1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. Edelgard and Dimitri are going to end up at each [cdb]other's throats sooner or later.
  3. I want us to take down the Central Church before [cdb]they get to that point.
  4. I fully believe that will end the war...
  5. But even if it doesn't, I'll take those pigheaded fools [cdb]to task myself and drag them into a new age.
  6. We're finally approaching the end of the war. You going to be OK, [HERO_MF]?
  7. No, no, I'm not worried you'll attack one of our allies [cdb]again. Really.
  8. But that Arval being is gone now, right?
  9. Reassure him you'll be fine.
  10. Say you're not sure.
  11. I'll be fine. I can still fight.
  12. I'll be fine. I can still fight.
  13. Well, I trust you. Just tell me immediately if anything [cdb]feels off.
  14. I don't really know how this is gonna play out. I've never been without Arval before.
  15. I don't really know how this is gonna play out. I've never been without Arval before.
  16. I know, but you look like you're in good shape. Just tell me immediately if anything feels off.
  17. Thanks to you, I had the chance to speak with Edelgard and Dimitri directly.
  18. What happens next is up to them. We've got our own [cdb]fight to finish.
  19. We shall emerge victorious and usher in a new era.
  20. It is not an exaggeration to say that Fódlan's history [cdb]has always been intertwined with the Central Church.
  21. But we will put an end to that and uproot that [cdb]notion.
  22. I might be crushed under the weight of such a [cdb]momentous responsibility. Do you not feel the [cdb]same way?
  23. Tell him you do.
  24. Weight? What weight?
  25. Oh yeah, now that you mention it, I guess it is a huge [cdb]responsibility.
  26. Oh yeah, now that you mention it, I guess it is a huge [cdb]responsibility.
  27. Hmph. You do not sound perturbed at all. You could [cdb]do with a little more passion!
  28. Nah, I don't really feel the weight of all that. All I've [cdb]gotta do is defeat the opponent in front of me.
  29. Nah, I don't really feel the weight of all that. All I've [cdb]gotta do is defeat the opponent in front of me.
  30. You have not changed a bit.
  31. You may be a mere mercenary, but you cannot [cdb]become apathetic. It is people like you who will play [cdb]a key role in the coming age, not us nobles.
  32. Though I certainly do not intend to exit from [cdb]history's stage entirely.
  33. For I am none other than Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! Hahaha!
  34. Hey, [HERO_MF]. I heard you were having [cdb]some trouble. Is everything OK now?
  35. Hey, [HERO_MF]. I heard you were having [cdb]some trouble. Is everything OK now?
  36. All that's left is to take down Lady Rhea. I really hope [cdb]that will end the war for good.
  37. Assure her it will.
  38. Express doubt.
  39. No one wants the war to go on any longer than it has [cdb]to. I'm sure it'll end once we take out the person [cdb]causing it.
  40. No one wants the war to go on any longer than it has [cdb]to. I'm sure it'll end once we take out the person [cdb]causing it.
  41. I know Lady Rhea and the church are the reason for [cdb]all this, but I do feel kinda sorry for them.
  42. It may not be enough. We don't know how the Empire and the Kingdom will react.
  43. It may not be enough. We don't know how the Empire and the Kingdom will react.
  44. Then we'll just have to step in and make them get [cdb]along! I'm so sick and tired of this war.
  45. Anyway, first things first. We've got a battle to win! Let's do this!
  46. My own problems won't just disappear once the war [cdb]is over.
  47. Nonetheless, I won't get anywhere if we don't win. So I want to make sure we get through this.
  48. Don't you feel the same? Let's put everything we [cdb]have into this battle so we don't have any regrets.
  49. I'm so glad you're all right, [HERO_MF].
  50. Could you give me a more detailed description of [cdb]what happened? What did you see and hear?
  51. I think it could help us figure out the true identity of [cdb]those who slither in the dark.
  52. Tell her.
  53. Do it later.
  54. No problem. But where should I start?
  55. No problem. But where should I start?
  56. Let's see. Arval went and... No, wait. I probably need [cdb]to explain who Arval is, huh? OK, so basically there's [cdb]this voice that's been in my head...
  57. Let's see. Arval went and... No, wait. I probably need [cdb]to explain who Arval is, huh? OK, so basically there's [cdb]this voice that's been in my head...
