as much.
link Linhardt
I certainly hope so. I wouldn't mind the exhaustion if I were on a research trip, but this is ridiculous.
link Caspar
Most of this war is behind us, which means fewer chances to make a name for myself.
link Caspar
I need to pull out all the stops in the next battle, or you're gonna leave me in the dust.
link Caspar
Seriously though, I've got your back if you've got mine, [HERO_MF]!
link Caspar
Most of this war is behind us, which means fewer chances to make a name for myself.
link Caspar
I need to pull out all the stops in the next battle, or you're gonna leave me in the dust.
link Caspar
Seriously though, I've got your back if you've got mine, [HERO_MF]!
link Shez
Are you sure that's what you want?
link Shez
Are you sure that's what you want?
link Caspar
What's the problem? If you can't keep up, I'll leave you behind!
link Bernadetta
It feels so weird that we're going to help my father.
link Bernadetta
It feels so weird that we're going to help my father.
link Bernadetta
Not that I'm against it. I can't wait to see him cry!
link Bernadetta
Not that I'm against it. I can't wait to see him cry!
link Shez
That's the spirit! Teach him a lesson! Not that I know what for...but yeah!
link Shez
That's the spirit! Teach him a lesson! Not that I know what for...but yeah!
link Bernadetta
Yeah! I can do this!
link Bernadetta
Yeah! I can do this!
link Shez
I understand how you feel, but him dying won't make things any better for you. We need to make sure he's safe first.
link Shez
I understand how you feel, but him dying won't make things any better for you. We need to make sure he's safe first.
link Bernadetta
I... I guess you're right.
link Bernadetta
I... I guess you're right.
link Petra
When I am returning to Brigid, I can be holding my head high.
link Petra
Because I am thinking our relationship with the Empire will be fine now.
link Petra
I hope someday more people will be going between Brigid and Fódlan.
link Dorothea
The Valley of Torment lived up to its name. All those people crammed into that narrow ravine...
link Dorothea
I'll never forget the sight of it for as long as I live. No matter how much I wish I could scrub it out.
link Dorothea
Ugh, I need to think about something else. What's next? Are we all ready to go?
link Monica
Listen, there's a chance Lord Arundel may finally make an appearance. You know, the man responsible for putting Her Majesty through so much pain.
link Monica
He must not be allowed to cause any more trouble for her. Therefore, you and I are going to end him.
link Shez
Got it. We'll make sure he doesn't get anywhere near Edelgard.
link Shez
Got it. We'll make sure he doesn't get anywhere near Edelgard.
link Monica
Not unless Her Majesty wants him close! If she wishes to confront him herself, then we must not interfere.
link Shez
Oh, uh...right.
link Shez
Oh, uh...right.
link Shez
OK, but I doubt he'll even show his face.
link Shez
OK, but I doubt he'll even show his face.
link Monica
Then don't come crying to me when he catches you off guard. I'll be counting on you if the time comes!
link Manuela
All I've done is fight for more than two years. I've hardly had an opportunity to find that special someone.
link Manuela
And now here we are...
link Shez
Sorry. People must be blind if they're turning a blind eye to your charm.
link Shez
Sorry. People must be blind if they're turning a blind eye to your charm.
link Manuela
You're the only one who recognizes it at all. What a cruel world.
link Shez
Yeah, same here... Er, nevermind.
link Shez
Yeah, same here... Er, nevermind.
link Manuela
Yes, I would appreciate it if you didn't compare yourself to me when you still have so many years ahead of you.
link Jeritza
At last, we will finally annihilate those who slither in the dark.
link Jeritza
There were times I had to fight alongside them after the emperor hired me.
link Jeritza
But they truly make my blood boil. I will crush them like the insects they are.
link Jeritza
I warn you. Do not get in my way.
link Constance
Do you have need of me? Perhaps you wish me to aid you at Garreg Mach?
link Constance
Feel free to use me as a decoy, or make me pretend to surrender, or have me sabotage them from underground. I care not what I do.
link Shez
Nobody's gonna ask you to do anything like that. We just want you to fight with us normally.
