1. Edelgard, requesting reinforcements from us? This is not a matter that we can respond to lightly.
  2. Why? It seems pretty straightforward to me.
  3. Hilda, do you truly believe that Edelgard would so [cdb]readily put herself in our debt had she any other [cdb]choice?
  4. That does not sound like the Edelgard I know. She prefers her debts flow in the opposite direction.
  5. Ha! Sounds like you two have something in [cdb]common.
  6. Hmph. I will not deny it. In fact, that is precisely [cdb]what gives me such insight into her current [cdb]predicament.
  7. Make no mistake. The situation must be dire if she [cdb]feels we are her best option.
  8. Simply put, were we to refuse her, it may well lead to [cdb]her downfall.
  9. What are you getting at, Lorenz? You've got a real [cdb]dark glint in your eye.
  10. The Empire's regime revolves entirely around its [cdb]current emperor. If Adrestia were to lose her, it [cdb]would collapse like a house of cards.
  11. I see what you mean. At this point, there's no one [cdb]in the Imperial line who could realistically inherit [cdb]the throne.
  12. In other words, if we abandon Edelgard in her hour [cdb]of need, the Empire will fall right along with her.
  13. Not an argument I expected from someone as [cdb]self-righteous as you, Lorenz. That sounds more [cdb]like...
  14. You, Claude.
  15. Edelgard herself.
  16. It actually sounds like you, Claude.
  17. It actually sounds like you, Claude.
  18. Ha! It totally does. And he wouldn't even bat an eye [cdb]as he said it.
  19. It certainly does sound like him. Oh... I'm sorry.
  20. It sounds like something Edelgard would say.
  21. It sounds like something Edelgard would say.
  22. True. She always struck me as the type who would [cdb]stop at nothing to achieve her goals.
  23. Though, if I'm being honest, that basically describes Claude as well. Oh, um, I don't mean any offense, [cdb]of course.
  24. Yeah. Other than Edelgard, Claude's the only one [cdb]who would say something so devious.
  25. And Claude wouldn't even tell his own allies what [cdb]was going on until it happened.
  26. Hey, that's ancient history! Nowadays, we all plot our [cdb]schemes together. We're doing it right now!
  27. I guess that's true.
  28. I guess that's true.
  29. Although, maybe that means we're all turning into Claude a bit.
  30. Although, maybe that means we're all turning into Claude a bit.
  31. How else do you explain what's happened to Lorenz?
  32. How else do you explain what's happened to Lorenz?
  33. The idea that I am somehow emulating Claude is [cdb]preposterous. I am merely proposing what I believe [cdb]to be the best course of action for Leicester.
  34. We can debate whether or not we've all become [cdb]mini-Claudes later. For now, let's hear what the [cdb]king himself thinks we should do.
  35. A battle between the Empire and the Knights of Seiros, with us being the factor that could turn [cdb]the tides. We've been here before, haven't we?
  36. Last time, I chose to sacrifice Randolph in order to [cdb]ensure our victory.
  37. And because I did, we lost Judith to the Ashen Demon. I don't want to make that mistake again.
  38. And because I did, we got ambushed in Ailell and [cdb]barely made it out alive. I don't want to make that [cdb]mistake again.
  39. Ah!
  40. This time, we're going to rush to Garreg Mach, [cdb]wipe out the Central Church's forces, and take [cdb]down Rhea herself.
  41. That's the plan that will put an end to this war with [cdb]as little bloodshed as possible. That makes it the [cdb]best option we have.
  42. Yes, we're effectively rescuing Edelgard. But hey, [cdb]we could do worse than having an emperor in our [cdb]debt.
  43. If that is what you deem best, you will hear no [cdb]objections from me.
  44. Yes, I find the plan satisfactory.
  45. I got no complaints either. Let's get going!
  46. Sounds like we're all in agreement on this one.
  47. Just give the word, Your Majesty.
  48. Right. We march on Garreg Mach to rescue the Imperial army!
  49. Prepare to move out immediately!