  58. You know what? Never mind. It sounds like this could [cdb]take a while.
  59. It would take ages to explain. Could we do it [cdb]another time?
  60. It would take ages to explain. Could we do it [cdb]another time?
  61. Yes, perhaps you're right. I want to hear absolutely [cdb]everything, so let's save it for later.
  62. They might cause another disturbance if we don't [cdb]take action.
  63. Right now we need to prioritize ending the war. Let's make sure we're fully prepared.
  64. This battle will surely mark a major turning point in Fódlan's history.
  65. It's overwhelming to think that I'll be a part of that.
  66. If I survive, I want to paint a picture of the battle.
  67. I feel like somehow it's my duty to do so.
  68. I know it's kinda late to bring this up, but I don't [cdb]agree with how we've been fighting.
  69. You must feel the same way, right? C'mon, you can [cdb]tell me.
  70. Agree with him.
  71. Disagree with him.
  72. I guess our decisions have been a little haphazard. Like we're just rolling with the punches.
  73. I guess our decisions have been a little haphazard. Like we're just rolling with the punches.
  74. There's nothing wrong with that. We did the best [cdb]with the hand we were dealt.
  75. I dunno about that. I feel like everyone here accepts [cdb]me for who I am. What more could I really ask for?
  76. I dunno about that. I feel like everyone here accepts [cdb]me for who I am. What more could I really ask for?
  77. Nah, people'll take a strong fighter like you in [cdb]wherever you go. That's not what I'm talking about.
  78. Then what do you have a problem with?
  79. Then what do you have a problem with?
  80. We fight all day, but never get to party! Claude's usually all about that!
  81. Once this battle's over, I'm gonna insist he throw us a [cdb]banquet. I'm talkin' pork, poultry, and the biggest [cdb]hunks of mutton you've ever seen!
  82. I don't think Lady Rhea and the knights will go to Fhirdiad.
  83. I get the feeling they'll want to fight on the Tailtean Plains.
  84. Ask why.
  85. Guess why.
  86. Why do you think that?
  87. Why do you think that?
  88. They'd be at a disadvantage in an enclosed space [cdb]with no reinforcements. And there's another [cdb]reason too.
  89. Yeah. They'd be in an enclosed space with no [cdb]reinforcements. Maybe they could hold out for a [cdb]while, but there's no way they'd win.
  90. Yeah. They'd be in an enclosed space with no [cdb]reinforcements. Maybe they could hold out for a [cdb]while, but there's no way they'd win.
