1. Let's make the most of this.
  2. We can't afford to stop now.
  3. March on, soldiers of Faerghus!
  4. I have no mercy to offer our enemies.
  5. Let us never stop moving forward.
  6. Is that all? A feeble defense.
  7. This will make a fine foothold.
  8. Let us press our advantage further.
  9. It seems you lack the strength to face me [cdb]head-on.
  10. Perhaps now you'll listen to reason.
  11. Apologies, Claude. But my victory was [cdb]assured the moment you challenged me.
  12. Forgive me, Dedue. I only hope I haven't [cdb]seriously harmed you.
  13. I've won, this time. I look forward to our next [cdb]bout, whenever that may be.
  14. It's been quite a while since I've had a proper [cdb]challenge. I would very much like to do it [cdb]again sometime.
  15. So this is the Ashen Demon's might... That took everything I could muster.
  16. I emerged victorious somehow, but...what [cdb]immense strength. Lady Rhea must have [cdb]experienced many battles in her life... Hm.
  17. My thanks, Margrave. This should serve to [cdb]help me grow even stronger.
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. It has been an honor to face as renowned a [cdb]knight as you.
  20. You know, we used to spar just like this when I [cdb]was young. Surely you remember.
  21. It should never have come to crossing [cdb]blades like this.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I can't let this inhibit my progress.
  25. My thanks. You made for a worthy adversary.
  26. There is no honor in being rewarded for such [cdb]slaughter. I prefer to rejoice thinking of those I've managed to protect.
  27. I hope our founder King Loog would be [cdb]proud of this feat.
  28. This is little more than a scratch!
  29. Being pushed to the verge of defeat... How fascinating!
  30. My thanks for your help.
  31. I appreciate that. I hope it wasn't too much [cdb]trouble.
  32. You have my deepest thanks.
  33. I will repay this debt.
  34. You've done well!
  35. Take pride in this result.
  36. Impressive as always.
  37. You are an inspiration to us all.
  38. You're in peak form today.
  39. Don't overstep, Edelgard.
  40. Fine work, Claude. I'll have to fight harder so [cdb]as not to fall behind.
  41. You give me the peace of mind to fight on, Dedue.
  42. I can always trust you to have my back.
  43. You've done well, Ashe. Such efforts give hope [cdb]to our people.
  44. I pray you continue supporting the Kingdom [cdb]as gallantly as you once did my father.
  45. I'm glad to have you fighting beside me.
  46. Your strength is much appreciated.
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Your presence alone gives our soldiers the [cdb]courage to fight on.
  49. You've done well, Dedue. I take more pride in [cdb]your accomplishments than even my own.
  50. Excellent, Felix. I've always known you were [cdb]capable of this.
  51. I'm truly glad to have you at my side, Mercedes.
  52. You exhibit such greatness on the battlefield, [cdb]yet you insist on staying indoors otherwise. It seems a waste to me.
  53. Your success today has invigorated us all.
  54. Your skill is unparalleled. I would hate to face [cdb]you in battle.
  55. I feel there's little I can't handle with you by [cdb]my side.
  56. I never imagined you were capable of such a [cdb]feat. I have no choice but to offer my praise.
  57. You have proven your value time and time [cdb]again. I am heartened to fight by your side.
  58. With you by my side, we will carve a path [cdb]toward a new future for Faerghus.
  59. You've improved greatly, Ashe. I knew making [cdb]you my knight would be a wise decision.
  60. I've always known you possess this power. The power to protect people. To save them.
  61. Thank you for ever remaining by my side, Dedue. I am honored to call you my vassal... and my friend.
  62. It's wonderful to see just how far you've come, Mercedes.
  63. The more you prove yourself, the more I come [cdb]to realize just how deeply I rely on you.
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. It seems this won't be as simple as we first [cdb]thought.
