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  3. The knights have located the bandits that attacked [cdb]the students during their annual outdoor training. Your house sets off on its first mission: to mop up [cdb]the stragglers of this band of brigands.
  4. The Black Eagles hurry to Enbarr, the Imperial Capital. While Edelgard has yet to reveal her [cdb]intentions, it's clear that battle awaits when [cdb]you arrive.
  5. The Blue Lions have learned that Regent Rufus has [cdb]laid claim to the Kingdom capital. Choosing to aid Dimitri, you resolve to take back Fhirdiad by any [cdb]means necessary.
  6. News of a massive Almyran army mounting an [cdb]attack on Fódlan's Locket has reached the Golden Deer. Standing with Claude, you ready yourself to [cdb]defend Leicester with all the might of the Alliance.
  7. Preparations for war now complete, the Imperial [cdb]army arrives at Garreg Mach Monastery. The time [cdb]has come to sack the seat of the Central Church.
  8. The impatient Lord Lonato has declared open war [cdb]on the Kingdom. You must make haste along Magdred Way if you are to have any hope of [cdb]saving him.
  9. Count Bergliez and his troops have been trapped [cdb]behind enemy lines in Leicester. Racing against [cdb]time, you strike out to capture the Great Bridge of Myrddin and mount a rescue.
  10. Claude's blockade stands between you and Count Bergliez. The general can't hold out much longer— [cdb]you must break through and save him before it's [cdb]too late.
  11. Arianrhod is under siege by the Kingdom army. You have no choice but to double back in order to [cdb]prevent the fortress from falling into enemy hands.
  12. Edelgard's army returns to Enbarr, hoping to [cdb]recuperate from the fatigue of the recent string [cdb]of battles. Little do you know, your respite is to [cdb]be brief indeed...
  13. On the march once more, the Imperial army [cdb]advances to bring the western Kingdom to heel. But an old adversary bars your way...
  14. The western Kingdom has all but fallen. The [cdb]remaining lords of the Kingdom make their final [cdb]stand in defiance of the Empire.
  15. Flames of unrest have engulfed Hrym territory. To prevent the violence from spreading any [cdb]further, you head for the town said to be the [cdb]root of the chaos.
  16. Fort Merceus has fallen into the hands of rebels [cdb]led by the former Duke Aegir. You march into [cdb]battle to reclaim the fortress and put an end [cdb]to the insurrection.
  17. The Empire moves forward with its invasion of the Kingdom, trusting in its pact with the Alliance. But [cdb]before you can strike at the heart of Faerghus, you [cdb]must first traverse Ailell, the Valley of Torment.
  18. The Empire joins forces with the Alliance to mount [cdb]a full-scale invasion of the Kingdom. But before [cdb]you can strike at the heart of Faerghus, you must [cdb]first pass through Ailell, the Valley of Torment.
  19. While you were occupied in Ailell, both the church [cdb]and those who slither in the dark have made a play [cdb]for Garreg Mach. It's time to end this conflict and [cdb]unite Fódlan under the Empire's banner.
  20. Driven from Garreg Mach, the surviving members [cdb]of the church flee for the Kingdom. You must make [cdb]for Ailell at once to cover their escape.
  21. Lord Lonato has raised an army in rebellion against [cdb]the Kingdom. Your forces march through the fog [cdb]to strike down the traitorous lord and the Imperial [cdb]troops at his back.
  22. The Imperial forces stationed in former Arundel [cdb]territory have designs on Arianrhod. You must [cdb]launch an attack before the enemy can muster [cdb]the troops to retake the fortress.
  23. Dimitri and others are imprisoned within Fhirdiad. The group rides into the capital to save them.
  24. The western lords have conspired with Cornelia to [cdb]rebel against the crown. You must eliminate them [cdb]swiftly to restore order to the Kingdom.
  25. Arianrhod trembles under the Imperial army's [cdb]vicious siege. Aware that the fortress city cannot [cdb]be allowed to fall, you make haste to reinforce the Kingdom troops garrisoned there.
  26. After witnessing the cruelty and injustice left in the Imperial army's wake, you and your allies resolve [cdb]to put a stop to the Empire's misdeeds.
  27. Despite the Empire's newfound brutality, there are [cdb]yet those who would fight to protect it. They must [cdb]be defeated before you can press on to the capital.
  28. In order to launch an assault on Enbarr, you must [cdb]first break through Hevring territory. But an old [cdb]adversary bars your way...
