1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. Hey, I got some new information. I'll fill the others in [cdb]later, but for now...
  3. Know that the Empire rejected the Central Church's [cdb]authority.
  4. What does that mean?
  5. What does that mean?
  6. In layman's terms, Edelgard's picking a fight with Rhea, the archbishop.
  7. She claims the Central Church has forced its own [cdb]self-serving doctrine upon the people of Fódlan.
  8. And that they abuse their authority by meddling in [cdb]other governments and profiting off their position.
  9. Long story short, Edelgard says she won't stand for it [cdb]anymore.
  10. Huh. Well, regardless of whether that's all true, [cdb]it's got nothing to do with the Alliance, right?
  11. Huh. Well, regardless of whether that's all true, [cdb]it's got nothing to do with the Alliance, right?
  12. I wouldn't say that. The Central Church is [cdb]headquartered at Garreg Mach.
  13. And the fastest way to get there is straight through Alliance territory.
  14. So far, the Empire hasn't tried to negotiate with us at [cdb]all. Which means they plan to force their way [cdb]through here.
  15. Edelgard might be hoping she can vanquish both the Alliance and the Kingdom in one go and rebuild Fódlan from the ground up.
  16. But we're not going to just roll over. If they want a [cdb]fight, we've got no choice but to give it to them.
  17. Aww, we finally got the Golden Deer together again, [cdb]and now a war's on our doorstep.
  18. Oh, but maybe that's exciting for you, since you're a [cdb]mercenary and all.
  19. Affirm that it is.
  20. Deny that it is.
  21. Well, I wasn't exactly hoping for a war. But yeah, [cdb]it can be tough for mercenaries if things are a little [cdb]too peaceful.
  22. Well, I wasn't exactly hoping for a war. But yeah, [cdb]it can be tough for mercenaries if things are a little [cdb]too peaceful.
  23. I'm not jumping for joy that there's a war. But I guess [cdb]mercenaries do have it rough when things are a little [cdb]too peaceful.
  24. I'm not jumping for joy that there's a war. But I guess [cdb]mercenaries do have it rough when things are a little [cdb]too peaceful.
  25. Sounds like a pretty sad profession then.
  26. I wish we could just have peace forever. War is such [cdb]a pain.
  27. I see you are here as well, [HERO_MF]. Has House Riegan hired you as a mercenary?
  28. I see you are here as well, [HERO_MF]. Has House Riegan hired you as a mercenary?
  29. War could erupt at any moment. You must be [cdb]prepared to spring into action.
  30. Assure him you're ready.
  31. Declare you don't need to get ready.
  32. Oh, I've been ready. So ready, in fact, that I'm tired [cdb]of waiting.
  33. Oh, I've been ready. So ready, in fact, that I'm tired [cdb]of waiting.
  34. I don't need to prepare a thing. Mercenaries are [cdb]always ready for war.
  35. I don't need to prepare a thing. Mercenaries are [cdb]always ready for war.
  36. Well, that is most encouraging. I expect to see that [cdb]confidence on the battlefield as well. However...
  37. As the heir to a high-ranking noble family, I shall be [cdb]the one making the greatest name for myself. I suggest you remember that.
  38. House Gloucester and House Phlegethon guard the [cdb]area around the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
  39. Count Gloucester is rather eccentric, but I'm more [cdb]concerned about Viscount Phlegethon.
  40. They call him the Weathervane for a reason. He's liable to betray us at the slightest breeze.
  41. Remember to keep your guard up if you ever meet [cdb]the man by the name Acheron Lethe Phlegethon.
  42. When the Officers Academy shut down, I thought [cdb]my path to knighthood had closed as well.
  43. But thanks to Lorenz, I'm now officially a knight of House Gloucester.
  44. Congratulate him.
  45. Feel bad for him.
  46. Good for you. And now you have the opportunity to [cdb]see all your old classmates again.
  47. Good for you. And now you have the opportunity to [cdb]see all your old classmates again.
  48. Indeed. I don't think I'd be here if I hadn't become a [cdb]knight.
  49. So Lorenz cornered you and wouldn't take no for an [cdb]answer, huh.
  50. So Lorenz cornered you and wouldn't take no for an [cdb]answer, huh.
  51. Not at all! Lorenz approached me because he knew I was distraught.
  52. I've been training all I can these past two years. I'm sure I'll be of use!
  53. If Leicester's in danger, then it's time for my muscles [cdb]to show the enemy who's boss.
  54. Good thing I kept workin' out after school ended.
  55. Praise his physique.
  56. Praise his dedication.
  57. You're looking ripped as ever. I'm impressed.
  58. You're looking ripped as ever. I'm impressed.
  59. Nah, this is nothing. I gotta start working out for real [cdb]to make sure I'm in tip-top shape.
  60. You've been working out this whole time? Talk about [cdb]dedication. Was it 'cause you thought something like [cdb]this might happen?
