Leonie: It could spell trouble for us.
Dimitri: We can trust her.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It really pisses me off.
Metodey: Lonato...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I heard about the Alliance.
Yuri: As you're aware...
Byleth: Hmm.
Jeritza: Ugh...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's all so annoying.
Arval: I shall act with you for the time being.
Matthias: It is rather comfortable here.
Anaximandros: Jeralt's Mercenaries...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: What do you want?
???: Time to do some business.
???: Count Rowe...
???: What a blunder.
???: I can't imagine we'd have any issues.
???: I'll never be satisfied.
???: I can't stand him.
???: Those mercs were tough.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's terribly vexing.
???: I heard what happened.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'll be wishing for your success!
Kostas: I about keeled over.
Kostas: I about keeled over.
Rufus: I cannot help but wonder...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It is chilling my heart.
Rufus: It's all so complicated.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am in relief.
Rufus: It's all so complicated.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I can only continue fighting.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Have you heard?
link Felix
Hey, [HERO_MF]. Have you heard?
link Felix
There's a tactical research facility up and running now. I guess the boar arranged it.
link Felix
Mastering swordsmanship isn't enough to win wars. Go and take a look at the new facility when you can.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It really pisses me off.
link Shez
Tactics are essential to any victory. I should keep them in mind as I prepare.
link Shez
Tactics are essential to any victory. I should keep them in mind as I prepare.
link Dimitri
It was fortunate that Count Rowe surrendered so swiftly. We did not sustain many losses.
link Dimitri
I have my own opinion on the count's views, but I must admit that he took the needs of his people into careful consideration.
link Dimitri
No... I ought not speak these words, having pressed him to surrender. Forget I said anything.
link Dimitri
If Cornelia is truly the one who took him... That would spell trouble for us indeed.
link Dedue
We can trust Duke Ifan.
link Dedue
Though she is aged, she is deeply loyal to the royal family, and importantly, she instructed Gustave in tactics.
link Shez
No kidding, she taught Gustave? She sounds incredible!
link Shez
No kidding, she taught Gustave? She sounds incredible!
link Dedue
Yes. His Majesty has often sought her counsel on governance and strategy.
link Dedue
Anything could still occur, though. We must be prepared for the unexpected.
link Shez
It's definitely reassuring to have someone like that in the royal capital with Gustave.
link Shez
It's definitely reassuring to have someone like that in the royal capital with Gustave.
link Dedue
Indeed. Both the soldiers and the citizens of the royal capital will be satisfied with the arrangement.
link Dedue
Anything could still occur, though. We must be prepared for the unexpected.
link Felix
Tch. There's so much that fool neglected to tell us. It really pisses me off.
link Felix
Per usual, I have absolutely no idea what's rattling around inside his skull.
link Felix
If he thinks he's the only one who will lose face over this, he's a greater fool than I gave him credit for.
link Felix
Who knew royalty could be so annoying.
link Ashe
His Majesty's told me before that everyone has something they can't accept.
link Ashe
I guess for Lonato, it was the church and Lady Rhea.
link Ashe
But he never said anything to me about resenting them.
link Ashe
On the contrary, he enrolled me in the Officers Academy, which is run by the church. And I became a Kingdom knight because of it.
link Ashe
I'll have to think more on the subject myself. It's my responsibility... I took his life, after all.
link Sylvain
When His Majesty came to me saying he wanted to give Miklan a role in the army, I just about keeled over from surprise.
link Sylvain
My brother put me through a lot when we were kids. Even after we'd grown up, if I'm being honest.
link Sylvain
But the Kingdom needs him right now, both militarily and politically.
link Shez
What do you mean they "need" him?
link Shez
What do you mean they "need" him?
link Sylvain
He's proof that someone without a Crest can rise up in the world. And he shows that even a scoundrel with a checkered past can atone for their misdeeds.
link Sylvain
That's the role His Majesty wants him to fulfill. In other words, he serves as a necessary symbol.
link Sylvain
I actually think my brother could be useful to us. My father taught him everything he knows, after all.
link Shez
Are you sure you're OK fighting alongside him? If he's really done that much to you, I mean.
link Shez
Are you sure you're OK fighting alongside him? If he's really done that much to you, I mean.
link Sylvain
They're keeping an eye on him. And besides, I'm not the same defenseless kid I was all those years ago. I can handle myself.