  29. The Kingdom joins forces with the church and the Alliance to retake Garreg Mach. But before you [cdb]can oust the Empire from the monastery, you must [cdb]first pass through Ailell, the Valley of Torment.
  30. Following their rout at Ailell, the Imperial army [cdb]attempts to fall back to Garreg Mach. Your forces [cdb]give chase, hoping to stop them before they arrive.
  31. Confident that Claude will keep his word, you [cdb]make your way toward Garreg Mach Monastery [cdb]to assist Lady Rhea, put an end to the Empire's [cdb]machinations, and restore peace to Fódlan.
  32. The Imperial army has launched an attack on the Great Bridge of Myrddin in hopes of establishing a [cdb]foothold in Alliance territory. You must meet them [cdb]in battle and deny them the ingress they seek.
  33. The Imperial army marches north into Riegan [cdb]territory to attack Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital. It falls to you to stop them at all costs.
  34. Claude's stratagem has isolated the Imperial [cdb]invaders. Now it's time for you to tighten the net, [cdb]cut off their escape, and hopefully, convince them [cdb]to surrender.
  35. Marching south into Empire territory, the Alliance [cdb]forces arrive at Gronder Field. A showdown with Count Bergliez, the Empire's mightiest general, [cdb]seems imminent.
  36. A massive Almyran army has assembled to assail Fódlan's Locket once more. Forced to call off your [cdb]invasion of the Empire, you race back to Leicester [cdb]to deal with this unexpected turn of events.
  37. The Imperial army clashes with the Knights of Seiros in Ailell, the Valley of Torment. After [cdb]learning of the battle that rages there, you are [cdb]faced with a difficult decision.
  38. Prepared for the battles to come, the Federation [cdb]army marches for Faerghus, taking its first steps in [cdb]its war against the church and the Kingdom. But [cdb]an old adversary bars your way...
  39. The Federation army makes landfall in Kingdom [cdb]territory, and you set off for Fhirdiad at once. However, an enemy stronghold stands between [cdb]you and your goal.
  40. The Federation army arrives at Fhirdiad, [cdb]the Kingdom Capital. Claude launches a fierce [cdb]attack on the city in hopes of forcing King Dimitri [cdb]to surrender.
  41. Flames of unrest have engulfed Ordelia territory. To prevent the violence from spreading any [cdb]further, you head for the town said to be the [cdb]root of the chaos.
  42. Garreg Mach is under attack by the combined [cdb]forces of the Kingdom and the church. Aware that [cdb]the Federation must honor its pact, you march for [cdb]the monastery to aid the Empire.
  43. You've chased the retreating church forces to the Tailtean Plains. It is here that you will finally settle [cdb]the score with Archbishop Rhea and usher in a new [cdb]dawn for Fódlan.
  44. You and [BYLETH_MF] pursue Dimitri as he [cdb]flees. Suddenly, everything goes dark...
  45. You and [BYLETH_MF] search for Edelgard. Suddenly, everything goes dark...
  46. You and [BYLETH_MF] pursue the retreating [cdb]church forces. Suddenly, everything goes dark...
  47. You open your eyes to find you've been trapped [cdb]within Zahras along with Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude. In order to escape the unending darkness, [cdb]you all agree to work together for the time being.
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  100. You and your allies are marching through Imperial [cdb]territory, sights set on ending the war, when you [cdb]receive a shocking report: the Western Church has [cdb]raised an army to attack your army from the rear.
  101. One night, as the war rages on, you have a [cdb]mysterious dream. In it, you see an individual who [cdb]bears an uncanny resemblance to Arval...
  102. Embers from the uprising in Hrym continue to [cdb]smolder throughout the Empire. Who will snuff [cdb]them out?
  103. Monica and Duke Gerth prepare for an attack on a [cdb]suspicious group suspected of spying on the duke [cdb]and manipulating Baron Ochs. However, the only [cdb]person free to join them would rather stay inside...
  104. The Mittelfrank Opera Company is on tour to [cdb]raise the Imperial army's morale when they [cdb]encounter some troubles on the road.
  105. The Minister of the Imperial Household learns of [cdb]the enemy's plan to raid Garreg Mach, and he [cdb]knows just who to use to lay a trap of his own...
  106. It is in the nature of any true noble to ever strive [cdb]for greatness, as befits their rank—or so a pair of [cdb]young nobles would have you believe. An offhand [cdb]remark spurs these young scions to competition.