  61. You've been working out this whole time? Talk about [cdb]dedication. Was it 'cause you thought something like [cdb]this might happen?
  62. Nah, my muscles just wanted attention, and you [cdb]know I can't say no to them!
  63. You're in pretty good shape yourself, but it's [cdb]too bad you're so skinny. You oughta train with me [cdb]sometime.
  64. Oh, Goddess...
  65. ...
  66. Praying to the goddess again, huh? It must be rough [cdb]for you nobles, having to follow your family's orders [cdb]all the time.
  67. Praying to the goddess again, huh? It must be rough [cdb]for you nobles, having to follow your family's orders [cdb]all the time.
  68. No, it's fine. I wouldn't be any use to my adoptive [cdb]father if I stayed at home anyway.
  69. But I do not want to take part in this war. I couldn't [cdb]bear to hurt someone else.
  70. I might've passed being an apprentice, but I'm [cdb]definitely still a novice mercenary.
  71. So I'll just keep putting in the work and making my [cdb]way up. For now.
  72. Encourage her.
  73. Ask what she means.
  74. Yeah! And I'll be cheering you on.
  75. Yeah! And I'll be cheering you on.
  76. Thanks. But you better not slack off if you don't want [cdb]me surpassing you.
  77. What do you mean by "for now"?
  78. What do you mean by "for now"?
  79. Just that I won't be a novice forever.
  80. I'll get all the experience I can until I become the best [cdb]mercenary around.
  81. What? Is it that odd I'm here?
  82. My contract with the Knights of Seiros ended. I'm back to being a mercenary.
  83. Why not renew the contract?
  84. Why come to Leicester?
  85. You should've been able to renew your contract. Why didn't you?
  86. You should've been able to renew your contract. Why didn't you?
  87. I'm not a devout believer. It wasn't where I belonged. Or at least that's how I felt.
  88. Why'd you come to Leicester over the Empire or Kingdom?
  89. Why'd you come to Leicester over the Empire or Kingdom?
  90. I just happened to head out this way. Besides, [cdb]people in the Alliance like bows, right?
  91. As of now, I'm a regular mercenary. Just like you. Looking forward to us working together.
  92. With Claude being so young, there had been talk of [cdb]appointing a different noble to be the leader of the Alliance.
  93. Apparently, Count Gloucester had been brewing [cdb]various schemes to that regard behind closed doors.
  94. But he couldn't secure the other nobles' cooperation, [cdb]so his plans fizzled out in the end.
  95. After all, he is the only one who would profit from [cdb]making himself Alliance leader.
  96. Lord Acheron's territory covers a strategic location [cdb]on the northern side of the Great Bridge of Myrddin. The man has an unfavorable reputation, however.
  97. The Alliance should have joint control of the bridge, [cdb]but he collects tolls from any who use it.
  98. Rumor has it he's also hired ruffians to attack the [cdb]villages of neighboring nobles.
  99. Between you and me, I heard the Empire's real goal is [cdb]to dismantle the Central Church.
  100. That's why they restored the Southern Church's [cdb]authority out of the blue.
  101. It's pretty tough to swallow, even if they aren't [cdb]rejecting the Church of Seiros as a whole.
  102. I still can't believe the Empire is gonna invade the Alliance.
  103. I have so many friends there. I don't wanna have to [cdb]fight them.
  104. What's gonna happen to Leicester? Or all of Fódlan [cdb]for that matter?
  105. Hey, Commander. You look like you've been through [cdb]the wringer. Not that that's unusual.
  106. What's say we drink ourselves silly till we have [cdb]to fight?
  107. Everyone will be more inclined to do so if you lead [cdb]the charge.
  108. I don't really get what's goin' on, but the more work, [cdb]the better.
  109. I'll gladly fight if it means not worryin' about where [cdb]my next meal is coming from.
  110. Is it true the Empire's going to invade Leicester?
  111. There's no way to do business if the towns and [cdb]villages get destroyed. This is life and death for us [cdb]merchants.
