1. How'd you know I love this stuff? You must be more [cdb]clever than I thought.
  2. I like this a thousand times more than those fancy [cdb]dishes nobles are always stuffing their faces with.
  3. Oh, I'll eat every bite, don't worry. I can't waste it [cdb]after you made it for me, right?
  4. Horses, hm? Maybe let's try to keep the "riding" part [cdb]of this ride short and sweet.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to go with you. I'd just prefer if we took wyverns instead of horses.
  6. The air is so fresh here. It's like I can breathe again.
  7. Taking me to a secluded place, huh? What exactly [cdb]are you up to?
  8. Hey, this place isn't half bad. When night falls, I bet [cdb]you can see every star in the sky.
  9. Want to catch some fish? As you know, I'm a man of [cdb]many talents—fishing among them.
  10. Is my company so grand that it drives you to song?
  11. I'll have to cook you something later. I'm actually [cdb]quite skilled in the culinary arts.
  12. Well, what do you want to do? It's your call.
  13. Are you serious? You really are a lost cause—both [cdb]literally and figuratively.
  14. You have got to be kidding me. Er, sorry. You just [cdb]caught me off guard is all.
  15. A little precipitation never killed anyone.
  16. There probably aren't many who can handle such [cdb]boats with any degree of confidence.
  17. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your [cdb]priorities are seriously messed up.
  18. I'm able to grin and bear it when I have to be on [cdb]horseback, but in truth, I find riding a steed rather [cdb]excruciating.
  19. I want this war to end, but there are plenty of folks [cdb]making good coin from it that would disagree.
  20. One of my underlings recently got married. I had to [cdb]come down on him about cleaning up his act.
  21. I conduct most of my business in the backstreets. I'll have to show you around sometime—though I can't guarantee your safety.
  22. Are you a fan of board games? I'm a bit rusty, but we [cdb]should definitely play sometime.
  23. You often take chances when the odds are stacked [cdb]against you, and I don't think I'll ever understand it.
  24. Even if I wasn't born with this face, I would've [cdb]found some other way to make it big.
  25. I like a lot about this world, but people who enjoy [cdb]my cooking are at the top of the list.
  26. I hate being made to sing in front of others. Remember that.
  27. Oh, my hopes and dreams are not to be taken lightly. If you're lucky, I'll tell you about them someday.
  28. What am I worried about? Easy—the ride back. I sure wish I could ride a horse without hating it.
  29. All I care about is that my mother can live out her [cdb]remaining years in comfort.
  30. If you want to know my past, figure it out yourself. How much you'll actually manage to dig up, though... Heh. Well, I guess that's up to you.
  31. Whether you're leading an organization or an army, [cdb]the top priority is stomping out infighting.
  32. I can use any blade that's fit to throw—and I [cdb]never miss.
  33. So long as we fight for the same side, I hope you and [cdb]me keep getting to know each other.
  34. You still hung up on calling me by my real name? Give it a rest already.
  35. At the end of the day, you can only count on yourself. Don't like it? Then change it.
  36. I didn't get to eat any sweets when I was a kid. It probably explains why I love the things now.
  37. When you're in battle as much as we are, it's hard not [cdb]to neglect your hair. Ah, the neverending struggle.
  38. Yes, I've got some beautiful hair. But I don't just [cdb]wake up like this—it takes effort.
  39. You're pretty lucky, you know? I normally charge [cdb]money for folks to gawk at my face like that.
  40. Overwhelmed by my beauty, are you? With a face [cdb]like this, it happens all the time.
  41. I actually used to be known for my slender figure, [cdb]but I've put on a lot of muscle in the last two years.
  42. Better be careful. Stare at the wrong person that way [cdb]and you might end up dead.
  43. Well, that was a good—WAA-CHOO! Ugh. If I'm not [cdb]careful, I'll quite literally have a mess on my hands.
  44. You really are easy to please if that little date was [cdb]enough to satisfy you.
  45. Right. Let's get this out of the way.