  107. Those who slither in the dark operate out of [cdb]bases hidden throughout Fódlan. Three of the [cdb]nefarious group's victims have uncovered intel [cdb]on one such locale.
  108. Perhaps hoping to take advantage of the trouble [cdb]brewing within the Kingdom, the people of Sreng [cdb]launch an invasion from the north. Dimitri rides [cdb]out with his best soldiers to intercept.
  109. Some among the survivors of Duscur remain [cdb]vehemently—and violently—opposed to Faerghus. The three dispatched from the Kingdom to resolve [cdb]the situation bear ties of their own to the Tragedy...
  110. Catherine tells Ashe what happened with his older [cdb]brother, Christophe, from her perspective. Before [cdb]he can digest what she's shared, however, familiar [cdb]faces appear before him...
  111. Rhea relates a tale describing a sacred artifact said [cdb]to have been locked away centuries ago. Hearing [cdb]this, the most loyal members of the church make [cdb]ready to retrieve it.
  112. Constance is ready to test out a revolutionary [cdb]new spell in the dead of night, as is her wont. But tonight, the intrepid young mage is in for [cdb]more than she bargained for...
  113. Members of the Knights of Seiros past and present [cdb]form a hastily assembled squadron to strike a blow [cdb]against the evil plaguing Fódlan.
  114. Hilda and Marianne are supposed to be heading [cdb]out on a reconnaissance mission, but Marianne [cdb]can't seem to get her gear in order...
  115. Claude receives an urgent report that Derdriu is [cdb]under assault by the Almyran navy. Though he [cdb]doubts the veracity of this news, he prepares to [cdb]mount a defense of the Aquatic Capital.
  116. Balthus's uncharacteristic behavior has the Goneril [cdb]siblings concerned. Just as they're discussing their [cdb]friend's troubles, they find themselves dragged into [cdb]the brawling gambler's personal issues...
  117. Shamir announces that she has business to attend [cdb]to elsewhere, but a worried Leonie won't let her go [cdb]without learning all the details.
  118. The former Count Gloucester pays Lysithea a visit, [cdb]only to be interrupted when news reaches them of [cdb]a bandit attack in Ordelia territory.
  119. An attack on a group of mercenaries-turned-bandit [cdb]sheds light on the truth behind the tragic death of Raphael's parents—an incident that has long [cdb]weighed on Ignatz's mind.
  120. Jeralt and [BYLETH_MF] have been hired [cdb]to clear out poachers near Sauin Village. They're [cdb]joined by Leonie, who's eager to defend the village [cdb]she calls home.
  121. The Ashen Wolves are together again to render aid [cdb]to the residents of the Garreg Mach Abyss.
  122. You shoot the breeze with the gatekeeper, [cdb]who reminisces about the good old days at [cdb]the Officers Academy.
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  201. House Burgundy of the Alliance has sided with the Central Church and is blocking the Empire's [cdb]advance. Defeat their forces and break through.
  202. While building a base, the Empire Armored Co. was discovered by the church's soldiers. Hurry to [cdb]their rescue.
  203. Clear a path for the conquest of Garreg Mach by [cdb]defeating the Church of Seiros army.
  204. Bandits have taken over a storehouse on Magdred Way full of useful supplies. Defeat the bandits and [cdb]retake it.
  205. The Kingdom army was spotted marching on a [cdb]stronghold in Rowe territory. Ensure the position [cdb]doesn't fall back into their hands.
  206. The Kingdom appears to be marshaling troops in Erebus territory. Rout them before their ranks [cdb]swell even further.
  207. The Gaspard Archers were seen engaging the Kingdom army and cannot be abandoned. Go [cdb]to their aid posthaste.
  208. Retreating Imperial forces were beset by bandits [cdb]after their supplies. Protect your allies and their [cdb]supplies, and cover them as they withdraw.
  209. Alliance lords, taking advantage of the disorder [cdb]within the Imperial army, mount an invasion. Defend the strongholds and rout the Alliance army.
  210. Refusing to become vassals of the Empire, [cdb]anti-Imperialist generals within House Ordelia [cdb]have raised an army. Put a stop to their rebellion.
  211. An Imperial unit has been stranded in Ordelia [cdb]territory. Defeat the attacking Alliance forces [cdb]and rescue them.
  212. Strongholds with stockpiles of bridge building [cdb]materials have been identified. Seize them and [cdb]secure the materials.
