1. Ah, a high-quality meal suitable for my refined [cdb]palate. I am most grateful.
  2. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated. This is no time to [cdb]indulge in luxury, after all.
  3. You should make an effort to learn other people's [cdb]preferences. Otherwise, any attempts at hospitality [cdb]will fall horribly flat.
  4. My apologies if I kept you waiting. Let us be off.
  5. I have been looking forward to spending time with [cdb]you. Now let us be on our way.
  6. Ah, what a magnificent sight. There is no better place [cdb]for us to stop.
  7. I can feel the gentle breeze blowing in from the trees. Now this is true luxury.
  8. Observe how the people look like mere ants from this [cdb]height. I suppose we, too, are no bigger to them.
  9. The air is so crisp here. This would be the perfect [cdb]spot to enjoy some tea.
  10. It is an honor to receive flowers from you. Allow me [cdb]to return the favor next time.
  11. Why would you bring me this insect? If you harbor [cdb]some ulterior motive, I demand you tell me at once.
  12. Indeed, no one will disturb us here. This would [cdb]be ideal for discussing matters of a private nature.
  13. Relax, you are with me. I vow to see you returned [cdb]safely.
  14. Do you always carry medical supplies with you? What a coincidence. I do as well.
  15. You wish me to carry you down the mountain? Very well, I suppose this is simply another duty a [cdb]noble must perform.
  16. That might pose a problem for you one day. The skill comes quite in handy should one ever need [cdb]to facilitate a liason away from prying eyes.
  17. Well, no matter how perfect the moment might be, [cdb]a bout of seasickness would certainly ruin everything.
  18. I always strive to live up to my noble status. Have I [cdb]succeeded in your eyes?
  19. My father has an unsavory reputation amongst the [cdb]other nobles, but he is well loved by the commonfolk.
  20. Even the highest quality tea leaves will taste [cdb]horrible if not brewed properly. Do you not agree?
  21. Gloucester has many beautiful sights as well. I would [cdb]love for you to see it someday.
  22. An insurmountable wall exists between commoners [cdb]and nobles, but there is only a fine line between a [cdb]duke and a count.
  23. A person cannot grow stronger if they lack [cdb]ambition. Do you have any aspirations?
  24. I wish I could always be my ideal self, but reality [cdb]makes that quite difficult. What say you?
  25. I adore anything that has beauty. In terms of flowers, I am particularly fond of red roses.
  26. While there are not many things I dislike, I cannot [cdb]say I am fond of insects. I detest their squirmy legs.
  27. I want to work for the sake of Leicester and all of Fódlan, and to be remembered in the annals of [cdb]history.
  28. My ideals are rather lofty, so trying to reach them [cdb]feels like a constant struggle up a steep path. But such [cdb]is my life.
  29. I am proud of my father and aspire to be like him, [cdb]but that does not mean I will tread the same path.
  30. I briefly attended the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad [cdb]some time ago, but had to withdraw due to certain [cdb]circumstances.
  31. I expect my friends to act with decorum at all times. Just because we are close does not mean one should [cdb]overstep their bounds.
  32. Fighting styles requiring brute strength do not suit [cdb]me. I would much prefer to use magic to attain a [cdb]swift victory.
  33. I have come to appreciate the full extent of your [cdb]abilities. However, I ask that you refrain from [cdb]undertaking those duties belonging to the nobility.
  34. Though we occupy different social positions, I believe [cdb]we are also friends capable of supporting one another.
  35. Lately I have had fewer opportunities to make new [cdb]acquaintances. I am anxious as to whether I shall ever [cdb]find a suitable spouse.
  36. I used to allow myself to get bogged down with [cdb]trivialities, but I have learned to see the forest for [cdb]the trees.
  37. Is my hair disheveled? I cannot stand it if even a [cdb]single strand is out of place.
  38. Has my hair captivated you? I take great pride in the [cdb]work I have put into it. Feel free to appreciate it for [cdb]as long as you like.
  39. Please try and temper your passionate gazes. Do have some restraint.
  40. I do not particularly mind when you stare. Carry on [cdb]if you wish.
  41. What is it you are looking for? Do not hesitate to tell [cdb]me if something concerns you.
  42. I would like to think I have become even more [cdb]dignified as of late. Do you agree?
  43. Well, that was a refreshing break. Do call on me if [cdb]another opportunity presents itself.
  44. That was time well spent. Let us do it again [cdb]sometime.
  45. I am confident you'll be impressed with my efforts.