1. ♪La la laaa, la la la laaa... La la la, la la laaa...♪
  2. ♪La la laaa, la la la laaa... La la la, la la laaa...♪
  3. Phew. How was that?
  4. I, uh... Yeah, good.
  5. Still the same reaction, huh.
  6. Sorry, me and singing just don't mix very well.
  7. Though it did make me feel warm inside. Kinda like I was a kid again, with my mom.
  8. Hey, you do get it! That was a lullaby from a long, [cdb]long time ago.
  9. Nowadays nobody remembers the lyrics, though. Or sings it to their children, for that matter.
  10. A lullaby, huh? I guess that's why it took me back [cdb]the way it did.
  11. But...wait. If nobody knows the words, how are you [cdb]so sure that's even what it is? Just from how it sounds?
  12. Well, there was this scholar who researched it a few [cdb]years ago and said as much. Couldn't tell you if they [cdb]were right, though.
  13. The lack of lyrics actually works.
  14. It's nice that it's repetitive.
  15. Huh. Honestly, I kinda liked that it didn't have [cdb]any words.
  16. That way it can hit you straight in the heart without [cdb]all that lyrics and meaning stuff getting in the way.
  17. Huh. It's a simple song, and honestly pretty [cdb]repetitive...but I don't really mind.
  18. I mean, a complicated song that's always changing is [cdb]basically impossible to remember, so I'd take this over [cdb]that any day of the week.
  19. I'm glad to hear you giving music a little more [cdb]thought now.
  20. And I'm glad I've had so many chances to listen to [cdb]you sing.
  21. Your voice touches people, Dorothea. Even if they [cdb]don't have the knowledge to really appreciate the [cdb]high-level art of it.
  22. I mean, look at me! Bottom of the barrel and you still [cdb]practically move me to tears.
  23. Oh, come now, don't talk about yourself like that.
  24. Eh, it doesn't really bother me. And I'm not wrong, [cdb]am I? No birth parents, no real background to speak [cdb]of, the whole "wandering merc" gig. It is what it is.
  25. That's quite the positive attitude. I'll have to try [cdb]a little bit of that myself sometime.
  26. In the meantime, I've once again been able to rethink [cdb]my singing thanks to you.
  27. I lost much of my emotion about the craft during my [cdb]time as a diva, but I can feel it coming back now.
  28. Heh. You really are incredible, you know that?
  29. How do you mean?
  30. I dunno, there's just something beautiful about [cdb]the way you speak.
  31. It's like your thoughts just come outta your mouth [cdb]fully-formed, almost perfect, then find their way [cdb]straight into people's hearts.
  32. Probably has something to do with all the training [cdb]you did to become a diva. And all the training you've [cdb]continued doing since.
  33. Meanwhile, here I am struggling to even make [cdb]proper sentences when I try to talk about [cdb]your singing.
  34. Thank you for the kind words. It makes me feel [cdb]a lot better hearing you say those things about me.
  35. But for the record, I don't think you're bad with [cdb]words at all.
  36. Even your little speech now was the definition of [cdb]smooth. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you [cdb]were trying to flirt with me.