Gustave: Thank you.
Constance: He has merely taken one step.
Viscount Albany: Ugh, this is the worst.
Pittacus: I'd been pretty anxious.
: I was flabbergasted.
Shez: Could you teach me?
Chilon: I want the war to end.
Adrienne: Jeralt's Mercenaries...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: You act like his older sister.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: He should be fine now.
Viscount Fenja: How's he doing?
Miklan: I don't understand it.
Charon General: What a pain in the rear.
Tomas: It's all happening too fast.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Claude is a good hunter.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We are the only ones who survived.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's pretty scummy.
???: No skin off my nose.
???: Between you and me...
???: General Randolph...
???: The Kingdom might be stronger.
???: Nothing more than a footnote.
???: I can't complain.
???: They're very different.
???: I've visited the three territories...
???: The future hinges on what he does next.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm gonna keep this positivity going!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We are the only ones who survived.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's pretty scummy.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: What trials await me?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: What do you want?
link Claude
Hey, [HERO_MF]. I wanted to thank you again.
link Claude
You and Judith really let me have it after I let Randolph die.
link Claude
That gave me the push I needed to stop getting caught up in my own ideas and discuss them with people.
link Claude
I'm counting on you, you hear? And not just for your brawn, but your brains too.
link Shez
Thank me for what?
link Shez
Thank me for what?
link Claude
You've taken a weight off my shoulders. I'm grateful for that.
link Claude
You and Judith really let me have it after I let Randolph die.
link Claude
That gave me the push I needed to stop getting caught up in my own ideas and discuss them with people.
link Claude
I'm counting on you, you hear? And not just for your brawn, but your brains too.
link Shez
All righty. Not sure what you're talking about though.
link Shez
All righty. Not sure what you're talking about though.
link Claude
You've taken a weight off my shoulders. I'm grateful for that.
link Claude
You and Judith really let me have it after I let Randolph die.
link Claude
That gave me the push I needed to stop getting caught up in my own ideas and discuss them with people.
link Claude
I'm counting on you, you hear? And not just for your brawn, but your brains too.
link Claude
You and Judith really let me have it after I let Randolph die.
link Claude
That gave me the push I needed to stop getting caught up in my own ideas and discuss them with people.
link Claude
I'm counting on you, you hear? And not just for your brawn, but your brains too.
link Lorenz
Hmph. Well, I am certainly glad Claude abandoned that self-righteous attitude of his.
link Lorenz
However, he has yet to earn my full trust. This is but a mere step down the path to true kingship.
link Lorenz
I will be immensely disappointed if the coming battles do not mold him into the kind of king I want to serve.
link Lorenz
If that does not come to pass, it will be exceedingly difficult for me to accept his plans for Leicester.
link Hilda
I knew we'd eventually have to fight the Kingdom, but I really don't want to.
link Hilda
I've just been thinking of all the times I visited the Blue Lions classroom at the academy.
link Hilda
Wars are seriously the worst. I hope we can put an end to all this soon.
link Shez
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's never easy to fight people you know.
link Shez
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's never easy to fight people you know.
link Hilda
I already went through all this when we battled the Empire. Just thinking about having to do it again makes me sick to my stomach.
link Hilda
Wars are seriously the worst. I hope we can put an end to all this soon.
link Shez
Isn't it a little late for second thoughts? You've already fought against your friends in the Empire.
link Shez
Isn't it a little late for second thoughts? You've already fought against your friends in the Empire.
link Hilda
That's exactly why I feel sick about it. I've gone through it once already.
link Hilda
Wars are seriously the worst. I hope we can put an end to all this soon.
link Hilda
Wars are seriously the worst. I hope we can put an end to all this soon.
link Lysithea
I'd been pretty anxious to go against the Central Church.
link Lysithea
Everyone in my territory believes in the teachings of Seiros, even if they aren't all devout followers.
link Lysithea
Thank goodness there weren't any riots. I suppose that's all due to the bishop of the Eastern Church.