  91. Exactly. And there's another reason too.
  92. Saint Seiros vanquished Nemesis, the King of Liberation, on the Tailtean Plains long ago.
  93. If they restage that battle, the Central Church can [cdb]once again display their authority to all of Fódlan.
  94. That's what I imagine Lady Rhea is thinking, at least. But it's only a guess.
  95. I would also prefer to fight on the plains, if possible. I don't want any towns to get drawn into our battle.
  96. Something's been bugging me. You defeated the Ashen Demon in that last major battle, right?
  97. But I don't remember seeing anyone else from Jeralt's Mercenaries there.
  98. Maybe they've disbanded. That's sad to think about.
  99. The captain's been on edge since our last major [cdb]battle.
  100. I know he used to be in the Knights of Seiros, [cdb]but something tells me that's not the only reason why.
  101. But I can't get up the courage to ask him. Maybe I'll see if Alois knows anything.
  102. Hey, [HERO_MF]. I heard you had it out [cdb]with the Ashen Demon?
  103. I understand if you had a grudge, and I guess it's [cdb]over now.
  104. But rein it in, would you? I don't think any kid of the [cdb]captain's could be a bad person.
  105. Rejoice, [HERO_MF], for my brother has [cdb]come to our aid!
  106. My dear brother over here told me this was to be [cdb]your final battle, so I came running.
  107. I even spoke to the king directly about it this time. Though I may have massaged the truth a little.
  108. An Almyran general has sworn to aid us in a battle [cdb]that will change the fate of Fódlan.
  109. Isn't this a perfect picture of the future His Majesty [cdb]wants to create?
  110. Hah! Once this war is done, I'll get you over to Almyra next.
  111. I've already put many former comrades back into [cdb]the dirt.
  112. But I'll probably kill far more in the coming battle.
  113. I can almost hear her screaming at me about it. With [cdb]good intentions, mind.
  114. I want to stop giving people reasons to yell at me. Let's make this the last time, [HERO_MF].
  115. Claude's plan is becoming clear to everyone now.
  116. So even though I'm a former Imperial general, [cdb]people are slowly starting to treat me better.
  117. Except now they come up and talk to me for no [cdb]reason. I'm not a noble anymore, so I can't [cdb]imagine why.
  118. Ask if he plans to return to the Empire.
  119. Console him.
  120. Do you wanna be a noble again? I mean, the Empire's [cdb]your home. I imagine you'd wanna go back.
  121. Do you wanna be a noble again? I mean, the Empire's [cdb]your home. I imagine you'd wanna go back.
  122. Not at all. I don't want to inherit my family title or [cdb]deal with any of those responsibilities.
  123. That's rough. I bet they're just trying to make [cdb]connections with Imperial nobility.
  124. That's rough. I bet they're just trying to make [cdb]connections with Imperial nobility.
  125. That's probably true, but I have no intention of [cdb]inheriting my family title or taking on those [cdb]responsibilities.
  126. All I wish for is a peaceful world where I can nap as [cdb]much as I please. That's it.
  127. Have you heard about the town hidden under Garreg Mach?
  128. It's like a sunless trash pit for people who have [cdb]nowhere else to go.
  129. I used to live there myself. So I went to check on how [cdb]things were now, but...
  130. It hasn't changed a bit. It was just as peaceful as ever [cdb]despite the war raging above.
  131. Maybe once this whole thing's over those people can [cdb]finally come out and live in the sun again.
  132. My father was running around like a chicken with its [cdb]head cut off. I know it wasn't appropriate, but I [cdb]couldn't help but laugh.
  133. My father was running around like a chicken with its [cdb]head cut off. I know it wasn't appropriate, but I [cdb]couldn't help but laugh.
  134. But...I'm glad he survived.
  135. No matter how much I hate him, he's still my father.
  136. No matter how much I hate him, he's still my father.
  137. So, um, my father's dead now. I'm not sure how to [cdb]feel about it.
  138. So, um, my father's dead now. I'm not sure how to [cdb]feel about it.
  139. He was still my father, no matter how much I [cdb]hated him.
  140. Am I really better off with him gone? Oh...and now I'm crying. Great.
  141. If Archbishop Rhea is gone, will Fódlan and Brigid be [cdb]becoming closer?
  142. Though, Brigid does not have any other friendships [cdb]except the church and Empire.
  143. Reassure her.
  144. Admit it will be difficult.
  145. If all goes according to Claude's plan, you'll be able [cdb]to build relationships with the Kingdom and Federation too.
  146. If all goes according to Claude's plan, you'll be able [cdb]to build relationships with the Kingdom and Federation too.
  147. Yes, that is what I am wishing. I am hoping we can [cdb]do it.
  148. Yeah, I don't think building relationships will be easy [cdb]given everyone's history.
  149. Yeah, I don't think building relationships will be easy [cdb]given everyone's history.
  150. Yes, I agree. But someday we can be overcoming that.
  151. It's clear Claude intends to end this war as swiftly as [cdb]possible.
  152. And you know what that means!
  153. I do?
  154. I do?
  155. I have less time to make a name for myself in this war, [cdb]which could make it harder to bring about House Nuvelle's restoration!
