1. Hubert, what do you make of the Ashen Demon?
  2. Aside from having proven to be both impossibly [cdb]powerful and a constant thorn in our side?
  3. I daresay we are fortunate to have been able to rid [cdb]ourselves of that nuisance once and for all.
  4. Though we paid dearly for it, the nuisance's father [cdb]died by our hand.
  5. I imagine the brat is unlikely to be tickled about that.
  6. Indeed. If only we'd won the Demon over to our [cdb]side when we had the chance.
  7. Correction—was a constant thorn in our side. I must admit, the little terror has put in some [cdb]fine work for the Empire recently.
  8. We're fortunate to have gained so powerful an ally.
  9. Why do you bring this up, Your Majesty? Is there [cdb]something on your mind?
  10. I'm not entirely sure myself...
  11. My apologies, Hubert. Pay me no mind. Like as not I am overthinking the situation.
  12. Surely you realize that telling me to pay this no [cdb]mind only gives me greater cause for concern?
  13. Heh. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm simply having [cdb]trouble putting this feeling into words.
  14. I just felt...I don't know. As if something was drawing [cdb]me to the Ashen Demon.
  15. I wonder... Could it be the influence of my Crest?
  16. Your Crest? Now I am truly becoming concerned.
  17. Forget it. It's done. The Demon is dead, and all of [cdb]that is behind us.
  18. Forget it. Whatever it means, we'll never know. We'll meet the Demon in battle and let this [cdb]mystery die there.
  19. Forget it. Whatever it means, we don't need to find [cdb]out right away. We've a war to win first.
  20. As you wish, Your Majesty.
  21. So long as you realize I will be taking the liberty to [cdb]investigate this most thoroughly.
  22. I thought you might say as much. Do as you must.
  23. Honestly, Hubert. You never change, do you?
  24. When I emerged from beneath the palace all those [cdb]years ago, you acted as though nothing had [cdb]happened.
  25. "Do not worry," you said. "I took the liberty to [cdb]investigate while you were indisposed."
  26. For the record, my blood was boiling. However, [cdb]as there were others present, I kept still my tongue.
  27. I could not risk showing my anger, lest they find a [cdb]way to turn it against you.
  28. My role to play is the cold, crafty, unreadable servant.
  29. I am happy with the casting, so let us leave it at that.
  30. I'm certain you are...but just once I'd like to see our [cdb]roles reversed.
  31. Your Majesty, you cannot possibly be serious.
  32. Not in the slightest. I'm well aware I am not cut out [cdb]for the kind of work you do.
  33. Nonsense. There is nothing beyond your capability.
  34. That said, I prefer you best when you are the one [cdb]in charge.
  35. Command me as you see fit. No matter how daunting [cdb]or impossible the task may be, I will come through [cdb]every time without fail.
  36. Thank you, Hubert. It's good to know that I can [cdb]always rely on you.