  213. Stragglers from the enemy army routed in the [cdb]previous battle have been sighted. Chase them [cdb]down and annihilate them.
  214. The Alliance army is using a stronghold in Gloucester territory to obstruct the Imperial [cdb]army's advance. Sack it.
  215. The Imperial army's rear guard fell behind and has [cdb]now been cut off. Hurry to their aid before they're [cdb]wiped out.
  216. An enemy ploy has isolated Count Bergliez and his [cdb]forces. They are now locked in a struggle with the Alliance army. Go and help them.
  217. A bridgehead established to break through the [cdb]enemy siege has been ambushed by the Alliance. For the future of the Imperial offensive, the [cdb]bridgehead must be defended.
  218. The Kingdom army is clashing with some bandits. Take this opportunity to launch a surprise attack [cdb]and defeat both forces.
  219. The Rowe forces withdraw with the Kingdom army [cdb]hot on their heels. Perhaps these soldiers could [cdb]provide the Empire with useful information.
  220. A stronghold in Rowe territory has fallen to the Kingdom army. Retake it for use as a foothold [cdb]from which to reinforce Arianrhod.
  221. The Kingdom army have once again been spotted [cdb]on Magdred Way. Drive them off and protect Imperial allies.
  222. A militia is defending Castle Gaspard in Lonato's [cdb]absence. Help them protect their key positions.
  223. Scouts report that bandits have made their [cdb]base in a stronghold within the troubled Western Church territory. Seize it and restore order.
  224. The Kingdom army is mounting a renewed [cdb]offensive against the small strongholds near Arianrhod. Protect them and blunt the [cdb]enemy's momentum.
  225. Bandits are terrorizing the citizens of Elidure [cdb]territory. Seizing the territory means the Empire [cdb]is now responsible for protecting its people.
  226. The Imperial vanguard has engaged the Kingdom army. Defeat the enemy before [cdb]reinforcements arrive.
  227. Baron Dominic and the rest of the Kingdom army's [cdb]main force have retreated in hopes of avoiding a [cdb]clash with the Empire. Defeat what troops remain.
  228. The Kingdom's reserve forces are impeding the Imperial army's advance. Find them and proceed [cdb]with the conquest of Duval territory.
  229. Enemy scouts spotted the Vestra Sorcery Engineers [cdb]preparing for an operation. Chase them down and [cdb]prevent them from reporting what they saw.
  230. Kingdom forces have holed up in a stronghold and [cdb]continue to put up resistance. Seize the stronghold [cdb]and take control of the area.
  231. Kingdom forces are pursuing some scouts within Enid territory. Cover for them as they withdraw.
  232. Having advanced into Geraint territory, Imperial [cdb]forces now face a counterattack from the Kingdom. Defend the strongholds and hold the line.
  233. Kingdom generals with ties to House Belinus are [cdb]reportedly hiding out in a stronghold. Seize it [cdb]swiftly and apprehend them.
  234. Reserve forces have been ordered into enemy [cdb]territory in advance of the upcoming battle, but [cdb]the Kingdom army remains on high alert. Ensure [cdb]this infiltration is successful.
  235. Word has arrived that Kingdom reinforcements are [cdb]headed to a fortress the Imperial army intends to [cdb]capture. See that they don't reach their destination.
  236. Bandits have been sighted ahead. Wipe them out to [cdb]secure the advance and restore order to the area.
  237. Bandits have been spotted making off with goods [cdb]looted from a nearby village. Hunt them down [cdb]before they can escape.
  238. Bandits are attacking the local militia. Go to [cdb]their aid.
  239. The Imperial army has received a request for aid [cdb]from a village in Ordelia territory. Defeat the [cdb]bandits and rescue the villagers.
  240. Bandits have seized a goods depot and are now [cdb]pillaging the place. Drive off the bandits at once [cdb]and safeguard the supplies.
  241. A mysterious group hostile to the Empire has [cdb]been detected in the area. Seek them out and [cdb]destroy them.
  242. Chaos rages within strongholds all across Hrym [cdb]territory. Dispatch troops to restore order at once.
  243. Remnants of the bandits who ran rampant in Hrym have fled into Aegir territory. Hunt them [cdb]down and eliminate them.
  244. The operations of those who slither in the dark [cdb]have been exposed in Aegir territory. Take to the [cdb]field at once, and wipe them out.
  245. A group believed to be those who slither in the [cdb]dark have set their sights on one of the Empire's [cdb]key military positions. Join in the defense effort.
