1. Curse that doddering old fool. Striking out on his [cdb]own was idiotic to the utmost degree.
  2. Had he only been more patient, we could've all [cdb]joined with the Imperial army's main corps and [cdb]mobilized as one cohesive unit!
  3. It seems the Kingdom's offer of shelter to the Central Church incensed him to act.
  4. You know how deeply Lord Lonato's hatred for the [cdb]church and their kind has festered. Ever since the day [cdb]they brought a blade down on his son's neck.
  5. But what of his adopted son? Wasn't he made a knight [cdb]of the royal family?
  6. For a time he served the Grand Duke of Itha as well.
  7. I can't possibly fathom what the man is thinking.
  8. Really? The matter seems rather open and shut to me. He possesses a burning hatred for both the church [cdb]and the archbishop at its head.
  9. Just as they deserve the ultimate punishment in Lonato's mind, so too does the king who has chosen [cdb]to take them in.
  10. If only he'd slowed down for a moment to consider [cdb]how his ridiculous actions would affect me.
  11. I carried out my betrayal of the Kingdom with the [cdb]promise of Imperial protection of our territory firmly [cdb]in sight.
  12. That will of course all be for naught if this ends with [cdb]our lands razed to the ground and my head skewered [cdb]on the lance of the enraged king of Faerghus.
  13. Hah! I imagine he will be quite angry, yes. We should prepare ourselves for what's to come.
  14. If Lord Lonato and his men fall, Arianrhod is sure to [cdb]be met with a siege.
  15. In which case, we hand it back to the Kingdom. A peace offering, if you will. But if Lonato emerges [cdb]victorious, we defect to the Empire as planned.
  16. Both sides covet the fortress. Whichever way the [cdb]winds of war blow, we only need match them to stay [cdb]afloat.
  17. Are you sure, Your Excellency? Normally you'd balk [cdb]at such cagey behavior.
  18. Hmph, don't play dumb with me, Gwendal. You've said it yourself.
  19. There will be no shame in surrender as long as you [cdb]fight tooth and nail to the end.