  66. Our enemy has come to fight.
  67. As much as it pains me, we have no choice but [cdb]to take them out.
  68. Consider this adversary a challenge we must [cdb]surmount.
  69. I'm not sure I can hold this opponent back.
  70. Let us crush their defenses!
  71. Show them how firmly our defenses can hold.
  72. No! We must deal with this situation at once!
  73. So it's fallen. This will be a difficult stumble to [cdb]recover from.
  74. You must not value your life if you dare stand [cdb]before me.
  75. You'll rue the day you challenged me.
  76. Let us settle this here and now.
  77. Don't expect me to restrain myself for you.
  78. So you've come. Show me the extent of your [cdb]power!
  79. I am reluctant to fight you, but I assume you [cdb]have no intention of yielding.
  80. Whatever your scheme, it will crumble in the [cdb]face of our strength.
  81. It is too late for words, Felix. Our blades will [cdb]say all that needs to be said.
  82. Show me what they taught you in that school [cdb]of sorcery.
  83. Fight me with intent to kill. I will respond [cdb]in kind.
  84. Show me what you're capable of.
  85. Facing off like this reminds me of my youth.
  86. You will pay for your crimes against Faerghus [cdb]in blood!
  87. I take no pleasure in what I'm about to do.
  88. It seems my job here is done.
  89. I can't afford to die. Not here. Not yet. There is too much still to be done.
  90. So I've failed.
  91. I must withdraw for the moment. But this is [cdb]not the end, I assure you that!
  92. Wait for me. I will return.
  93. Allow me to assist you.
  94. My heart yearns for the chaos of battle.
  95. I'm not the type to accept defeat gracefully, [cdb]as you can surely see!
  96. Now then, another attempt.
  97. I can't die... Not until I carry out my duty!
  98. Everyone, move out! We will overrun them!
  99. Everyone, to arms! We fight for Faerghus!
  100. Leave everything you have on this battlefield! Now, all units, move out!
  101. Time is short. We must rescue them at once!
  102. Our defenses are unbreakable. Show them [cdb]just why that is so!
  103. All units, retreat! We will not fall here!
  104. This battle is one we cannot afford to lose. I am counting on every one of you to help me [cdb]see it through to the end.
  105. Victory will be ours. Together.
  106. We can still reverse our fortunes.
  107. The enemy has laid their intentions bare. And so too shall we!
  108. I hope you don't resent me for this. I would [cdb]hold back were I able.
  109. A fine fight. Raise your voices in victory!
  110. This victory will be the first step toward our [cdb]new future.
  111. We made it in time. Thank the goddess.
  112. You've done well, everyone!
  113. So long as we still draw breath, a path forward [cdb]exists. Our next step is ever what matters most.
  114. Is it over? At last, our long fight has come to [cdb]an end.
  115. So this is how our story ends. I'm sorry, [cdb]everyone. The blame lies on my shoulders.
  116. So this is where I die, having accomplished [cdb]nothing. What a fool I've been...
  117. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by.
  118. We will have to hold the line for now. Be patient and wait for an opening.
  119. Good, let us hurry onward.
  120. It seems we've reached an impasse. Now what?
  121. We move, now.
  122. I will move to assist.
  123. Allow me to help you. I can hold my own in [cdb]a fight.
  124. Advance at once.
  125. Move to assist.
  126. You must save them.
  127. I will leave the defenses to you.
  128. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I need help.
  129. Could you give me a hand?
  130. You've come at a fine time. Lend me your aid!
  131. Please assist me for the time being.
  132. Apologies for the trouble. Would you be [cdb]willing to help me?
  133. The might of my ancestors flows through my [cdb]veins. I'll show you just what that means.
  134. There is no margin for error now.
  135. We will proceed as planned.
  136. We must strive to perform to the best of our [cdb]ability.
  137. This is not yet the time for celebration.
  138. On to the next, then.
  139. The weight of this failure falls upon me.
  140. How disgraceful...
  141. This operation has greeted us with success. But we mustn't allow ourselves to grow [cdb]complacent.
  142. It seems we misread the situation. But we [cdb]cannot let this be our end.
  143. Let us begin.
  144. A resounding success!
  145. The bitter taste of failure...
  146. This cannot continue. We must hurry.