1. This war is getting more brutal with each passing day. If I don't learn to adapt, I'll never survive.
  2. Maybe if I work on my bow skills, I can get good [cdb]enough to fight from a safe distance.
  3. I wonder if Petra would teach me. I mean, she doesn't [cdb]hate me, so that must mean we sort of get along...
  4. You are needing my help, Bernadetta?
  5. Augh! Petra! Were you there this whole time?
  6. For enough time. I am also thinking we are [cdb]getting along.
  7. You...do? Aww, Petra!
  8. Um, but I mean...I actually could use your help.
  9. I want to get better with the bow, so I was thinking [cdb]maybe you could give me some intensive training? But I mean, you really don't have to! It's fine!
  10. Of course! It would give me delight.
  11. But there is one concern I am having.
  12. Oh... It's the fact that I'm horribly untalented, [cdb]isn't it?
  13. No, you are not without talent. I have seen you being [cdb]very light upon your feet.
  14. But it is only when you are feeling threatened. So [cdb]for you to have the greatest improvement, I must [cdb]be giving you fear when I am training you.
  15. Um...OK? But maybe you could be threatening in [cdb]a non-threatening way?
  16. That could be done, but then you would not be [cdb]having improvement. Terror is what you are [cdb]needing for this.
  17. I don't think I like the sound of that...
  18. Then we must be forgetting this idea. I do not want [cdb]your heart to be giving out.
  19. Hey, come on! I'm not completely afraid of applying [cdb]myself, you know!
  20. If we are doing this intensive training, you will have [cdb]to be facing the trial of wind. I am thinking you [cdb]lack the readiness you need.
  21. The trial...of wind?
  22. You know what? Do your worst! My heart can [cdb]take whatever you dish out and...and...chew it into [cdb]little, tiny pieces!
  23. ...
  24. Very well. Once we have our beginning, I will not [cdb]relent. I hope you have offered your prayers today!
  25. Eep! On second thought, maybe we should discuss [cdb]this just a little more before we—Goddess, save me!
  26. Petra! Enough! Cease! Your arrows are just one [cdb]big blur!
  27. Now it is time for seriousness. One hundred arrows [cdb]from behind!
  29. Is this...the afterlife? Am I dead?
  30. You have done it, Bernadetta! You are the survivor of Brigid's fearsome trial by wind.
  31. What does that...even mean?
  32. This training is meant to be testing our resolve, [cdb]just as the spirits do.
  33. Warriors of Brigid who are surviving the trial receive [cdb]the blessings of the wind spirits.
  34. You have passed. Now the spirits will be with you [cdb]always and guiding your arrows.
  35. I passed? Yes! You go, Bernie! But actually, I'm just [cdb]happy to get your approval here. It feels...nice.
  36. It is the approval of the wind spirits, not mine. But I am sharing in your happiness all the same.