  246. The Imperial army will require multiple avenues [cdb]of ingress in order to retake Fort Merceus. Secure [cdb]these routes while eliminating enemy scouts.
  247. Seize the trade road between Boramas and Fort Merceus, and conscript the merchants into the Imperial army.
  248. Rebels have fortified a checkpoint on the road to [cdb]the fortress. Break through and secure a path to [cdb]retake the fortress.
  249. Bandits in Fenja territory have taken advantage of [cdb]the chaos to run amok, looting and plundering as [cdb]they please. Defeat the bandits and save the [cdb]imperiled citizens.
  250. Assassins from the Knights of Seiros have launched [cdb]a surprise raid on the Imperial army. Stop them [cdb]from completing their mission.
  251. Due to Viscount Albany's mismanagement, his [cdb]territory has devolved into chaos. Clear out the [cdb]bandits and protect the citizenry.
  252. Help the Alliance army eliminate the bandits [cdb]in Siward territory so their reinforcements [cdb]can advance.
  253. A group of bandits who fled the Empire has [cdb]reached Charon territory and engaged the Kingdom army. Defeat both sides in one [cdb]fell swoop.
  254. A small Kingdom force is marching into Daphnel [cdb]territory from Galatea. Hold the front lines.
  255. In preparation for the battle at Ailell, the Imperial [cdb]army requires a position from which to launch [cdb]ambushes. Secure a base in Galatea territory.
  256. A Knights of Seiros reconnaissance unit has been [cdb]spotted. Prevent them from infiltrating Imperial [cdb]territory and gathering intel.
  257. Bandits are occupying the road ahead. Defeat them [cdb]swiftly and march on to aid the archbishop.
  258. Generals displeased with the decision to oppose [cdb]the Empire have raised an army. While they are [cdb]presently battling bandits, they could easily turn [cdb]into a rebel army. Defeat both groups.
  259. Members of the church seeking refuge in the Kingdom are under attack by bandits. Seize [cdb]strongholds to ensure their safety.
  260. Bandits have appeared in Charon territory and are [cdb]attacking trade routes. Eliminate them and the [cdb]threat they pose to the army's advance.
  261. A rebel army sympathetic to Lonato is attacking [cdb]a supply base. Intercept them and protect [cdb]the stronghold.
  262. Kingdom scouts were spotted by the enemy and [cdb]are being pursued. Head out to cover their retreat.
  263. A convoy was ambushed and fell into enemy hands. Defeat the enemy army and rescue captured allies.
  264. Some of the routed Imperial soldiers have [cdb]turned to banditry. Defeat them and protect [cdb]the local citizens.
  265. Lonato's troops are planning to avenge their fallen [cdb]liege. Even so, they are citizens of the Kingdom. Quell their anger and force a surrender.
  266. The Kingdom needs a base of operations to prepare [cdb]for a clash with the gathering Imperial forces. Eliminate all Imperial troops from the front lines.
  267. A unit escorting rescued citizens and merchants [cdb]has encountered the Imperial army. Don't let the [cdb]enemy lay a finger on these non-combatants.
  268. The Imperial vanguard has been spotted. Hurry [cdb]and defeat them before the main force arrives.
  269. Imperial scouts have been discovered within Kingdom territory. Give chase and prevent them [cdb]from reporting what they've learned.
  270. A unit dispatched to gather intelligence in towns [cdb]and villages has been attacked by bandits. Protect [cdb]the citizens and eliminate the bandits.
  271. A contingent of Kingdom troops is showing signs [cdb]of hostility. Take the fight out of them while [cdb]keeping enemy casualties to a minimum.
  272. Scouts have been discovered by a rebel army and [cdb]are now being pursued. Mobilize quickly to defeat [cdb]the enemy and ensure the scouts survive.
  273. Rebel forces have captured a stronghold and are [cdb]blocking the way to Fhirdiad. Seize the stronghold [cdb]and march on to the capital.
  274. Enemy troops are gathering in Pryderi territory to [cdb]oppose the Kingdom army. Crush them in one fell [cdb]swoop and assert the upper hand.
  275. A convoy has been ambushed by rebels. Hurry to [cdb]their aid and defeat the attackers.
  276. A rebel camp has been discovered. Seize it to [cdb]curtail the enemy's military strength and [cdb]safeguard Mateus territory.