link Sylvain
I actually think my brother could be useful to us. My father taught him everything he knows, after all.
link Mercedes
Dorothea was one of the Black Eagles. I spoke with her on numerous occasions when we were at the Officers Academy.
link Mercedes
She certainly had strong feelings about things.
link Mercedes
Even so, I cannot help but wonder if there wasn't some way we could've avoided taking her life...
link Mercedes
I am so very reluctant to fight any of our old friends from the academy.
link Mercedes
It's all well and good if we can convince them to join us...
link Mercedes
But in the end, we're still making them bend to our will. They might not want it at all.
link Mercedes
We're essentially forcing them to choose between death or betraying their friends and family. It feels cruel.
link Annette
I heard the Alliance is having a real tough time in this war, too.
link Annette
The Great Bridge of Myrddin fell, and Count Gloucester swore his allegiance to the Empire.
link Annette
We're doing fine enough for now, ourselves, but there's no telling what might happen in the future.
link Annette
Anyway, let's make sure we're as ready as we can be for the next fight!
link Shez
Hey, we've gotta focus. The Empire could pivot at any moment and pour all their efforts into the western front.
link Shez
Hey, we've gotta focus. The Empire could pivot at any moment and pour all their efforts into the western front.
link Annette
Right. I guess all we can do for now is try and kick our training into high gear.
link Annette
Anyway, let's make sure we're as ready as we can be for the next fight!
link Shez
Hah, it'll all work out in the end. We've been doing great so far.
link Shez
Hah, it'll all work out in the end. We've been doing great so far.
link Annette
I guess you're right, but... I wonder...
link Annette
Anyway, let's make sure we're as ready as we can be for the next fight!
link Ingrid
As you're aware, Sylvain and I have known each other since we were very young.
link Ingrid
Back in the day, he would occasionally show up with bruises and other injuries on his face and body.
link Ingrid
Whenever I would ask him about it, he'd just say that he got hit during training or something. But I knew what was really going on...
link Ingrid
I logically understand why His Majesty gave Miklan an appointment. And more importantly, Sylvain agreed to it.
link Ingrid
But I... I don't think I can accept it quite so easily.
link Ingrid
Perhaps people can change. But they can never wash away their past sins.
link Ingrid
I am keenly aware of this myself.
link Ingrid
As you're aware, Sylvain and I had known each other since we were very young.
link Ingrid
Back in the day, he would occasionally show up with bruises and other injuries on his face and body.
link Ingrid
Whenever I would ask him about it, he'd just say that he got hit during training or something. But I knew what was really going on...
link Ingrid
I logically understand why His Majesty gave Miklan an appointment. And more importantly, Sylvain agreed to it.
link Ingrid
But even if Sylvain is gone now...I don't think I can accept it quite so easily.
link Ingrid
Perhaps people can change. But they can never wash away their past sins.
link Ingrid
I am keenly aware of this myself.
link Rodrigue
The Empire is taking on our army in the west, and simultaneously battling with the Alliance to the east.
link Rodrigue
They also have renowned generals like Count Bergliez and Marquis Vestra in their command.
link Rodrigue
Speaking of the current marquis, I believe you and he were in the same cohort at the Officers Academy.
link Rodrigue
We must use the Empire's current easterly focus to create an advantage for ourselves.
link Rodrigue
Sending troops into former Arundel territory is one aspect of that plan. We must quickly dispatch the enemy troops targeting Arianrhod.
link Shez
Vestra? Oh yeah, I remember. He was in the Black Eagles. Hubert, right?
link Shez
Vestra? Oh yeah, I remember. He was in the Black Eagles. Hubert, right?
link Rodrigue
Correct. Much like the Kingdom, the Empire appears to be in the midst of passing the torch to the next generation.
link Rodrigue
We must use the Empire's current easterly focus to create an advantage for ourselves.
link Rodrigue
Sending troops into former Arundel territory is one aspect of that plan. We must quickly dispatch the enemy troops targeting Arianrhod.
link Shez
Vestra? Hmm, nope, don't remember. I didn't really interact much with people from the other houses.
link Shez
Vestra? Hmm, nope, don't remember. I didn't really interact much with people from the other houses.
link Rodrigue
Well, that's understandable. His name is Hubert, if I'm not mistaken.
link Rodrigue
We must use the Empire's current easterly focus to create an advantage for ourselves.
link Rodrigue
Sending troops into former Arundel territory is one aspect of that plan. We must quickly dispatch the enemy troops targeting Arianrhod.
