1. Were you watching over me, Lambert?
  2. Don't expect anything less from a seasoned [cdb]veteran.
  3. It's too late to grow sentimental now. This is [cdb]the bleak reality of war.
  4. I have my own reasons why I must win.
  5. Now, who will be facing me next?
  6. I've brought this stronghold to its knees.
  7. I suppose I should show you how to best [cdb]utilize one of these.
  8. Hah! It seems we'll need to shore up its [cdb]defenses.
  9. I may be getting on in years, but I won't let [cdb]the younger generation best me just yet.
  10. I would surely have lost had I not faced Lambert's lance all those years ago.
  11. Oho, you almost got me! Apologies, Felix, [cdb]but I won't be losing to you quite yet.
  12. By now I think you've even surpassed Glenn.
  13. You've grown, Sylvain. It won't be long until [cdb]you leave your father in the dust.
  14. I hope to fight you again, if you would be so [cdb]willing. I take great joy in observing the [cdb]growth of our Kingdom's youth.
  15. Hahaha! I see you've lost your edge these past [cdb]few years, Margrave!
  16. Truly a narrow victory. It seems the flow of [cdb]time has taken little toll on old Gustave.
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You're a pillar of the church, yet you possess [cdb]such incredible skill... I'm impressed.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Apologies. This is the grim truth of this [cdb]conflict.
  25. I can never yield.
  26. This is nowhere near enough to stop me. Bring on the next wave!
  27. Blood of the hero Fraldarius flows through my [cdb]veins. I fight to bring honor to that name.
  28. What?! I should not be struggling so...
  29. We cannot fall here! Lambert would never let [cdb]me hear the end of it upon our reunion.
  30. Thank you for the help.
  31. The assistance is much appreciated!
  32. I'm humbled by your efforts.
  33. I always knew you'd come to rescue me!
  34. A fine job!
  35. Excellent work!
  36. A peerless performance!
  37. Impressive!
  38. Hahaha! Fine work, indeed! I can see why His Majesty has placed his trust in you.
  39. Don't let His Majesty outshine you! We must [cdb]show how sharp the Blue Lion's fangs can be!
  40. Nicely done, Felix. I'm always glad to see you [cdb]perform well.
  41. Such bravery on the battlefield reminds me of Count Galatea when he still had the vigor of [cdb]youth spurring him on.
  42. From a mere commoner to the king's personal [cdb]knight... You instill hope in all the people of Faerghus.
  43. Fine work, Dedue! Let's keep up this [cdb]momentum and push onward to victory!
  44. I'd expect nothing less from Thunder Catherine. I could serve to be a little [cdb]more like you!
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You are always a great help. To myself, to His Majesty, and to the entire Faerghus army.
  49. We are all inspired by your feats of bravery, Your Majesty.
  50. Hah! I can see you don't need my help in the [cdb]slightest.
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. You brought so many enemies to their knees... Phenomenal work!
  54. Wonderful work! That is no easy feat to [cdb]accomplish.
  55. Such admirable achievements in battle. I knew we were right to bring you aboard.
  56. Magnificent, Dedue! You've made us proud [cdb]this day—His Majesty most of all, no doubt.
  57. You've grown so much... Ah, time truly does [cdb]fly the older you get. It feels as though it was [cdb]only yesterday you could barely hold a sword.
  58. Brilliant, Ingrid! I'm sure Count Galatea is [cdb]proud to have you as his daughter.
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. You're an indispensable piece of our lives.
  61. You've grown into quite the gallant young [cdb]man, Your Majesty. It feels almost as though I'm looking at Lambert himself.
  62. I have an incredible son, if I do say myself. I'm sure you'll carve your way to a new future [cdb]for Faerghus and Fódlan alike.
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. Things have gone quite sour.
  66. We mustn't let them overwhelm us.
  67. Hmph. We must hold strong.
  68. Our enemy is even more capable than I [cdb]thought. I acknowledge their skill...and [cdb]lament it.
  69. I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here.
  70. Now, strike with all your might!
  71. Man the barricades! Do not let a single enemy [cdb]inside these walls!
  72. We cannot afford to lose this stronghold. Something must be done, and quickly!
  73. Our reinforcements never came... So this is [cdb]what defeat tastes like. All units, retreat!
  74. I may no longer be the Shield of Faerghus... but I will not hesitate to cut you down should [cdb]you try to bring harm to the Kingdom.
