Shamir announces that she has business to attend to elsewhere, but a worried Leonie won't let her go without learning all the details.

link Leonie volume_up
The enemy is encamped in the center area, and has sent out scouts to find Shamir.
link Shamir volume_up
Trying to toy with me, eh?
link Shamir volume_up
We'll crush the scouts, then take the camp. Let's go.
link Shamir volume_up
The scouts are spread all over. Let's take each one out silently. Don't alert the main force.
link Leonie volume_up
Say, Shamir? Is there anyone in the enemy ranks that you're particularly close to?
link Shamir volume_up
Not anymore. Don't worry.
link Leonie volume_up
So if you're not close to people in this group "anymore," does that mean you used to be? Close to someone, I mean.
link Shamir volume_up
You ask a lot of questions. Maybe try focusing on the fight instead.
Shez volume_up
I crossed swords with some of the Guardians of Fódlan back in the day.
Shez volume_up
I crossed swords with some of the Guardians of Fódlan back in the day.
Shez volume_up
And despite their reputation, they were basically just a band of brigands. Wonder if these are the same mercs I squared off with.
Shez volume_up
And despite their reputation, they were basically just a band of brigands. Wonder if these are the same mercs I squared off with.
link Shamir volume_up
That sounds like them, all right. An underhanded bunch who'd happily stab an ally in the back.
Shez volume_up
Every merc knows the life comes with risks, but getting betrayed by your own is rough.
Shez volume_up
Every merc knows the life comes with risks, but getting betrayed by your own is rough.
link Shamir volume_up
You're telling me.
link Leonie volume_up
Nice! We took out all the scouts and the main force is none the wiser!
link Shamir volume_up
Then it's time to raid the camp in the center. Let's head for the open gate.
link Shamir volume_up
OK, let's take the remaining strongholds.
link Leonie volume_up
Say Shamir? Never mind. It's nothing.
link Shamir volume_up
Stay focused, Leonie. Lapses in concentration get people killed.
Shez volume_up
I don't recognize many faces here. Maybe it's not the same squad I fought.
Shez volume_up
I don't recognize many faces here. Maybe it's not the same squad I fought.
link Shamir volume_up
Lot of 'em probably died and got replaced. The Guardians tend to use people up.
link Shamir volume_up
I used to have an apprentice, you know. They were just like you—annoying.
link Shamir volume_up
They got killed after being sent out as a decoy. My fault for not training them better.
link Leonie volume_up
I'm sorry to hear that, Shamir. Um, but why are you telling me this?
link Shamir volume_up
Saw you weren't going to let it go. Figured now maybe you'll concentrate on the battle.
link Leonie volume_up
That must be all of them!
link Shamir volume_up
Nope. That wasn't nearly enough, plus we didn't see a leader. Keep your guard up.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The folks we sent out died already? Soft! Still, that means more pay for the rest of us! Hahaha!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
I knew we'd find them. They're too stupid to retreat when they're beaten.
link Leonie volume_up
I'm glad I came along. Training is one thing, but there's no substitute for actual combat.
Shez volume_up
Yep. Nothing beats real battle experience if you're looking to improve.
Shez volume_up
Yep. Nothing beats real battle experience if you're looking to improve.
link Shamir volume_up
These people are sloppy. They must've expected me to be alone.
link Leonie volume_up
Even if you were, they still wouldn't have been a match for you.
link Shamir volume_up
I smell blood on the wind. We've got company.
??? volume_up
You dog! No idea why you decided to show, but it's the last mistake you'll ever make!
link Shamir volume_up
Friend of yours?
Shez volume_up
Apparently. Well, let's get this over with.
Shez volume_up
Apparently. Well, let's get this over with.
link Leonie volume_up
These people don't seem to like you.
Shez volume_up
Yeah, I must've killed someone they cared about—partner or apprentice or something.
Shez volume_up
Yeah, I must've killed someone they cared about—partner or apprentice or something.
Shez volume_up
Y'know, whenever I go soft and let someone walk away from a battle, it always comes back to bite me like this.
Shez volume_up
Y'know, whenever I go soft and let someone walk away from a battle, it always comes back to bite me like this.
link Shamir volume_up
If you want to live longer, take mercy out of your vocabulary.
Shez volume_up
You bore a grudge against me this whole time? Must've been rough.
Shez volume_up
You bore a grudge against me this whole time? Must've been rough.
??? volume_up
We were supposed to take her alive, but dead pays just as well! Get her!
link Leonie volume_up
Seriously? How many people did you bring just to take on Shamir?
??? volume_up
Sorry to disappoint, girl—but I'll make up for it by killing you, too!
link Shamir volume_up
They never did learn to hide their presence. Hence these pathetic "surprise" attacks.
link Leonie volume_up
None of these mercs put up much of a fight one-on-one.
link Shamir volume_up
I bet the leader's patience is running thin.
??? volume_up
You're as ruthless as ever, Shamir. Why don't you give it a rest?
link Shamir volume_up
You're still alive? Huh. Guess it really is only the good who die young.
??? volume_up
Oh, I had to stick around so I could see you turned into a plaything for the boss!
link Shamir volume_up
On your guard, Leonie. This one is better.
link Leonie volume_up
Got it.
link Shamir volume_up
Don't normally like to kill for free, but in this case, I'll make an exception.
link Leonie volume_up
We won! Hurray!
link Shamir volume_up
Looks like that did it. C'mon, let's go.