link Dorothea
I didn't want to fight at all. But I did so for Edie.
link Dorothea
But now I've surrendered to keep myself alive. What other choice did I have?
link Dorothea
I'm not sure I can bring myself to fight for Faerghus. Not with my whole heart anyway, but if I have to, I'll do it to hasten the end of this war.
link Dorothea
I am a songstress. No matter the stage, I swear I will play my role to the hilt. And I will be glorious.
link Shez
You don't have to force yourself, Dorothea. I can talk to Dimitri for you if you feel like you can't fight for the Kingdom.
link Shez
You don't have to force yourself, Dorothea. I can talk to Dimitri for you if you feel like you can't fight for the Kingdom.
link Dorothea
Thank you, but I'm fine. I have to take responsibility for my decisions.
link Dorothea
I am a songstress. No matter the stage, I swear I will play my role to the hilt. And I will be glorious.
link Shez
Just stay focused on what's ahead, Dorothea. Everyone's got their own reasons for fighting.
link Shez
Just stay focused on what's ahead, Dorothea. Everyone's got their own reasons for fighting.
link Shez
Some do it for money, some do it for fame. You should figure out the reasons that make sense to you.
link Shez
Some do it for money, some do it for fame. You should figure out the reasons that make sense to you.
link Dorothea
Hehe, right. I'll do that and try to focus on what's ahead, instead of languishing in the past.
link Dorothea
I am a songstress. No matter the stage, I swear I will play my role to the hilt. And I will be glorious.
link Petra
I never was having hesitation to fight the Empire.
link Petra
But then to be crossing blades with classmates is chilling my heart.
link Petra
We had no choice but to be taking Dorothea's life. It is so cruel.
link Shez
We all take to the battlefield knowing full well what could happen. That's just kinda how this goes.
link Shez
We all take to the battlefield knowing full well what could happen. That's just kinda how this goes.
link Petra
Yes, I am understanding that, because we are having no choice but to fight.
link Shez
It's obvious to me because I used to be a mercenary. But from a normal person's perspective, I can see how you'd feel that way.
link Shez
It's obvious to me because I used to be a mercenary. But from a normal person's perspective, I can see how you'd feel that way.
link Petra
I am wondering if monarchs rule similarly. I am sensing the same coldness from Dimitri.
link Petra
I never was having hesitation to fight the Empire.
link Petra
But then to be crossing blades with classmates is chilling my heart.
link Petra
I am in relief we did not have to be hurting Dorothea. I was having to decide whether to be taking her life.
link Petra
I am having much joy that we can be fighting alongside each other again.
link Petra
But I could be losing that at any moment. It is the hard truth of war.
link Petra
I can only continue fighting. For myself, and for Brigid.
link Hapi
Too much stuff is happening and all of it is annoying.
link Hapi
That Cornelia lady or whoever? She's up to no good, I'm telling you. I wonder if she's...that lady...
link Shez
That lady? Do you know something about her?
link Shez
That lady? Do you know something about her?
link Hapi
Nah, I just feel like...I might've met her a long time ago.
link Shez
Yeah, it's troubling that a former court mage might be committing such evil deeds.
link Shez
Yeah, it's troubling that a former court mage might be committing such evil deeds.
link Hapi
A former court mage, huh? Hmm, yeah, maybe so... Ugh, what a pain.
link Seteth
I have just informed Lady Rhea of the battle's progress. She has directed me to continue obeying the king's orders.
link Seteth
And so, I shall be acting alongside all of you for the time being. Of course, you may count me among your military forces as well.
link Seteth
By the by, do you know anything about the leader of Jeralt's Mercenaries?
link Shez
He's a veteran mercenary called the Blade Breaker. He's got a head for tactics and valor to spare.
link Shez
He's a veteran mercenary called the Blade Breaker. He's got a head for tactics and valor to spare.
link Seteth
Hmm, indeed. That man once led the Knights of Seiros.
link Seteth
It is lamentable that a man of his caliber should now be an enemy of the church.
link Shez
I've got some business with that group of mercs, but I don't know much about their leader.
link Shez
I've got some business with that group of mercs, but I don't know much about their leader.
link Seteth
Hmm, I see. Their leader is a man called Jeralt, and he once led the Knights of Seiros.
link Seteth
It is lamentable that a man of his caliber should now be an enemy of the church.