link Shez
Nobody's gonna ask you to do anything like that. We just want you to fight with us normally.
link Constance
Is that so? Well, I am your pawn to do with as you wish.
link Shez
Wait, sabotage? Are you plotting something?
link Shez
Wait, sabotage? Are you plotting something?
link Constance
Not really. I just have a talent for destruction, after all my failed experiments.
link Hapi
Garreg Mach's smack dab in the middle of Fódlan, right?
link Hapi
I know it's got historical significance, but is it really worth sacrificing so many lives over?
link Shez
It's a huge building, probably with some crazy catacombs underneath. Who knows what kind of secrets might be hiding down there.
link Shez
It's a huge building, probably with some crazy catacombs underneath. Who knows what kind of secrets might be hiding down there.
link Hapi
You think so too, huh? There definitely were some suspicious passages beneath the monastery.
link Shez
It's a holy site, and the church has their believers to consider. They can't afford to lose it.
link Shez
It's a holy site, and the church has their believers to consider. They can't afford to lose it.
link Hapi
Couldn't they just give up and build a monastery somewhere else? Though I guess that's easier said than done.
link Ashe
I've been thinking about what justice really means ever since I left Faerghus.
link Ashe
And I still haven't figured it out. I wonder if I ever will.
link Shez
You'll work out what it means to you someday, even if it's a struggle now.
link Shez
You'll work out what it means to you someday, even if it's a struggle now.
link Ashe
Thanks, [HERO_MF].
link Shez
Maybe you won't. Maybe justice doesn't mean one thing to you.
link Shez
Maybe you won't. Maybe justice doesn't mean one thing to you.
link Ashe
Even if that's true, I'm still going to try to figure it out. I need to know why I'm following this path.
link Lorenz
I suspected a rift would eventually occur, but I did not predict Claude would betray us so soon.
link Lorenz
What is to become of me? I am loyal to the Empire, but my territory is in Leicester.
link Lorenz
I may be forever mired in this predicament if the Empire fails to unify Fódlan.
link Lorenz
The Alliance is pursuing the Kingdom army. I only hope they emerge victorious.
link Shez
Let me guess, you're worried about your old buddies?
link Shez
Let me guess, you're worried about your old buddies?
link Lorenz
Yes. They are completely lost without me, you see.
link Shez
So what, you wanna go back to them now?
link Shez
So what, you wanna go back to them now?
link Lorenz
No, but I am concerned about how they'll get by without me.
link Ignatz
I think this battle is going to mark a major turning point in Fódlan's history.
link Ignatz
It's overwhelming to think that I'll be a part of that.
link Ignatz
If I survive, I want to paint a picture of the battle.
link Ignatz
I feel like somehow it's my duty to do so.
link Balthus
We might have more fighting to do after this, but I've got a feeling...
link Balthus
This next battle's gonna determine Fódlan's future.
link Balthus
You should probably start thinking about your next steps. Y'know, what you're gonna do once the fighting's over.
link Raphael
I know it's kinda late to bring this up, but I don't agree with how we've been fighting.
link Raphael
You must feel the same way, right? C'mon, you can tell me.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm not a fan. We don't exactly show mercy to our enemies.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm not a fan. We don't exactly show mercy to our enemies.
link Raphael
Maybe...but it's not like we're the only ones doing that. That's just war, you know?
link Shez
Then what do you have a problem with?
link Shez
Then what do you have a problem with?
link Raphael
We fight all day, but never get to party! Edelgard just doesn't get it.
link Shez
I dunno about that. I feel like everyone here accepts me for who I am. What more could I really ask for?
link Shez
I dunno about that. I feel like everyone here accepts me for who I am. What more could I really ask for?
link Raphael
Nah, people'll take a strong fighter like you in wherever you go. That's not what I'm talking about.
link Shez
Then what do you have a problem with?
link Shez
Then what do you have a problem with?
link Raphael
We fight all day, but never get to party! Edelgard just doesn't get it.
link Lysithea
If those who slither in the dark are trying to wipe out the emperor and the archbishop at the same time...
link Lysithea
Then we have to win, no matter what. We should also expect their leader to show up.