  112. Please, do whatever it takes to drive them out. We'll provide you with whatever wares we can, [cdb]of course.
  113. <<<EMPTY>>>
  114. I should probably ask Claude what our plans are.
  115. It might be worth it to check out the training grounds [cdb]or marketplace.
  116. Feel free to use them to improve your weapons and [cdb]get ready for battle.
  117. Here you can train your mind and body and gain [cdb]proficiency in new classes.
  118. It never hurts to be prepared. I'm sure I'll be seeing [cdb]you often.
  119. I've got plenty of goods that will surely come in [cdb]handy! I look forward to doing business with you.
  120. Hey, [HERO_MF]!
  121. Hey, [HERO_MF]!
  122. Sorry to bug you when you're so busy, but I'm in a bit [cdb]of a bind.
  123. We don't have enough people to keep up with all the [cdb]tasks around camp. Would you mind volunteering?
  124. I'm looking for volunteers to help around the camp.
  125. We all need to chip in to make life here as pleasant as [cdb]possible.
  126. <<<EMPTY>>>
  127. Thanks so much for all your help. Want to have some [cdb]tea now that everything's finished?
  128. Oh, wait, maybe it's mealtime already. Speaking of...
  129. You've been a mercenary a long time, right? What kind of food did you used to eat?
  130. Say you usually make your own food.
  131. Well, I usually make my own food, so...
  132. Well, I usually make my own food, so...
  133. Really? Wow, I had no idea! Now you just have to [cdb]make something for me. That's OK, right?
  134. We provide food for everyone in the army here.
  135. Feel free to bring in ingredients and make your [cdb]own meals.
  136. Whoa, that was way better than I expected! Thanks. I'm sure the others enjoyed it too!
  137. It feels good to give a gift to someone else, doesn't it? And it doesn't just have to be food either!
  138. Which reminds me, you've probably picked up stuff [cdb]on the battlefield, right? You might have something [cdb]that would make a good gift.
  139. Huh. Maybe I should give something to Claude?
  140. Huh. Maybe I should give something to Claude?
  141. What's up? You need something?
  142. Welp, that sure kept me busy. Maybe we should head [cdb]out to the next battle soon?
  143. Welp, that sure kept me busy. Maybe we should head [cdb]out to the next battle soon?
  144. Sorry, we're still figuring out our strategy. You should [cdb]go and make sure you're fully prepared.
  145. Sorry, we're still getting things ready. You have some [cdb]time to kill before we're open.
  146. Thank you so much for volunteering. I hope you'll do [cdb]it again.
  147. Do you have a moment?
  148. I saw you pick up some useful materials in the [cdb]previous battle.
  149. I would like you to use them to expand a facility. Would you mind doing that for me?
  150. You can exchange materials to expand our [cdb]facilities here.
  151. I hope to see you make many improvements so we're [cdb]fully prepared for battle!
  152. We've got some ingredients here, if you need any. Feel free to use them!
  153. We've got the bare necessities at least. Time to get [cdb]to work.
  154. We've got the bare necessities at least. Time to get [cdb]to work.
  155. Expanding our facilities like that'll make sure we're [cdb]ready for whatever the next battle throws at us.
  156. Expanding our facilities like that'll make sure we're [cdb]ready for whatever the next battle throws at us.
  157. <<<EMPTY>>>
  158. <<<EMPTY>>>
  159. There you are, [HERO_MF]. Let me give you [cdb]the rundown of our plan.
  160. Take a look at this map.
  161. Our camp is located right over here.
  162. And we're headed to the Great Bridge of Myrddin, [cdb]which is here.
  163. The thing is, the territories in between are having [cdb]trouble keeping order. We can't pass through with [cdb]things as they are now.
  164. We'll need to drive out the bandits to secure a safe [cdb]route to the bridge.
  165. Make sure you're fully prepared. You don't want to [cdb]regret it later.
  166. War is such a human enterprise.
  167. In that sense, we are very much the same as those on [cdb]the other side.
  168. But we cannot coexist, so we are determined to kill [cdb]each other. I suppose that's the nature of this beast.
  169. You should talk to the chore master about [cdb]volunteering when you have a moment.
  170. Seek out the facilities master. He will tell you what [cdb]to do.
  171. I'm responsible for doling out our marching orders. Give me a shout if you want to deploy for battle.
  172. Welcome! Take a gander at all our wondrous weapons!
  173. 'Fraid I'm still setting up shop. Mind waiting a bit?
  174. You can survey the regions you've conquered to [cdb]acquire materials for facility expansion.
  175. If you find yourself marching someplace new, [cdb]make sure you do a survey once you've conquered it!
  176. Your tent is rather nice, isn't it? I suppose it pays to be [cdb]a commander.
  177. You said it. Things're totally different here compared [cdb]to all the small-time outfits I used to run with.
  178. You said it. Things're totally different here compared [cdb]to all the small-time outfits I used to run with.
  179. Now I've got my own space where I can kick back and [cdb]keep all my stuff in order.
  180. Now I've got my own space where I can kick back and [cdb]keep all my stuff in order.
  181. This probably means they expect a lot from you. More than your title implies, I would imagine.
  182. Yeesh, this camp is something else. Did you see how [cdb]many merchants we've got?
  183. Yeesh, this camp is something else. Did you see how [cdb]many merchants we've got?
  184. Are you finished sightseeing yet? I believe I heard [cdb]your employer calling for you.
  185. I heard about this place where there's always something [cdb]going on...
  186. I'm talking about Abyss, right underneath Garreg Mach. Those who can't bear the light of day [cdb]live down there.
  187. One of my childhood friends works as their gatekeeper.
  188. I hope they're all right... What, you don't believe me? I've got a letter from them right here—wait, where'd [cdb]it go?
  189. <<<EMPTY>>>
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