  75. Attack me however you will. It'll only end in [cdb]your defeat.
  76. There is too much riding on this battle. I cannot back down.
  77. Hah! I hope you don't find me a disappointing [cdb]opponent.
  78. Show me the limits of your strength.
  79. I'm not as young and nimble as I used to be, Your Majesty. Go easy on me.
  80. Haha! I can't remember the last time you and I [cdb]had a lesson like this, my young duke.
  81. It's been some time since we last fought, Matthias...but victory will once again be mine!
  82. I'm always delighted to engage in battle [cdb]against our youth—those who carry the [cdb]future of Faerghus on their shoulders.
  83. Care to join me for a sparring session, Gustave?
  84. I've heard rumors about you, Hero of Daphnel. Care to face me in battle?
  85. I'm sure you have your reasons, but your fate [cdb]was sealed the moment you dared challenge [cdb]our might.
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Haha! A resounding success.
  89. This is a problem... I must step away for now.
  90. It seems our enemy had the edge over us.
  91. Nrgh... I will not suffer this blight upon [cdb]my name!
  92. I must leave the formation for now. Can you [cdb]hold the line in my absence?
  93. It looks like you could use a little help.
  94. I wield this blade in the name of my king! For Dimitri...and for Lambert!
  95. Shall we go for another round?
  96. Terribly sorry to keep you waiting. The true [cdb]battle begins now!
  97. How could I let myself be cornered like this? Ngh... It seems retreat is my only solace now.
  98. Let us show them the might of the greatest [cdb]soldiers Faerghus has to offer.
  99. We have no choice but to finish this quickly.
  100. Ready yourselves, everyone! We march!
  101. We've no time to delay! We must cut through [cdb]the enemy camp like wind through a grassy [cdb]field!
  102. Though I've abdicated my title of duke, I can [cdb]still show them what it means to smack against [cdb]a Shield.
  103. Turn back! We must leave at once!
  104. The time has come to settle this once and for [cdb]all. I hope you're prepared for the fight ahead!
  105. I can't afford to fall behind, either.
  106. Ha! This pressure is exactly what I need to [cdb]thrive.
  107. It seems we should get moving as well.
  108. An enemy is an enemy, no matter who they [cdb]are. We must remain cautious.
  109. Let us take this moment to bask in the joy of [cdb]victory.
  110. Well fought, everyone!
  111. Phew. That was close.
  112. Now that's how you defend! I have to give [cdb]credit where it's due.
  113. Is everyone all right? That is all that matters.
  114. Ahaha! We will celebrate this victory with a [cdb]lavish feast!
  115. My command failed us. I have no choice but [cdb]to accept defeat.
  116. Lambert... I truly did try...to keep my [cdb]promise...
  117. Our chance is upon us! Strike without mercy!
  118. They may be our foe, but I can't help but be [cdb]impressed.
  119. Hurry forward!
  120. Hm. We cannot pass like this.
  121. Come, let us catch them napping!
  122. I'm here to provide backup.
  123. I know not how much I can offer, but allow [cdb]me to help all the same.
  124. Let us march on.
  125. Can you provide backup?
  126. You must save them.
  127. I leave the defenses to you.
  128. I cannot afford any mistakes now. All I can do [cdb]is trust that aid is on the way.
  129. I'm in need of more hands. Will you lend [cdb]me one?
  130. The situation is dire. I need your help!
  131. What fortuitous timing. I need assistance!
  132. May I ask for your aid? We must find a way [cdb]out of this bind!
  133. We are the claws and fangs of the lion of Faerghus! We feel no fear!
  134. This is a problem. I'm not as sharp as I [cdb]usually am.
  135. We must act now before the worry sets in.
  136. Let us see what we can do.
  137. That went well! Unsurprisingly.
  138. Ha! That was practically a stroll through [cdb]the park.
  139. I mustn't lose hope now...
  140. I suppose even I have setbacks.
  141. This should help us be proactive in our efforts.
  142. We must find a way to recover from this grave [cdb]mistake.
  143. Let us show them everything we can be.
  144. Haha! So we've done it.
  145. Nrgh. The sting of failure...
  146. Ah, that is bad news indeed. We must deal [cdb]with the situation at once.