link Flayn
Many of the church people in Camulus are advanced in age, so there is little lively discussion to be had.
link Flayn
On the other hand, there are many young folk in the Kingdom army, and they are quite spirited. It makes for a rather comfortable atmosphere.
link Flayn
Although it would be even better if we did not have to go into battle at all.
link Flayn
In truth, I would have enrolled in the Officers Academy if this war had never broken out.
link Catherine
Jeralt's Mercenaries, huh?
link Catherine
A while back, a guy called Jeralt served as captain of the Knights of the Seiros...
link Catherine
But I never would've guessed he'd leave the knights and end up a wandering mercenary.
link Catherine
The guy quit more than twenty years ago, but apparently he's still just as tough as he was then. Impressive stuff, if you ask me.
link Catherine
They say those who inherit Crests from their ancestors tend to live long lives, and I guess he'd be your case in point.
link Miklan
Tch... What do you want?
link Miklan
I don't care if you dislike me, but if you try anything funny, I'll cut your throat myself.
link Miklan
I'm protecting Arianrhod for the time being. That's what the one holding my leash ordered me to do, at any rate.
link ???
Things are looking rough, which means it's time for me to do some business.
link ???
But don't worry! I'm not some war profiteer who prioritizes money over what's right.
link ???
Oh, can you say hi to the king for me?
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
So we're gonna hit Empire territory next, huh? I hear they've got some tough mercenaries with them.
link Gatekeeper
Promise you'll come back safe and sound, OK? I'm wishing each and every one of you the greatest success in battle!
link Arval
Circumstances dictate how people act. As such, I believe things are about to get much more difficult for you.
link Arval
Though perhaps that will be a welcome change for someone of your caliber.
link Arval
You will undoubtedly face the Ashen Demon again. I do hope you'll emerge victorious this time.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Count Rowe from Arianrhod originally didn't have any children.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Apparently, he took notice of some talented young lad who was a distant relative and adopted him.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But the boy caused problems at the Officers Academy and was summarily cut off. I wonder if this means House Rowe's lineage has come to an end...
link Viscount Belinus
I am Yvette, head of House Belinus. I have heard quite a bit about you.
link Viscount Belinus
Actually, my own house was in charge of Count Rowe's escort.
link Viscount Belinus
However, we were attacked by a group of strangers, though I know not if they were affiliated with anyone. I've come to report the details to His Majesty.
link Viscount Belinus
I've only just inherited my title, too. I cannot believe I made such a blunder so soon after.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I can't say it's any wonder that people find Commander Miklan suspect. He's got a checkered past, you know.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
In the unlikely event he does anything untoward, His Majesty has ordered us to promptly detain and execute him.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My unit has numerous elite soldiers, you see, including those with Crests like myself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I can't imagine we'd have any issue taking him, should it come to that. Ah, but I don't think there's any reason to worry.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We'll be on Empire-controlled lands from this point forward, as we head into former Arundel territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Apparently, the former Lord Arundel was intimately involved in the Tragedy of Duscur.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I don't want the Empire to eliminate him. I want them to get to the truth of the matter.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I will never be satisfied until they do. I'm from Duscur, you see, and I lost my brother.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My parents were murdered by bandits when I was a child. They attacked out of nowhere, and my mother...she...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That's why I cannot stand that bandit Miklan being here, and as a general, no less.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It doesn't matter if he's skilled, or if he's from a noble house. To give such an appointment to a guy like that...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Jeralt's Mercenaries were real tough when we fought them at Magdred.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Imperial army hired them, right? We'll probably be fighting them again soon.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Really not looking forward to any of this. I'm not ready to die yet.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We are proceeding with the investigation into Count Rowe's escort unit.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
As His Majesty intimated, we've found Cornelia and the western nobles to be potential suspects.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We lack conclusive proof at present, however. Count Rowe's actual whereabouts also remain unknown.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We would soon find out if we attacked the west, but we cannot act without sufficient evidence.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Commander, I heard that Count Rowe was kidnapped during his escort.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We have no idea why he was taken...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I know it's unlikely, but I'm terribly worried about our caravan getting attacked. Please hurry and apprehend the culprits!
link ???
We're rethinking our strategy. Please wait until we're ready to begin the attack.
link ???
Here we research the latest and greatest tactics ever to grace the field of battle.
link ???
If our findings pique your interest, I would be delighted to assist you. How about it?