1. We successfully drove out the bandits and recovered [cdb]the holy artifact.
  2. I must thank you all for your help. Truly, the goddess [cdb]has blessed us this day.
  3. So that shield is the artifact?
  4. So that shield is the artifact?
  5. It is actually one of the sacred weapons. I am certain [cdb]you know of them.
  6. Say they were made by Saint Macuil.
  7. Say they were made by Saint Indech.
  8. Oh, right. I remember hearing how Saint Macuil [cdb]made 'em a long time ago.
  9. Oh, right. I remember hearing how Saint Macuil [cdb]made 'em a long time ago.
  10. You are well-informed—although in this case, [cdb]only half-right.
  11. Oh, right. I remember hearing how Saint Indech [cdb]made 'em a long time ago.
  12. Oh, right. I remember hearing how Saint Indech [cdb]made 'em a long time ago.
  13. I see someone has been studying.
  14. Many people mistakenly believe the sacred weapons [cdb]were forged by Saint Macuil.
  15. In truth, most were forged by Indech, then imbued [cdb]with power by Macuil.
  16. It is said that this one—the Ochain Shield—was [cdb]created by Indech for Saint Cichol.
  17. They were such good friends! Er...or so I once read.
  18. Indeed. But Seiros decided to gift the shield to the [cdb]first emperor of Adrestia instead. Do you know who [cdb]that was?
  19. It was...um... Yeah, let's see if Cyril knows.
  20. It was...um... Yeah, let's see if Cyril knows.
  21. It was... Hm. Wil...something, right?
  22. Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg—the only person to hold the [cdb]title of "great emperor" in the history of Adrestia.
  23. At first, he merely ruled over Enbarr, but then Seiros [cdb]imparted the revelation of the goddess upon him.
  24. In the blink of an eye, he forged an empire and raised [cdb]an army to unite the war-torn land of Fódlan.
  25. His battle raged for decades. Much blood was shed.
  26. Seiros and the Four Saints fought beside the Empire at [cdb]this time, which is why the struggle is now known as [cdb]the War of Heroes.
  27. Huh. Did you know all that, Cyril?
  28. Huh. Did you know all that, Cyril?
  29. Don't use my ignorance to feel better about yourself.
  30. Finally, Nemesis—the leader of the opposing forces— [cdb]was defeated at the Battle of Tailtean.
  31. Having achieved his chief ambition, Great Emperor Wilhelm ceded the throne to his son, Lycaon.
  32. Wilhelm continued to assist Lycaon in battle.
  33. But Lycaon perished at a young age, and Wilhelm [cdb]soon retreated into the background.
  34. He relinquished this shield to Seiros, and together [cdb]they returned it to Indech's workshop.
  35. Then it lay forgotten for over a thousand years.
  36. A thousand years? It doesn't look anywhere near [cdb]that old.
  37. A thousand years? It doesn't look anywhere near [cdb]that old.
  38. That is because Uncle Indech was so skilled. In fact, [cdb]he was the finest blacksmith who ever lived!
  39. Uncle?
  40. Uncle?
  41. Um, I mean, Saint Indech! They call him uncle in [cdb]some fables so...I misspoke.
  42. Alas, in the present day, the Adrestian Emperor is [cdb]attempting to eradicate the Church of Seiros.
  43. They forget their very origins. It is nothing short of [cdb]pure blasphemy.
  44. Here. The shield is yours.
  45. We also recovered other useful items from the [cdb]bandits, and they are yours as well.
  46. Really?
  47. Really?
  48. The archbishop wishes it.
  49. Just as Great Emperor Wilhelm once used this shield [cdb]to defeat the wicked Nemesis...
  50. I pray you might use it to defeat the wayward Emperor Edelgard.
  51. Accept the shield.
  52. Refuse it.
  53. Hesitate.
  54. Gotcha. I'll give it to Dimitri and tell him to [cdb]use it as he sees fit.
  55. Gotcha. I'll give it to Dimitri and tell him to [cdb]use it as he sees fit.
  56. Excellent. I am certain he will find a proper purpose [cdb]for it.
  57. Thanks, but I don't think I'm worthy of a thousand- [cdb]year-old shield forged by a literal saint.
  58. Thanks, but I don't think I'm worthy of a thousand- [cdb]year-old shield forged by a literal saint.
  59. I see. In that case, I will simply have it delivered to King Dimitri directly.
  60. But I'm just a mercenary, y'know? Not sure I'm [cdb]prepared to handle something so...fancy.
  61. But I'm just a mercenary, y'know? Not sure I'm [cdb]prepared to handle something so...fancy.
  62. I see. In that case, I will simply have it delivered to King Dimitri directly.
  63. Indech's superhuman talent and Wilhelm's fierce will. Seiros's wishes for Fódlan, and the blessing of the [cdb]goddess herself.
  64. All these things dwell within the shield.
  65. I am certain it will lead the way to victory for you, [cdb]as well as all adherents of the Seiros faith.
  66. I'll take your words to heart, too—and make sure [cdb]to pass them on to Dimitri.
  67. I'll take your words to heart, too—and make sure [cdb]to pass them on to Dimitri.
  68. I can accept your words, at least—and I'll make sure [cdb]to pass them on to Dimitri.
  69. I can accept your words, at least—and I'll make sure [cdb]to pass them on to Dimitri.
  70. See that you do. I expect great things from you all.