  277. A mysterious group hostile to the Kingdom has [cdb]been detected in the area. Seek them out and [cdb]destroy them.
  278. The western lords are massing their armies at a [cdb]fortress in Duval territory. Crush the enemy's [cdb]defenses and continue the advance.
  279. The Kingdom forces aiding the rebellion are not as [cdb]unified as they appeared. Win the battle and force [cdb]a surrender.
  280. Bandits have descended on one of the Kingdom [cdb]army's storehouses. Defeat them to protect the [cdb]precious items stored within.
  281. Law and order falters and bandits terrorize the [cdb]helpless citizenry. Save them from this crisis by [cdb]driving off the bandits.
  282. Scouts have sighted bandits locked in battle with [cdb]the Imperial army. Swoop in and wipe out both [cdb]forces at once.
  283. Imperial scouts have been discovered spying on the Kingdom army. Eliminate them to prevent the Empire from gaining the upper hand.
  284. Kingdom marksmen have been captured by the Imperial army. Mount an attack on Gillingr [cdb]territory and free the prisoners.
  285. Imperial forces have made camp nearby. Wait for [cdb]the right moment to launch a surprise attack and [cdb]wipe them out.
  286. Bandits have been spotted near a farming village. Eliminate them before they can attack.
  287. The Imperial army has infiltrated the city to [cdb]steal supplies. Protect the supplies and defeat [cdb]the enemy commander.
  288. Imperial forces and bandits are fighting over a [cdb]stronghold. Jump into the fray, annihilate both, [cdb]and claim the stronghold for the Kingdom.
  289. Imperial forces are forcing citizens to turn over [cdb]supplies. Protect the citizenry and drive off [cdb]the Imperials.
  290. A convoy's way is blocked by both Imperial troops [cdb]and bandits. Eliminate all enemies and escort the [cdb]convoy to headquarters safely.
  291. Imperial scouts have acquired intel on the Kingdom army's movements. Pursue and [cdb]eliminate them.
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  293. A stronghold being used by the Imperial army to [cdb]supply their forces has been discovered. Seize it for [cdb]the Kingdom.
  294. Vigilantes in Nuvelle territory are gathering to [cdb]oppose the Kingdom. They must be crushed.
  295. The Kingdom army has lost contact with the [cdb]vanguard. Locate the enemies responsible and [cdb]prevent them from causing further harm.
  296. An Imperial convoy is attempting to rendezvous [cdb]with another unit to deliver supplies. Make sure [cdb]it never arrives.
  297. The last remnants of armies from conquered Imperial territories are gathering to stop the Kingdom army's advance. Defend the strongholds [cdb]at all costs.
  298. The rear guard has been caught flat-footed by an Imperial ambush. The enemy appears to have [cdb]predicted the Kingdom army's marching route, [cdb]and must be repelled at once.
  299. Imperial forces are attempting to break through [cdb]the front lines to attack the Kingdom army from [cdb]the rear. Deny them ingress into Kingdom lands.
  300. Some Imperial troops are pillaging and razing [cdb]villages as they retreat. Protect the citizenry and [cdb]prevent further acts of brutality.
  301. A unit was ambushed while on the march. The [cdb]attackers' base has been discovered and must be [cdb]cleared out at once.
  302. A bandit stronghold containing a considerable [cdb]stockpile of goods has been discovered. Seize it [cdb]and the supplies inside.
  303. Imperial forces have swung around to target a Kingdom base to the rear. This cannot be [cdb]ignored—hurry and eliminate them.
  304. A mysterious unit has joined with the Imperial [cdb]army to mount a surprise attack. Hold the line [cdb]and defeat the enemy.
  305. Imperial forces gathered in Hevring territory are [cdb]clashing with once-routed bandits. Eliminate both [cdb]groups in one fell swoop.
  306. Imperial and Kingdom forces are locked in [cdb]a stalemate. The time has come to strike a [cdb]decisive blow.
  307. The Imperial troops who failed to retreat must be [cdb]dealt with before they can mount a counterattack. Find and destroy them.
  308. Alliance forces are struggling to hold their own [cdb]against the Imperial army. Hurry to their aid.
  309. The Kingdom army stopped at a stronghold to [cdb]replenish its supplies, only to be attacked by [cdb]bandits. Defeat the attackers and defend [cdb]the supplies.
  310. Malcontents within the Kingdom army have [cdb]staged a mutiny, and bandits lurking nearby have [cdb]taken the opportunity to launch a raid. Eliminate [cdb]all hostiles.
