1. You were brilliant in the previous battle, Annette!
  2. Aw, stop. You're gonna make me blush!
  3. It's an honor to be complimented by one of the school [cdb]of sorcery's most legendary alumni!
  4. I'm legendary now, am I? Well, I can't say I disagree.
  5. I heard so many stories about you! Though I don't [cdb]know how true any of them are.
  6. Like, there's one where you turned a bunch of bossy [cdb]noble kids into horses, apparently?
  7. Oh yes, I remember that spell. I titled it: "Wherefore Whinnies!"
  8. I was so overjoyed at having completed it that I began [cdb]using it everywhere, and thus a tiny misunderstanding [cdb]was born. Hahaha!
  9. I also heard you were smart enough to argue magical [cdb]theory with the teachers and win!
  10. Ugh, "arguing" is such a gauche way to put it.
  11. But these stories offer only a glimpse into who I am. Such trifling incidents are hardly worthy of the word "legendary."
  12. Yeah, but it sounds like at least some of them actually [cdb]happened, right?
  13. I never dreamed I'd be fighting beside as big a legend [cdb]as you. It honestly makes me kinda nervous.
  14. No need for such modesty. After all, you yourself are [cdb]among the most talented women in all the Kingdom.
  15. Oh gosh, that's high praise. Did a teacher say it, [cdb]maybe?
  16. No. I merely happened to read that book you wrote [cdb]during your time there.
  17. Book? Oh! But no. No, no, nooo. I mean, I'm not [cdb]even sure if I'd call that a book, so...
  18. Really, it was more like a collection of memos on how [cdb]to bake Mercie's treats.
  19. Making Magical Morsels, exactly! That book spoke to [cdb]my very soul.
  20. The thought of using magic to simplify complicated [cdb]cooking tasks was nothing short of revolutionary.
  21. OK, but how did you get your hands on it? It was [cdb]supposed to be private!
  22. I mean, I did give a teacher permission to present [cdb]one of the spells, but...
  23. Combining ice and wind magic to make the outside [cdb]soft while the inside stays crunchy. Remarkable!
  24. It created a radical new movement of desserts that [cdb]were softer, sweeter, and more divine than any which [cdb]had come before!
  25. If you aren't proud of that, you can't be proud of [cdb]anything! Though it is unfortunate the treats cannot [cdb]be made without the use of the school's facilities...
  26. Well, it's not that I'm not proud, but it's also not like I wrote it all by myself, either.
  27. I mean sure, the magic was me. But Mercie's the one [cdb]who taught me how to bake in the first place.
  28. Ah, Mercedes. I am well aware that her little [cdb]delicacies are the finest in all Fódlan!
  29. Like those ones with pockets of sweetened butter [cdb]mixed into the dough? I would kill for one of those [cdb]right now.
  30. Oh, I haven't heard of that one! Is it a new creation? I must ask her to make it for me.
  31. Oh, I miss dear Mercedes' sweets so much. They were exquisite.
  32. Like those ones with pockets of sweetened butter [cdb]mixed into the dough? Those were so good...
  33. I never heard of those...and I suppose I'll never have [cdb]the chance to try them now.
  34. Ahem. In any case, I look forward to getting to know [cdb]you better, Annette.
  35. I anticipate many lively theoretical discussions ahead!