link Lysithea
The problem is, I won't be able to get the information I need during a chaotic fight.
link Lysithea
Which means I'll simply have to subdue them. They won't slip through my fingers!
link Marianne
I've cut off contact with my adoptive father for now, but I believe I will return home someday.
link Marianne
So I want to fight as hard as I can alongside all of you while I'm here.
link Marianne
This will be a significant battle for Fódlan's future, after all.
link Yuri
The Minister of Religious Affairs... Oh right, he's a bishop now. In any case, Count Varley is currently holed up in Garreg Mach, right?
link Yuri
Personally, I'd love to hear him cry like a stuck pig.
link Yuri
But I suppose with the way things are, we have no choice but to rescue him.
link Shez
Did something happen between you two? I had no idea you even knew each other.
link Shez
Did something happen between you two? I had no idea you even knew each other.
link Yuri
He put me through a great deal of pain a long time ago. It was my own fault, but still.
link Yuri
I just can't believe there wasn't anyone else more suited to act as the Southern Church's bishop.
link Yuri
As a believer, I have more than a few reservations about someone like him heading the church.
link Yuri
I hope all our great leaders will take that into consideration after the war.
link Shez
Give it up. If Garreg Mach fell, everything we've fought for would be meaningless.
link Shez
Give it up. If Garreg Mach fell, everything we've fought for would be meaningless.
link Yuri
Yes, I am well aware. I know how to separate my personal feelings from my work.
link Yuri
I just can't believe there wasn't anyone else more suited to act as the Southern Church's bishop.
link Yuri
As a believer, I have more than a few reservations about someone like him heading the church.
link Yuri
I hope all our great leaders will take that into consideration after the war.
link Mercedes
Ingrid and Sylvain were both dear friends to me.
link Mercedes
They fought so bravely to protect what they believed in.
link Mercedes
I'm...not sure I could ever do that, myself. That's why I think they were so incredible.
link Mercedes
Annie, Ingrid, and Sylvain were all my dear friends.
link Mercedes
They fought so bravely to protect what they believed in.
link Mercedes
I'm...not sure I could ever do that, myself. That's why I think they were so incredible.
link Shamir
The Knights of Seiros weren't out in full force at Ailell.
link Shamir
The rest of them must've been on their way to Garreg Mach.
link Shamir
Keep a close eye on the emperor. They'll try anything.
link Byleth
I'm glad you and Edelgard made it back unharmed.
link Byleth
I was so confused when you got caught in that strange magic and vanished.
link Shez
Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I attacked you.
link Shez
Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I attacked you.
link Byleth
Don't worry about it. I know you weren't in control of yourself.
link Shez
Thanks for not cutting me down even though I attacked you.
link Shez
Thanks for not cutting me down even though I attacked you.
link Byleth
You didn't seem to be in control of yourself. And I couldn't just kill an ally.
link Byleth
I'm glad you and Edelgard made it back unharmed.
link Byleth
I was so confused when you got caught in that strange magic and vanished.
link Shez
Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I attacked you.
link Shez
Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I attacked you.
link Byleth
Don't worry about it. I know you weren't in control of yourself.
link Shez
Thanks for not cutting me down even though I attacked you.
link Shez
Thanks for not cutting me down even though I attacked you.
link Byleth
You didn't seem to be in control of yourself. And I couldn't just kill an ally.
link Jeralt
Hey, you don't know anything about when you were born, right?
link Jeralt
Hope nothing weird happened to you back then. Though...I have my concerns.
link Shez
I don't remember anything prior to my mom finding me. Not where I was, or what I was doing. Nothing.
link Shez
I don't remember anything prior to my mom finding me. Not where I was, or what I was doing. Nothing.
link Shez
So I have no idea what happened to me in the past.
link Shez
So I have no idea what happened to me in the past.
link Jeralt
Well, that's not just you. No one can remember things from when they were that young.
link Jeralt
If there was only a way we could find out more.
link Shez
I'm not worried about it. It might be hard to believe, but I feel completely normal right now.
link Shez
I'm not worried about it. It might be hard to believe, but I feel completely normal right now.
