1. Hold on, how'd you know this was my favorite? Thank you!
  2. It's true what they say—good company makes a meal [cdb]all the more delicious.
  3. I, uh... Thanks? Look, don't feel bad. Not everyone's [cdb]going to like everything you give them.
  4. Sorry I kept you waiting. You ready to go?
  5. I'm honored you thought of me. Have you decided [cdb]where we're going today?
  6. There's nothing like some good old-fashioned peace [cdb]and quiet. I think I'd fall asleep on the spot if I laid [cdb]down in the grass.
  7. I hear you should make as much noise as possible [cdb]when you're in the woods to scare off bears. Bang on [cdb]your armor, yell at the top of your lungs, you know.
  8. Aren't you tired from all this climbing? Yeah, [cdb]never mind. I can tell just from looking at you [cdb]that I don't need to worry.
  9. Northerners like me love spending their summers [cdb]down by the water. It's nice to get away from all the [cdb]snow and ice once in a while.
  10. Where? Oh, don't give me that look. I'm not about [cdb]to hunt it down.
  11. I think we should respect the privacy of whoever [cdb]wrote it...but I admit I'm a little curious.
  12. His Majesty or Felix would probably make better [cdb]hunting partners than me. I prefer to just sit back [cdb]and watch.
  13. Yeah, animals are the best. If you trust them, they'll [cdb]trust right back. Not like people at all.
  14. Oh, don't worry about me. I'd feel terrible if it [cdb]actually rained and you caught a cold.
  15. I'm good either way, really. The only thing waiting [cdb]for me back at camp is more work.
  16. Hey, me neither! You want to try it together? We probably wouldn't sink. Probably.
  17. You'll be fine. Nobody would use boats this small [cdb]if the ride was so rough it'd make you sick...right?
  18. Everyone keeps telling me how serious I am now. Is that really so big a change?
  19. His Majesty didn't have much of a way with women [cdb]when he was young. Though...the years haven't [cdb]really changed that, either.
  20. Ingrid's more delicate than she looks. Don't tease her [cdb]too much, OK?
  21. Felix used to be such a nice kid. What happened [cdb]to him?
  22. I wish I could've stayed a naïve kid just a little longer. None of this nonsense about Crests or nobility.
  23. I wish we could've stayed at the academy at least [cdb]until the ball during the Ethereal Moon.
  24. My mother and father were fine enough when they [cdb]weren't fighting. I'm not really sure I'd call them [cdb]good parents, though.
  25. There's nothing better than chatting up a pretty lady, [cdb]that's what I always say!
  26. Getting stuck in a room full of other guys. Really not [cdb]my thing.
  27. I've got my ideas, but there's still plenty I want to do [cdb]in the present before I can start thinking about the [cdb]future.
  28. I'm not sure it's bothering me exactly, but it's hard [cdb]watching your friends work themselves to the bone.
  29. Miklan and I have two different mothers. It's a pretty [cdb]common thing in noble houses.
  30. My old friends and I stopped hanging out as much [cdb]once King Lambert died. Makes sense when you think [cdb]about it.
  31. We've got so many different talents in our army. His Majesty needs to do a better job of figuring out [cdb]the right person for the right task.
  32. Most Kingdom nobles care about military might [cdb]above all else. A guy like me has to really use his head [cdb]more to get an edge in life.
  33. All I can ask is that you keep helping His Majesty. He needs all the support he can get.
  34. I'm not sure how much it shows, but I believe in you. Seriously.
  35. I realized something the other day. As fun as it is to [cdb]woo a beautiful woman, sometimes it's just as nice to [cdb]kick back and enjoy their company.
  36. I've been borrowing a lot of books from the church [cdb]lately. They're always so interesting.
  37. You get a lot of dust and sand kicked up into your [cdb]hair when you ride with the cavalry.
  38. I hear down in Morfis they dye their hair using a [cdb]mixture made from boiled herbs.
  39. When I was a kid, my father always used to tell me to [cdb]look people in the eye when I was talking to them.
  40. Keep staring at me like that and I might just blush.
  41. Armor's a real pain to take care of. One wrong move [cdb]and it's covered in the worst rust you've ever seen.
  42. Our armor's more imposing than the stuff they use in Adrestia or Leicester. If this were a fashion war, we'd [cdb]have no trouble winning.
  43. Thanks. Let's do this again.
  44. I had a great time today. Thanks.
  45. All right, let's give it our best.