link Lysithea
Speaking of which, apparently Judith had a word with her before all this happened.
link Lysithea
I hear they've been good friends for a long time. That probably helped smooth things over too.
link Ignatz
I was flabbergasted that a commoner like me was allowed to participate in the roundtable.
link Ignatz
I guess we're really starting to see some changes now that we're the Federation.
link Shez
Yeah, it's hard to believe that commoners can have a say in the government.
link Shez
Yeah, it's hard to believe that commoners can have a say in the government.
link Ignatz
Yes. I need to get accustomed to espousing my own viewpoint as well, instead of just following orders.
link Shez
Claude held that roundtable on a whim. It's not like the rest of them will always be like that.
link Shez
Claude held that roundtable on a whim. It's not like the rest of them will always be like that.
link Shez
But at least it feels like commoners will have an easier time expressing their opinions.
link Shez
But at least it feels like commoners will have an easier time expressing their opinions.
link Ignatz
Yes. I need to get accustomed to espousing my own viewpoint as well, instead of just following orders.
link Ignatz
I was flabbergasted that a commoner like me was allowed to participate in the roundtable.
link Ignatz
I guess we're really starting to see some changes now that we're the Federation.
link Raphael
Hey, you're better at studying than me, right? Could you teach me how when you've got the time?
link Raphael
I've been wanting to get back to it. Y'know, since we didn't get to finish the school year at the academy.
link Raphael
I probably won't ever be as smart as the others, but I wanna make sure I'm not holding 'em back.
link Shez
Whoa, what's gotten into you, Raphael? You have a fever or something?
link Shez
Whoa, what's gotten into you, Raphael? You have a fever or something?
link Raphael
No, but I might once my brain gets going!
link Raphael
I probably won't ever be as smart as the others, but I wanna make sure I'm not holding 'em back.
link Shez
That's great, Raphael. I'll do whatever I can to help.
link Shez
That's great, Raphael. I'll do whatever I can to help.
link Raphael
Thanks! I get absolutely nowhere when I try to study on my own.
link Raphael
I probably won't ever be as smart as the others, but I wanna make sure I'm not holding 'em back.
link Raphael
I probably won't ever be as smart as the others, but I wanna make sure I'm not holding 'em back.
link Marianne
I cannot definitively say that Claude made a mistake during the battle in Ailell.
link Marianne
He sacrificed one person to ensure the rest of us would survive. If he hadn't done that, my friends might not be here today.
link Marianne
As long as the war continues, people will suffer. Both our enemies and our allies.
link Marianne
I think it's only natural to want to at least protect those closest to you.
link Marianne
But in truth, no one person's life is more valuable than another's. It is never right to sacrifice someone.
link Marianne
And so, all I can say is that I want the war to end as soon as possible. That is all.
link Leonie
Jeralt's Mercenaries should still be working for the Imperial army.
link Leonie
We might not get another chance to battle them now that we're fighting the Kingdom and the church.
link Leonie
Wait a sec. We might fight alongside the Imperial army at some point.
link Leonie
Which means we could end up fighting with them as allies! That would be amazing.
link Shez
Yeah, you're right. I'm not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed.
link Shez
Yeah, you're right. I'm not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed.
link Leonie
Wait a sec. We might fight alongside the Imperial army at some point.
link Leonie
Which means we could end up fighting with them as allies! That would be amazing.
link Shez
I wouldn't say that. Mercenaries can always change employers, so we don't know for certain they won't ally with the Kingdom.
link Shez
I wouldn't say that. Mercenaries can always change employers, so we don't know for certain they won't ally with the Kingdom.
link Leonie
Sure, but I doubt the Empire would let such a valuable asset go.
link Leonie
Wait a sec. We might fight alongside the Imperial army at some point.
link Leonie
Which means we could end up fighting with them as allies! That would be amazing.
link Leonie
Wait a sec. We might fight alongside the Imperial army at some point.