  156. So I shall have to make everyone aware of my magical [cdb]prowess right here and now!
  157. I understand that we gotta get Rhea out of the [cdb]picture.
  158. But do we really have to kill her? Maybe she'll just [cdb]give up and back down on her own.
  159. Insist she has to die.
  160. Admit that killing her might not be necessary.
  161. No, she has to die. She'll continue to have and wield [cdb]her influence so long as she lives.
  162. No, she has to die. She'll continue to have and wield [cdb]her influence so long as she lives.
  163. Well, you all are a lot smarter than me, so I'll take [cdb]your word for it.
  164. She might. And if she were to go somewhere far away [cdb]and never made contact with anyone ever again...
  165. She might. And if she were to go somewhere far away [cdb]and never made contact with anyone ever again...
  166. That could reduce her influence, which is the main [cdb]issue.
  167. That could reduce her influence, which is the main [cdb]issue.
  168. She could go someplace that's like the village I'm [cdb]from. That might do the trick.
  169. People in the Kingdom have taken the Central Church's protection as a given their entire lives.
  170. I doubt their hearts will change so easily, even if we [cdb]do remove Lady Rhea and the Central Church.
  171. The people will never trust the ones who deposed her, [cdb]no matter how hard the kings try to smooth it over.
  172. Agree with him.
  173. Disagree with him.
  174. Maybe so. But this is the only way to bring about the [cdb]future we want.
  175. Maybe so. But this is the only way to bring about the [cdb]future we want.
  176. I guess now isn't the time to be wondering who [cdb]exactly is included in this future we're dreaming [cdb]about.
  177. That's not necessarily true. We're gonna do all we [cdb]can to prevent that from happening.
  178. That's not necessarily true. We're gonna do all we [cdb]can to prevent that from happening.
  179. Yeah, well, I suppose it's the only way forward. I'll just have to do the same, myself.
  180. Anyway, no point in dwelling on all that right now. It won't matter a bit if we lose.
  181. I'm a devout believer and from the Kingdom, so I [cdb]admit my feelings on this are complicated. But it's [cdb]part of my job to be on the winning side.
  182. If His Majesty had to choose between sacrificing the Central Church or the people of Faerghus...
  183. He'd sacrifice the church. Even if everyone in the Kingdom hated him for it.
  184. But if that happens, then I'm sure he'll... Hrm. I just [cdb]don't know what I can do.
  185. Suggest he talk to Claude.
  186. Suggest he let things play out.
  187. Why not try talking to Claude? I'm sure he'd [cdb]understand how you feel.
  188. Why not try talking to Claude? I'm sure he'd [cdb]understand how you feel.
  189. I'm a former enemy. I don't have the right to... No, this is too important to let that get in the way.
  190. Thanks, [HERO_MF]. I think I will talk to Claude.
  191. You need to draw the line somewhere, Ashe. If you [cdb]care about him, then respect his decision.
  192. You need to draw the line somewhere, Ashe. If you [cdb]care about him, then respect his decision.
  193. I understand your logic, but I just can't do it.
  194. I want to help how I can and repay the debt I [cdb]owe him.
  195. I never really got the concept of faith, so it's hard [cdb]for me to understand the archbishop's followers.
  196. Though, Edie and Claude have earned their people's [cdb]trust too. In a way, I guess that's almost the same.
  197. And now these two forces of faith are clashing. I can't imagine the goddess wanting to have anything [cdb]to do with a conflict like this.
  198. Say that she would.
  199. Agree that she wouldn't.
  200. I don't know, maybe she would. She's supposed to [cdb]be beyond human understanding, right?
  201. I don't know, maybe she would. She's supposed to [cdb]be beyond human understanding, right?
  202. I suppose so. In that case, I'd rather she stayed out of [cdb]it.
  203. Yeah, there's no way she would. But even if she were [cdb]involved, I doubt she'd interfere directly.
  204. Yeah, there's no way she would. But even if she were [cdb]involved, I doubt she'd interfere directly.
  205. Right. If she did involve herself, I'd honestly rather [cdb]she didn't.
  206. I'm glad you and Claude made it back unharmed.
  207. I was so confused when you got caught in that strange [cdb]magic and vanished.
  208. Apologize for attacking him.
  209. Thank him for not killing you.
  210. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  211. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  212. Don't worry about it. I know you weren't in control [cdb]of yourself.
  213. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  214. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  215. You didn't seem to be in control of yourself. And I [cdb]couldn't just kill an ally.
  216. I'm glad you and Claude made it back unharmed.
  217. I was so confused when you got caught in that strange [cdb]magic and vanished.
  218. Apologize for attacking her.
  219. Thank her for not killing you.
  220. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  221. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  222. Don't worry about it. I know you weren't in control [cdb]of yourself.
  223. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  224. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  225. You didn't seem to be in control of yourself. And I [cdb]couldn't just kill an ally.
