1. Mmm... The Empire's sweets truly are a delight.
  2. Might I interest you in a cup of coffee? It cuts [cdb]through the sweetness of the treats perfectly.
  3. Hmm? No, I'm good.
  4. Honestly, I don't understand how you can drink that [cdb]all the time—it's so bitter!
  5. Well, I suppose one with a youthful tongue would not [cdb]care for it. Yet the bitterness, the deep richness, [cdb]the subtle acidity...
  6. Oh, and I'm not treating you like a child here—I am [cdb]merely discussing different palates.
  7. I'm not a child and neither is my tongue. Now give me some of that coffee!
  8. Blech!
  9. Are you all right, Lysithea? Here, wipe your mouth.
  10. I fear that attempt was ill-advised. If you wish to [cdb]enjoy coffee, you must first modify it to your liking.
  11. Perhaps we might try adding sugar and goat's milk? It would mellow the flavor and add sweetness.
  12. Yes, please.
  13. There's something I'm curious about, Hubert.
  14. And what might that be?
  15. Why are you being so kind and indulgent to me and [cdb]only me? Compared to how you treat other people, [cdb]it's clearly strange.
  16. And what if I were doing so because Her Majesty had [cdb]commanded me to pay particular attention to you?
  17. Huh? She did?
  18. Uh, I mean, even if she did do that, you're still being [cdb]far nicer to me than you have to be!
  19. ...
  20. If I tell you, you must not breathe a word of it to [cdb]anyone. I will erase you if this gets out. Permanently.
  21. You'll...erase me? Well, all right—I promise to keep it [cdb]a secret until the day I die. Is that good enough?
  22. It will do.
  23. ...
  24. I...have a younger sister. One the same age as you.
  25. The pair of you have similar personalities, so perhaps I end up doting on you for this reason.
  26. You have a sister?! Why doesn't anyone know?!
  27. I conceal my family's existence as much as possible [cdb]to avoid their becoming a liability.
  28. I also have a mother and little brother, yet you [cdb]certainly do not know the first thing about them, [cdb]either.
  29. Hmm... I suppose it would be strange for a noble like [cdb]yourself to not have a single relative.
  30. Still, it's surprising you'd keep it under wraps from [cdb]even your close friends and comrades.
  31. That is my business. Regardless, I imagine that is the [cdb]reason I unconsciously end up favoring you as I do.
  32. So you aren't treating me as a child, but a little sister?
  33. Well, if that's the case—and considering how much [cdb]older you are than me—I suppose I can allow it.
  34. Oh, but that will not do—my sister would be most [cdb]indignant if I were to treat anyone other than her [cdb]as such.
  35. Ergo, I will simply have to exercise more caution and [cdb]refrain from treating you as anything other than a [cdb]normal child.
  36. If it would make your sister upset, then...
  37. What? What do you mean, treat me like a child?!
  38. Oh dear, I let it slip. It appears my tongue is the one [cdb]that still has some maturing to do.