link Leonie
Which means we could end up fighting with them as allies! That would be amazing.
link Shamir
How's our leader holding up? Or I guess I should call him "king" now.
link Shamir
It was a tough call to sacrifice his allies like that. But he can't start second-guessing himself because of it.
link Shamir
Because if he makes a mistake, we're all dead.
link Shez
No worries there. He got the message loud and clear.
link Shez
No worries there. He got the message loud and clear.
link Shamir
I certainly hope so.
link Shamir
Because if he makes a mistake, we're all dead.
link Shez
He could still slide in that direction, but we really let him have it. I'm sure he'll be fine.
link Shez
He could still slide in that direction, but we really let him have it. I'm sure he'll be fine.
link Shamir
I certainly hope so.
link Shamir
Because if he makes a mistake, we're all dead.
link Shamir
Because if he makes a mistake, we're all dead.
link Linhardt
I don't understand people who choose to bicker about the whys and hows of battle when the outcome is always the same.
link Linhardt
No matter what choices are made, blood will always be shed and countless lives will always be lost.
link Linhardt
In my opinion, people have an unfortunate tendency to overthink the means while woefully underthinking the ends.
link Shez
But the ends don't always justify the means. Bigger problems'll come up if we only focus on the results without reflecting on the methods used.
link Shez
But the ends don't always justify the means. Bigger problems'll come up if we only focus on the results without reflecting on the methods used.
link Linhardt
Perhaps, but my point remains the same. No matter what means we use or ends we seek, this is war. People will suffer, and people will die.
link Shez
You've got a point, yeah. The nice thing is, Claude's keeping his door open for anyone who has something to say. Trust me, I've already spoken my mind.
link Shez
You've got a point, yeah. The nice thing is, Claude's keeping his door open for anyone who has something to say. Trust me, I've already spoken my mind.
link Linhardt
Good for you. I, however, have no desire to question our leader—only all the worry surrounding his decisions. The end result is the same either way.
link Linhardt
I don't understand people who choose to bicker about the whys and hows of battle when the outcome is always the same.
link Linhardt
No matter what choices are made, blood will always be shed and countless lives will always be lost.
link Balthus
You know, the longer I'm in this army, the more I run into people I don't want to see.
link Balthus
It'd be bad news if they figured out where I am...
link Shez
Hah, you're talking about debt collectors, right? I'm happy to help pay off a bit of what you owe.
link Shez
Hah, you're talking about debt collectors, right? I'm happy to help pay off a bit of what you owe.
link Balthus
A "bit" isn't gonna do much, you know. I don't think you appreciate just how up to my eyeballs in debt I am.
link Balthus
Anyway, that's not what I'm talking about. It's people from my old home.
link Balthus
But let's just forget about all that. Wanna go grab some food? Your treat, of course.
link Shez
Hah, let me guess. You busted someone up. I can help mediate any fights if you want.
link Shez
Hah, let me guess. You busted someone up. I can help mediate any fights if you want.
link Balthus
Nah, I like my brawls big and loud. I don't care how many buddies my opponent brings, I'll take 'em all down.
link Balthus
Anyway, that's not what I'm talking about. It's people from my old home.
link Balthus
But let's just forget about all that. Wanna go grab some food? Your treat, of course.
link Balthus
You know, the longer I'm in this army, the more I run into people I don't want to see.
link Balthus
It'd be bad news if they figured out where I am...
link Bernadetta
A bunch of stuff changed all at once and now I have no clue what's going on.
link Bernadetta
Why can't our enemies just stay the same?! I can't keep up.
link Bernadetta
Why can't our enemies just stay the same?! I can't keep up.
link Bernadetta
Don't say it! I know, I know. You're right. It's my fault for shutting myself away!
link Bernadetta
Don't say it! I know, I know. You're right. It's my fault for shutting myself away!
link Petra
The easiest time to be hunting a mighty beast is when it is stalking other prey.