  226. I'll tell you, Lady Rhea is the last person in the world I want to see.
  227. I owe her a great debt. But our relationship is more [cdb]complicated than that.
  228. I wanted to turn my back on it all, so I ran away. Despite that, here I am again.
  229. All I can do now is see how things play out. It's time [cdb]to end this.
  230. Claude's grown into a fine young man. Don't you [cdb]think he's a rather dignified king?
  231. I wonder what Tiana would say if she could see [cdb]him now.
  232. Anyway, enough on that. I have to say, I never [cdb]thought Nader would come rushing to our aid.
  233. Getting past Fódlan's Throat must've been tough.
  234. You'd never guess he went through all that just [cdb]looking at him. That guy's really something else.
  235. You might've picked up on this during the battle at Garreg Mach, but Lady Rhea is not to be [cdb]underestimated.
  236. Not to mention she's probably furious right now.
  237. She's usually so tranquil and composed. I shudder to [cdb]think what she'll do when she's enraged.
  238. You better make sure you're fully prepared. Good luck out there, [HERO_MF]!
  239. A struggle on the Tailtean Plains... Hmm. Oh, [cdb]sorry, just thinking out loud.
  240. It might surprise you, but I used to do tons of [cdb]business at Garreg Mach a long time ago.
  241. So I used to see people from the Central Church all [cdb]the time. That's all.
  242. There's been a stalemate at the western front for quite [cdb]some time, but it's not hard to imagine the Kingdom [cdb]getting overwhelmed there.
  243. The people in the western region will fight to the [cdb]death if the Kingdom is ever in danger.
  244. But the lords there don't get along, and there's plenty [cdb]of bad blood between the Western Church and the Central Church, too.
  245. I'm sure morale will only grow with the king of Faerghus in Arianrhod.
  246. But I doubt that would ever be enough to send [cdb]the Imperial army running on its own.
  247. Once the Central Church is gone, the eastern half of Faerghus will be without a clear governing church.
  248. I could see the Western Church trying to take it [cdb]under their influence, but...
  249. The archbishop's followers would never accept that. Nor would they submit to the Southern Church [cdb]without protestation.
  250. Perhaps then the Eastern Church? Or, I suppose it's [cdb]possible that a Northern Church could spring up [cdb]from the ashes of all this.
  251. Most of the Central Church's followers who lived in Garreg Mach fled to the Kingdom.
  252. However, some went into Burgundy territory and are [cdb]now somewhere in Leicester.
  253. We won't be able to let our guard down, even if we [cdb]do take out the archbishop.
  254. We've been doing nothing but running around [cdb]fighting, but we can take it! The Federation [cdb]army is bursting with motivation!
  255. We can't wait to bring about a new era for Fódlan!
  256. I'm gonna give 'em what for, just you watch!
  257. We could end up facing off against the archbishop's [cdb]assistant Seteth in the next battle.
  258. He helped me out a lot during my days at the Officers Academy.
  259. He comes off all stern and scary, but he can be really [cdb]nice. I truly hope he survives the coming battle.
  260. The Federation army took out Thunder Catherine, [cdb]right? She was one of the Holy Knights of Seiros.
  261. This is just a rumor, but I heard she was Count Charon's daughter, from the Kingdom.
  262. If that's true, House Charon might hold a grudge [cdb]against us.
  263. Hey, Commander! Word is that the war's almost [cdb]over. Is that true?
  264. Once it's all done and dusted, I'm gonna start a [cdb]new life outside Derdriu.
  265. You should think about what's next for you too, [cdb]if you haven't already. You can't be a mercenary with [cdb]no battles to fight!
  266. My job is to take note of what you all accomplish and [cdb]report to Her Majesty, the emperor.
  267. I'm not spying, I assure you. I simply report what I've [cdb]seen.
  268. Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
  269. Listen to this! I was able to see my little brother [cdb]at Garreg Mach! And he's doing well!
  270. I was so glad he wasn't on the enemy's side. We wished each other the best, and then went our [cdb]separate ways.
  271. Gosh, I can't wait for this war to be over. Then everyone will be able to laugh together again, [cdb]no matter where they're from.
  272. We have nothing more to fear, [HERO_MF].
  273. No matter who or what you face, we will be able to [cdb]save this world.
  274. Now, let us be off. We shall fight till the bitter end.
  275. I can't hear Arval anymore...
  276. I can't hear Arval anymore...
  277. Everything's coming to a head. I've got a feeling this [cdb]next battle will be the final one.
  278. Everything's coming to a head. I've got a feeling this [cdb]next battle will be the final one.
  279. I oughta give this Merc Whistle to someone while I've [cdb]still got the chance.
  280. I oughta give this Merc Whistle to someone while I've [cdb]still got the chance.
  281. <<<EMPTY>>>
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