1. Huh, you made this? Pretty good.
  2. Not a fan of Faerghus cuisine? I think it's fine enough, [cdb]myself.
  3. I won't get stronger if I don't eat.
  4. It's good to stretch your legs when you can. So, where are we going?
  5. With how hectic life's been lately, these trips with you [cdb]are a good chance to catch my breath.
  6. Hmph. Not a bad spot for some sword practice.
  7. Nice forest you found here. There are beasts lurking [cdb]in every direction.
  8. We've climbed pretty far up. Terrain like this would [cdb]give us a real advantage in battle.
  9. The water's so clear here. Lots of fish, too. I might [cdb]just go for a swim.
  10. What are you giving me that for? Not that I won't [cdb]take it.
  11. That one's pretty big, but just watch. I can catch [cdb]bigger.
  12. Hey. Hunting sounds great and all, but you need [cdb]permission from the lord of the territory first.
  13. Didn't realize you were into that kind of thing. Well, don't even think about bringing any animals [cdb]home with you.
  14. Back off, I can do it myself. This is just a scrape.
  15. Hey, I'm fine! I can still walk on my own.
  16. I don't hate it or anything, but I'd pick a nice cut of [cdb]meat any day.
  17. Good idea. I bet the owner is really missing it.
  18. I don't care who you are or where you came from. All that matters is that you can fight.
  19. I would've gotten even better with a sword if the [cdb]academy hadn't closed down. No point complaining [cdb]about it, though.
  20. Houses Blaiddyd and Fraldarius have been practically [cdb]inseparable ever since Faerghus was founded.
  21. They say you can't fight a war on an empty stomach. Makes me wonder what's going to happen with this [cdb]year's harvest.
  22. Gautier territory is famous across Fódlan for its dairy [cdb]farms. Makes me wish my own land had something it [cdb]was known for.
  23. Both the Empire and Alliance have a clear hierarchy [cdb]of strength. It's hard to say who the strongest person [cdb]in the Kingdom is, though.
  24. The boar's more relaxed and genuine than he used to [cdb]be. Only a little, though.
  25. Strong people. The more skill, the better—especially [cdb]with a sword.
  26. I'm not into chivalry. But I get some of it better, now [cdb]that I spend all my time with knights.
  27. Hm. I have ideas, but we have a lot to do before I can [cdb]start putting them into action.
  28. If I had to pick...probably my swordwork. Let's spar [cdb]later.
  29. I've got nothing but appreciation for my mother [cdb]and my uncle. They've taken on all of my duties [cdb]while I'm out fighting this war.
  30. Hmph. If you want tales of the past, go ask the boar. I'm sure he'd be glad to regale you.
  31. Everyone fights in their own way, but somehow it [cdb]just...works. We've got a good group here.
  32. Hard to say. Leading the charge on the front lines, I guess.
  33. Your unit is impressive. I'd like to watch you train [cdb]sometime.
  34. Working for the boar isn't easy. Trust me, I know. But don't go slacking off.
  35. I've got a lot on my mind, but I'd rather that than be [cdb]sitting bored in my room.
  36. I've been training with the warriors from Duscur [cdb]lately. I wonder if I could get my hands on one of [cdb]their swords.
  37. What? Something in my hair?
  38. I wear my hair up to keep it out of my face. I should [cdb]probably think about cutting it soon.
  39. It's rude to stare. If you have something to say, [cdb]just spit it out already.
  40. Staring again? Fine, do what you will.
  41. I wish I could move a little easier in this.
  42. Look, I'm a duke now. I have to dress the part.
  43. Hmph. It's nice getting out every once in a while.
  44. Thanks, I needed that. Let's do it again sometime.
  45. Let's go.