link Petra
Then you can be hunting both together. Claude is thinking like a good hunter.
link Petra
But people here are thinking this strategy is not good? In Brigid, we would be giving him praise.
link Constance
The fact that I alone survived must mean the goddess has yet more trials for me.
link Constance
Is there no way to escape this ceaseless torment?
link Shez
What do you even want me to say? That death is the only escape? You're free to think whatever you want.
link Shez
What do you even want me to say? That death is the only escape? You're free to think whatever you want.
link Constance
So you are essentially telling me to find my own answer. How cruel.
link Shez
The only way to get through this is to focus on staying alive. That's what's helped me at least.
link Shez
The only way to get through this is to focus on staying alive. That's what's helped me at least.
link Constance
In other words, there is no escape. You see no respite even for yourself.
link Constance
The fact that I alone survived must mean the goddess has yet more trials for me.
link Hapi
What do you want from me? I'm not any use to anyone.
link Hapi
And now Coco's dead.
link Hapi
Oh, sorry. I know stuff like that happens all the time in war. There's not much to do about it.
link Hapi
I'm not particularly loyal to any region, so feel free to toss me into battle against whoever.
link ???
I've been dashing all around Fódlan for work.
link ???
But it's gotten harder to get into the Kingdom.
link ???
Well, the Kingdom's not great for business anyway, so it's no skin off my nose.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Maybe it's just my imagination, but everyone's a lot more chipper now. That's great!
link Gatekeeper
I'm gonna do my best to keep this positivity going!
link Arval
It's quite difficult to get people to band together for a common cause.
link Arval
Each person is their own entity, which means they have differing desires and goals.
link Arval
And yet, since ancient times people have thought it wise to try and unify all those viewpoints under a single king.
link Arval
I wonder how long it will be until we break free from that custom.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My lord, Baron Albrecht, has an older brother who's gone missing.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
His mother is offering quite a tidy sum to anyone who finds him, dead or alive.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He is the son of a previous wife, so I imagine the baron's mother thinks he poses a threat to their position.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard that General Randolph was actually the nephew of Count Bergliez, the Empire's Minister of Military Affairs.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And that he'd been trying to elevate his family's position through his military accomplishments.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I think his younger sister is in the Imperial army too. She must be devastated right now.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Opinion is split on whether the Empire or the Kingdom is stronger.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Empire wins is terms of pure military might, but the Kingdom has a strong tradition of knighthood that makes them formidable in their own right.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Plus, they have the Knights of Seiros on their side. They won't be an easy opponent.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
This change from Alliance to Federation will be but a tiny footnote in Fódlan's long history.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Leicester used to be under the Empire's control, but then the Kingdom took them over. Eventually they rebelled and became independent.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
So it would hardly be a surprise if the Federation now expanded further into the Kingdom.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Our employer Erwin ordered us to look after his son.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
All while he's off fishing on the Great Bridge of Myrddin without a care in the world.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wish my life was that free and easy. But the pay is good, so I guess I can't complain.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Eastern Church doesn't keep an order of knights because we do not believe in using force to chastise our believers.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
House Nilsson is charged with keeping order within church territory. They have forbidden the use of any soldiers, even for self-defense.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I hope it is now abundantly clear how different we are from the Central Church.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I traveled through the three territories on the western edge of Leicester. They were rife with chaos.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though apparently the nobles have started working to restore public order.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Can't say I know what changed their attitudes so suddenly.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I had been in the Empire until I heard the Alliance recently became the Federation.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I came hoping to see what interesting things might occur.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I have a feeling that Fódlan's future hinges on what King Claude does next.
link Judith
I'm glad to see His Majesty's in a much better mood. He should be fine now.
link Holst
Hah, you act like his older sister.
link Judith
Older sister, eh? You flatter me.
link Judith
I'm glad to see His Majesty's in a much better mood. He should be fine now.
link Holst
Hah, you act like his older sister.
