1. Ugh.
  2. Am I actually a good knight?
  3. I feel like I'm hindering more than helping most of [cdb]the time.
  4. What's wrong, Ignatz? You look sad.
  5. Oh, hey Annette. Sorry to make you worry.
  6. I was just pondering some things. You don't need [cdb]to worry about... Huh.
  7. Say, you're Gustave's daughter, right?
  8. Yes? Uh, why, exactly?
  9. Well, Gustave is said to be one of the finest knights in [cdb]all of Faerghus, so...
  10. Listen, do you have a minute to talk?
  11. Of course! What's on your mind?
  12. I've been thinking about something recently.
  13. I... I don't know if I'm any use as a knight.
  14. What? Come on, Ignatz, you help us out plenty! Everyone relies on you.
  15. Do you, though? I mean, I'm a knight, but I don't [cdb]have any particular skill where I'm outstanding.
  16. That's, um, why I was hoping I could learn a thing or [cdb]two from stories about your father.
  17. Gustave is a legendary knight who served generations [cdb]of Faerghus kings, after all!
  18. OK, this is making me blush and I'm not even the [cdb]subject of the flattery.
  19. But hey, I'm happy to tell you what I know.
  20. Oh, thank you! In that case, let me dive right in... So, um, what sort of training does he normally do?
  21. He doesn't go a day without training with both the [cdb]sword and spear. And I'm serious—I don't think he's [cdb]taken a day off in decades.
  22. Interesting. So he must've been made a royal knight [cdb]in recognition for all his hard work, right?
  23. I'm not sure if it's from hard work, exactly.
  24. OK, so this might just be one of my uncle's jokes, [cdb]but my father started working as a soldier at the royal [cdb]castle when he was even younger than we are now.
  25. And 40 or so years ago, apparently he saw the [cdb]previous king—who was just a kid at the time— [cdb]fall off one of the ramparts.
  26. So he threw his spear and pinned the young king's [cdb]clothes to the wall, which saved his life! Anyway, [cdb]that's apparently what got him promoted.
  27. That's, um... Well, it's so specific that I can't [cdb]entirely dismiss it as a joke.
  28. After that, my father changed his training regimen [cdb]to include spearing falling leaves onto tree trunks. Hundreds of them every day, I'm told.
  29. He does all that just for training? I don't think I could [cdb]pin one leaf, not to mention hundreds.
  30. Sorry, Annette. I think I've set my sights too high.