  311. A bandit base lies in the way of a transport headed [cdb]for Siward territory. Ride ahead and destroy it.
  312. Dispatching a unit of combat engineers along the Imperial army's avenue of escape would provide a [cdb]strategic advantage. Ensure the unit's safe passage [cdb]and protect them from hostiles.
  313. Eliminate the Imperial forces in Albany territory, [cdb]and establish a strategic bridgehead for taking Garreg Mach.
  314. Bandits are sitting on a stockpile of supplies after [cdb]raiding nearby villages. Eliminate the bandits and [cdb]recover the supplies.
  315. The Alliance vanguard has been surrounded, most [cdb]likely by bandits. Rescue them from their attackers, [cdb]then join up with them to reinforce the army's [cdb]military strength.
  316. Bandits are swaggering around in Phlegethon [cdb]territory like they own the place. Eliminate them [cdb]and report to Acheron.
  317. Imperial forces en route to Derdriu are clashing [cdb]with some bandits. Take this opportunity to [cdb]eliminate both enemies.
  318. The Imperial army marches on, pushing the front [cdb]lines northward. Hurry and seize the strongholds [cdb]in an attempt to slow them down.
  319. Taking advantage of the Imperial invasion, bandits [cdb]have made their base in a captured stronghold. Rescue the allied forces and retake the stronghold.
  320. Sailors vital to the war effort are being targeted by [cdb]bandits. Ensure they reach the city safely.
  321. Ensuring Derdriu's safety is paramount, especially [cdb]while the Alliance's attention is focused on [cdb]containing the Imperial invaders. Swiftly eliminate [cdb]the bandits and march on.
  322. An Imperial camp has been discovered. Attack it [cdb]and gather whatever intel on the enemy you can.
  323. To prevent the Imperial forces from escaping, the Gloucester front must remain strong. Defeat the [cdb]bandits and secure the base.
  324. Imperial forces have discovered the Alliance is [cdb]preparing a ploy to limit their movement. Eliminate the enemy to prevent the Empire from [cdb]learning of these plans.
  325. With their southern escape routes cut off, an Imperial unit attempts to flee to Daphnel territory. Find it and deal with it.
  326. Capitalizing on the chaos caused by the Alliance [cdb]army's advance, bandits are raiding nearby villages [cdb]with impunity. Take responsibility and ensure the [cdb]villagers are evacuated safely.
  327. Imperial forces have been spotted fending off [cdb]bandits. Launch a surprise attack and defeat [cdb]both parties.
  328. A bandit hunt will double as military training in [cdb]anticipation of the coming battle with the Bergliez Squadron. Take this opportunity to forge bonds [cdb]with allies.
  329. Gronder Field is shrouded in fog. Take this [cdb]opportunity to capture an Imperial base to use [cdb]as a foothold.
  330. The ruined castle would make an ideal base from [cdb]which to make a play for Gronder Field, but it's [cdb]infested with bandits. Eliminate them.
  331. Scouts from the Knights of Seiros have been [cdb]discovered. Chase them down and stop their [cdb]intel from reaching their main force.
  332. Local bandits have their eye on the Federation [cdb]army's supplies. Ensure that the supplies stay [cdb]out of enemy hands, as they are vital to the [cdb]war effort ahead.
  333. Imperial troops under attack by bandits in the [cdb]mountains have requested reinforcements. Honor the pact and go to their aid.
  334. Bandits have been spotted at the site designated [cdb]for a military speed drill. Complete the training [cdb]exercise as planned while driving off the bandits.
  335. Viscount Siward, who opposed the creation of the Federation, is gathering soldiers. Nip this situation [cdb]in the bud.
  336. The fleeing Viscount Siward has incited Viscount Albany to raise an army as well. Settle this matter [cdb]once and for all.
  337. Pirates are in control of an island in Edmund [cdb]territory. Eliminate them to secure a safe [cdb]retreat for the Federation's navy.
  338. While the Federation army was occupied elsewhere, [cdb]pirates launched an attack on Edmund territory. Rescue the allied forces and eliminate the pirates.
  339. Kingdom troops line the beachhead to stop the Federation as it makes landfall. Seize the [cdb]strongholds and continue the advance.
  340. Kingdom reinforcements en route to Fraldarius [cdb]territory have been attacked by bandits. Take [cdb]advantage of the chaos and eliminate them all.
