
Let us give it our utmost!


  1. Claude: I feel bad dragging you into this grunt work.
  2. Holst: Don't be, I'm here of my own accord. A chance to build experience should never be wasted.
  1. Holst: That should do it. Fine work all around!
  2. Claude: I couldn't have done it without you. There's nothing you're not incredible at, huh?
  1. Holst: Training is pointless if it doesn't feel like true combat. Come at me with the intent to kill.
  2. Claude: If I were facing you in "true combat," I'd be running for the hills right now.


  1. Holst: What a magnificent opportunity, dear sister. Show me all you are capable of. Hold nothing back!
  2. Hilda: Ugh, I can't slack off when you're around. Guess I'll have to actually do some work.
  1. Holst: Dear sister, you have once again demonstrated your excellence. You've done your big brother proud!
  2. Hilda: It just happened to go well. Stop giving me so much credit.
  1. Holst: I shall carry my beloved sister on my shoulders to strengthen my legs!
  2. Hilda: Uh, how about no. Just carry a boulder or something.


  1. Balthus: What do you say to a little wager over who can get better results?
  2. Holst: I'm fine with some friendly competition, but I'm not betting any coin. I won't be an enabler for your vices.
  1. Holst: You did well, Balthus. I'm not giving you any money, but I'll at least hand out credit where it's due.
  2. Balthus: I'll take a cold brew over praise any day, so what say you buy me a round instead?
  1. Balthus: Never a dull moment with you around, Holst. Still, why don't the two of us ever really cut loose like we used to?
  2. Holst: Because we're older now—and much stronger. A rampage like when we were kids would endanger the entire area.