1. We made some headway on the western front once [cdb]the Empire pulled its main force back.
  2. What does it matter when their Minister of Military Affairs still holds Arianrhod?
  3. Even if we were in a position to keep throwing troops [cdb]at those walls, we're never going to crack them.
  4. But if we keep digging our heels in here, their main [cdb]force will be on us again in no time.
  5. It appears they have already dealt with the [cdb]insurrection at Fort Merceus.
  6. If they don't come at us from the west, they'll soon [cdb]waltz right in from the east.
  7. Might I offer a suggestion, King Dimitri?
  8. Of course, Lady Rhea.
  9. We should retake Garreg Mach. It is the only way to [cdb]reverse our current fortunes.
  10. If I call upon the church's faithful, they will come [cdb]running from every corner of Fódlan to liberate the [cdb]monastery in the goddess's name.
  11. With Garreg Mach under our control, we will be able [cdb]to keep the Imperial army in check.
  12. Additionally, it might convince some of the more [cdb]fickle Alliance lords to reconsider their loyalties.
  13. I mean no disrespect, Lady Rhea, but this proposal [cdb]hardly seems...
  14. There is more. As you know, the bishop of the Southern Church is currently seated at the [cdb]monastery.
  15. If we remove him, it reminds the world anew that Archbishop Rhea is the rightful head of the Church of Seiros.
  16. I believe this will shake some of the more devout Adrestian lords from their emperor's grip.
  17. While their faith may waver now, Adrestia is still the [cdb]cradle of the Church of Seiros.
  18. There are yet many pious believers among their [cdb]nobility. If we can pull them to our side, it may shift [cdb]the war back in our favor.
  19. We should strike while the iron is hot. I will get the [cdb]word out at once.
  20. Hold, Lady Rhea. While I now concede that your [cdb]plan to retake the monastery has some merit, I must [cdb]ask that you alert no one.
  21. And why not? I need only say the word, and an army [cdb]of believers will flock to our cause.
  22. Yes, and the moment the enemy spies people flooding [cdb]in from across hill and dale, they'll realize what we're [cdb]planning and bolster their defenses.
  23. You believe their defenses are mightier than the faith [cdb]of the people? By the goddess, have our enemies truly [cdb]become so powerful?
  24. In that case, what do you propose?
  25. We entrust the eastern lines to Houses Charon and Galatea, then ride en masse toward Arianrhod.
  26. The enemy will think we intend to assail the Silver Maiden. But instead, we break east.
  27. East... Then we'll be attacking the monastery [cdb]through the Valley of Torment.
  28. I get your thinking now.
  29. If we attack from the west, Arianrhod would be at our [cdb]backs and the Empire could box us in.
  30. Very well. I have no objections.
  31. My church members will assist in guiding your [cdb]soldiers through Ailell.
  32. The monastery is holy and precious to us—and by the [cdb]name of the goddess, I swear it will be ours again!
  33. Good. Then I'll ready the troops. Lady Rhea? Seteth? I place all of our futures in your hands.