link Jeralt
You really expect me to buy that? If there was only a way we could find out more...
link Leonie
I always thought a mercenary just had to do exactly what their employer said.
link Leonie
But I still find myself wondering what my reasons are for fighting, or what'll happen to my allies if we lose.
link Leonie
What about you? Do you ever think about that stuff? Or do you just focus on fighting?
link Shez
Yeah, I think about it. Especially now that I have my own troops.
link Shez
Yeah, I think about it. Especially now that I have my own troops.
link Leonie
Huh... Well, it's good to know I'm not the only one. OK, I feel like I can see this fight through now.
link Shez
I focus solely on fighting when I'm in battle. Letting my mind wander could leave me open to the enemy.
link Shez
I focus solely on fighting when I'm in battle. Letting my mind wander could leave me open to the enemy.
link Leonie
Huh... Yeah, that's true. OK, I'm gonna concentrate on my fighting too!
link ???
A struggle at Garreg Mach... Hmm. Oh, sorry, just thinking out loud.
link ???
It might surprise you, but I used to do tons of business there a long time ago.
link ???
So I used to see people from the Central Church all the time. That's all.
link Alois
Garreg Mach has many tunnels that lead outside the mountains, and plenty of secret passages that we don't even know about.
link Alois
Needless to say, Lady Rhea knows the layout of the monastery like the back of her hand.
link Alois
Add in another enemy force and who knows what might happen?
link Alois
We better make sure we're fully prepared. Good luck out there, [HERO_MF]!
link Fleche
I heard that you avenged Randolph, so I rushed over as fast as I could.
link Fleche
Thank you. I am certain he will rest peacefully now.
link Fleche
But... I was so focused on getting revenge, I have no idea what to do with myself now.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
I wonder who's guarding my old gate now.
link Gatekeeper
I'm dying to know, but I can't leave my post to join the rescue.
link Gatekeeper
Would you drop by and find out for me? Pleeease?
link Arval
We have nothing more to fear, [HERO_MF].
link Arval
No matter who or what you face, we will be able to save this world.
link Arval
Now, let us be off. We shall fight till the bitter end.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Yep, I called it. I knew you were going places.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Now I can just follow your lead and try not to get killed.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
You know what they say. The better things're goin', the more arrows come your way.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I honestly don't know if I have the guts to turn my sword against the archbishop—er, I mean, Rhea.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But if those are my orders, then I must carry out my duty as an Imperial general.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I just really hope we don't get hit with some kinda divine retribution for capturing or killing her.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I do hope the bishop is all right.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If perchance he were to pass away, I wonder who would take his place in the Southern Church.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
No, no, that is most inappropriate to say. Right now we must focus on rescuing him!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Let's get a move on, Commander! I've got friends defending Garreg Mach!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I don't care if we're squaring off with those awful dark mages or the Knights of Seiros.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We're definitely gonna win! Right?!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My sincerest apologies for not noticing the archbishop's movements.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
By the time I realized what was happening, her forces were already marching on Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But at least they were hindered somewhat when that third force arrived and caused so much confusion. It was helpful, in a way.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Death shall not come for you in this battle. The stars have decreed it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though they do get things wrong sometimes.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
At the very least, you should steer clear of bridges. It would appear you are in danger of falling.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Baron Barnabas, the general in charge of Garreg Mach, is an upstanding, amiable fellow.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He would defend the monastery with his life if it came to it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But we must make sure that doesn't happen. The Empire would also suffer a grave loss were he to die.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I never expected the Alliance to break our pact and attack us.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I know their leader Claude is a bit of a schemer, but I didn't think he was the type to make a reckless gamble.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
What could've driven him to do that?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm so relieved the Alliance hasn't done anything suspicious.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Their leader Claude is noted for his schemes. It is not out of the realm of possibility he would try something.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But with all our forces gathered like this, I don't think there's any cause for concern. Unless something drastic happens.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I was actually born in the town underneath Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I was worried when the Empire first took over, but...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Day-to-day life hardly changed there at all.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If anything, I hear business has picked up. Not that it affects me.