link Judith
Older sister, eh? You flatter me.
link Judith
I'm glad to see His Majesty's in a much better mood. He should be fine now.
link Holst
Hah, you act like his older sister.
link Judith
Older sister, eh? You flatter me.
link Shez
She strikes me as more of a mother figure. She's got this maternal love thing going on.
link Shez
She strikes me as more of a mother figure. She's got this maternal love thing going on.
link Judith
Hah, it's true. I'm certainly always scolding him like a parent.
link Holst
The mere thought makes me think of His Majesty's true mother...Lady Tiana. She was a woman of exceptional beauty.
link Holst
And if I recall correctly, she was a close friend of yours, Judith.
link Judith
That's an understatement. We were like sisters. I could talk to Tiana about anything.
link Judith
It was such a shock when little Claude just turned up one day with a letter from her.
link Holst
Ah, so that's why you've always supported him, even before he became the Alliance leader.
link Judith
Of course. My best friend asked me to help him. But he hardly needs me anymore. That boy's gonna do just fine.
link Shez
She strikes me as more of a wife, since she's always there for him.
link Shez
She strikes me as more of a wife, since she's always there for him.
link Judith
Hah, you think so? To me it feels like I'm always scolding him like a parent.
link Holst
The mere thought makes me think of His Majesty's true mother...Lady Tiana. She was a woman of exceptional beauty.
link Holst
And if I recall correctly, she was a close friend of yours, Judith.
link Judith
That's an understatement. We were like sisters. I could talk to Tiana about anything.
link Judith
It was such a shock when little Claude just turned up one day with a letter from her.
link Holst
Ah, so that's why you've always supported him, even before he became the Alliance leader.
link Judith
Of course. My best friend asked me to help him. But he hardly needs me anymore. That boy's gonna do just fine.
link Judith
I'm glad to see His Majesty's in a much better mood. He should be fine now.
link Holst
Hah, you act like his older sister.
link Judith
I'm glad to see His Majesty's in a much better mood. He should be fine now.
link Holst
Hah, you act like his older sister.
link Constance
I see we were the only ones whose lives were so graciously spared.
link Hapi
Yeah, but we weren't really part of the Imperial army or the Knights of Seiros.
link Hapi
We'd probably be dead right now if we hadn't sided with the Federation, huh? Pretty scummy if you ask me.
link Constance
I see we were the only ones whose lives were so graciously spared.
link Hapi
Yeah, but we weren't really part of the Imperial army or the Knights of Seiros.
link Hapi
We'd probably be dead right now if we hadn't sided with the Federation, huh? Pretty scummy if you ask me.
link Constance
I see we were the only ones whose lives were so graciously spared.
link Shez
That's not true at all. Though we're obviously grateful you decided to help us out.
link Shez
That's not true at all. Though we're obviously grateful you decided to help us out.
link Constance
Refusal was never an option to begin with. But in any case, we will do our utmost to support you.
link Hapi
Uh, maybe let's not promise that, Coco? You'll change your tune as soon as it gets cloudy.
link Shez
I don't think that's a forgone conclusion. Not that it would've been up to me.
link Shez
I don't think that's a forgone conclusion. Not that it would've been up to me.
link Hapi
That's not nearly as reassuring as you think it is. And here I thought you had our backs.
link Constance
We are like a pathetic little boat that has been tossed into the stormy tides of war.
link Constance
I see we were the only ones whose lives were so graciously spared.
link Hapi
Yeah, but we weren't really part of the Imperial army or the Knights of Seiros.
link Hapi
We'd probably be dead right now if we hadn't sided with the Federation, huh? Pretty scummy if you ask me.
link Constance
I see we were the only ones whose lives were so graciously spared.
link Hapi
Yeah, but we weren't really part of the Imperial army or the Knights of Seiros.
link Hapi
We'd probably be dead right now if we hadn't sided with the Federation, huh? Pretty scummy if you ask me.