  341. To prevent any further advance, the Kingdom [cdb]army has mounted a massive offensive. Defend [cdb]the strongholds and repel their assault.
  342. Bandits based out of Conand Tower are wreaking [cdb]havoc on the surrounding area. Though this is [cdb]enemy territory, the Federation cannot turn a blind [cdb]eye. The bandits must be eliminated.
  343. Bandits are taking advantage of the chaos to raid Fraldarius territory. Protect the citizenry and [cdb]eliminate the bandits.
  344. A bandit-controlled stronghold is too close to the Federation's supply line for comfort. Seize it before [cdb]it can become a problem.
  345. The last remnants of the pirate armada are [cdb]attacking the port of Fraldarius. Defend the [cdb]strongholds to keep the citizens out of the fray.
  346. As the Kingdom's position weakens, local bandits [cdb]have formed a large coalition army. Do what [cdb]the Kingdom army could not and put them [cdb]in their place.
  347. A faction of the Kingdom army seeking vengeance [cdb]for Margrave Gautier has staged an uprising. Meet [cdb]them in battle and defeat them soundly.
  348. A Federation unit was captured by the Kingdom [cdb]army while carrying out a mission. Liberate the [cdb]unit and defeat the enemy forces.
  349. Inserting scouts into the capital will give the Federation army an advantage when attacking Fhirdiad. Escort the scouts to their destination.
  350. Scouts report a clash between bandits and a [cdb]number of suspicious individuals, possibly some [cdb]kind of falling-out. Eliminate both groups.
  351. A village militia is holed up in a stronghold, [cdb]fending off attacking bandits. Go to their aid [cdb]and defeat the bandits.
  352. Bandits in Phlegethon territory are making their [cdb]escape after plundering a city for supplies. Give [cdb]chase and take back the supplies.
  353. A bandit stronghold just outside the capital of Ordelia territory is the perfect spot for a frontline [cdb]response base. Capture the stronghold so the Federation can render aid to those who need it.
  354. Unable to be contained, the bandit menace has [cdb]spilled over into the neighboring Goneril territory. Capture enemies to get information about the state [cdb]of affairs in Ordelia territory.
  355. The bandits have crossed into Imperial lands to [cdb]terrorize Hrym territory. Defeat the bandits, and [cdb]the Empire will be indebted to the Federation.
  356. A unit reported being attacked by mysterious [cdb]mages, and has not been heard from since. Find the enemy and avenge the unit.
  357. Amidst the chaos, bandits prey unceasingly on [cdb]allied strongholds. Ride out and eliminate them.
  358. A group of bandits responsible for rampant theft [cdb]and kidnapping is lurking nearby. Take to the field [cdb]at once and protect the citizenry as they make [cdb]their escape.
  359. The Federation army needs to build a base to [cdb]monitor and reinforce the surrounding area. Before construction can begin, the area must be [cdb]cleared of any bandit presence.
  360. A Kingdom unit is planning an attack on the Federation. Assist the allied forces and hold [cdb]the line.
  361. A Federation general has been captured by the Kingdom after a reckless maneuver went awry. Nevertheless, this general cannot be left in enemy [cdb]hands, and must be rescued with all haste.
  362. The sighting of mysterious mages surveying the [cdb]area has led to the discovery of a base held by [cdb]those who slither in the dark. Eliminate them and [cdb]retrieve any possible intel.
  363. Garreg Mach is dead ahead. Break through [cdb]the enemy line and hurry on to reinforce the Imperial army.
  364. Galatea Pegasus Co. seeks to slow the Federation [cdb]army's advance. Shoot them down while keeping [cdb]casualties to a minimum.
  365. With the Kingdom army engaged in the west, [cdb]bandits are running rampant. Crush them along [cdb]with their base.
  366. Devout followers of Seiros have attacked the Federation army in Charon territory. Hold off the [cdb]attackers and protect the allied forces.
  367. Members of those who slither in the dark have [cdb]been spotted in the Kingdom, and are almost [cdb]certainly plotting something dangerous. Hunt [cdb]them down and defeat them.
  368. The Knights of Seiros are gathering troops in Brennius territory. Defeat them to remove the [cdb]threat of an attack from the rear.
  369. The Church of Seiros army is clashing with bandits [cdb]in southern Blaiddyd territory. Attack while they [cdb]are occupied and eliminate both forces.
  370. The Federation army has arrived at the Tailtean Plains. Capture a base to station reserves for the [cdb]coming battle.
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