1. Hey there.
  2. Oh, Holst. What's going on?
  3. Oh, Holst. What's going on?
  4. Our king has agreed to meet with the Adrestian [cdb]emperor.
  5. Claude's gonna talk to Edelgard?
  6. Claude's gonna talk to Edelgard?
  7. Yes, and you'll be joining us. You're the only reliable [cdb]bodyguard we could find on such short notice.
  8. Uh... OK, then. Lead the way.
  9. Uh... OK, then. Lead the way.
  10. It's good to see you again, Claude. Congratulations [cdb]on your coronation as the first king of the Leicester Federation.
  11. What's this? The Empire has officially recognized our Federation? Why Edelgard, I'm touched.
  12. But I did have my heart set on an apology. You [cdb]launched an unprovoked attack against us, after [cdb]all.
  13. Attack? The Empire merely responded to an [cdb]invitation from Viscount Acheron of House Phlegethon.
  14. Alas, fortune turned against him at the Great Bridge [cdb]of Myrddin, and he perished in the battle.
  15. As a result, we did garrison our army in Gloucester [cdb]territory for a brief time.
  16. But I would hardly call that an unprovoked attack.
  17. Hah! And dead men tell no tales, right? Although I'll [cdb]grant you that he sold us out to the Empire.
  18. Whatever transpired, the Empire and the Alliance did [cdb]end up at war with one another.
  19. And I do not deny that the Imperial army caused [cdb]harm within Alliance territory. We are prepared to [cdb]offer appropriate restitution for that.
  20. That works. We'll take tangible resources over [cdb]insincere apologies any day.
  21. We can hash out the definition of "appropriate" later. Want to move on to the real reason we're here?
  22. Yes, by all means. I trust you read my letter?
  23. The Central Church must be eliminated before Fódlan can be reborn.
  24. Your help would go a long way towards [cdb]accomplishing that.
  25. Oh, I read it all right. And from a personal [cdb]standpoint, it's something I can get behind.
  26. But as the leader of the Federation, I can't say [cdb]the same.
  27. You can't expect the people of Leicester to embrace [cdb]this Southern Church that you've dredged up out of [cdb]nowhere.
  28. I must take issue with that assertion. The Southern Church has a long and storied history in Fódlan.
  29. Nonsense. You hastily resurrected some dusty old [cdb]sect and appointed the Empire's own Minister of Religious Affairs as its bishop.
  30. Do you honestly expect us to acknowledge such an [cdb]obvious sham?
  31. Heh. None of us will shed any tears if you do not. Nor did we truly expect that you would.
  32. We do not care where the Federation places its faith, [cdb]so long as it is not in the Central Church.
  33. So all you're looking for is a little cooperation in [cdb]taking them down? And I assume the Kingdom's on [cdb]your hit list too, since they've given them sanctuary.
  34. I understand the Federation faces challenges of its [cdb]own. Surely you would prefer a quick return to [cdb]stability at your borders with the Empire?
  35. Oh? I'd like to hear a little more about these [cdb]challenges you think we have. But maybe now [cdb]isn't the best time.
  36. Claude, we want stability. The decision is yours [cdb]to make.
  37. Knowing you, I am certain you will carefully consider [cdb]the costs and benefits, rather than let emotions [cdb]dictate your decision.
  38. All right, I'm in. Holst, do you feel satisfied with [cdb]those terms?
  39. Everything looks good to me—I'm especially glad we [cdb]found a solution to the control of Myrddin.
  40. Hubert, I trust you have no objections?
  41. None, Your Majesty. All that remains is the [cdb]placement of your seals.
  42. Then let us conclude our discussions for now, and [cdb]go inform the world that Adrestia and Leicester have [cdb]joined forces for a brighter future.
  43. Sounds like a plan to me.
  44. I, Claude von Riegan, King of the Leicester Federation, hereby swear this pact.
  45. Leicester pledges to work in harmony with the Adrestian Empire, and do everything in its power to [cdb]secure a peaceful future for Fódlan.
  46. By the covenant between the red blood and the white [cdb]sword that crowns the double-headed eagle...
  47. I, Edelgard von Hresvelg, hereby swear this pact.
  48. Adrestia pledges to work hand in hand with the Leicester Federation to deliver peace to the land and [cdb]secure a future for all its people.
  49. The pact is sealed.
  50. And now it is our job to uphold it.
  51. I'm sure you noticed how Edelgard wouldn't even [cdb]deign to acknowledge your existence.
  52. How empty does it make you feel, to witness history [cdb]marching forward without any say in which direction [cdb]it takes?
  53. I never wanted to be the one making history. That's too big a role for a humble mercenary.
  54. I never wanted to be the one making history. That's too big a role for a humble mercenary.
  55. That said, I don't know about this. The Kingdom and [cdb]the church are suddenly our enemies now. Is everyone [cdb]really just gonna get on board with that?
  56. That said, I don't know about this. The Kingdom and [cdb]the church are suddenly our enemies now. Is everyone [cdb]really just gonna get on board with that?