1. Hey, my favorite! You sure know how to brighten a [cdb]guy's day.
  2. Thanks! Wait, is it free? I'm a little strapped for coin [cdb]at the moment.
  3. You know what? I actually just ate. Maybe I'll just [cdb]have a little bite to be polite...
  4. Horseback riding? Sure! It'll keep me out of trouble, [cdb]at least.
  5. I was just thinking you and I should get out of here [cdb]for a bit. Come on, let's go.
  6. Now this brings back memories... I used to pal [cdb]around with Holst like this back in the day.
  7. For a second, I thought you were bringing me out [cdb]here for some martial arts training. Guess not, huh?
  8. My mom's hometown is in the mountains, and these [cdb]cliffs have nothing on that place.
  9. Quite the diamond in the rough you've got here. Who told you about this place, anyway?
  10. A bird? Can we eat it? Wait, it better not be that [cdb]bird beast I was telling you about earlier.
  11. Wait, is that— Nope, my mistake. Thought it might've [cdb]been an arrow-letter from an old friend.
  12. Sure, why not? Hunting's a nobleman's sport, and I'm [cdb]a noble...sort of.
  13. Ha! Good luck. The moment they see that steely [cdb]glint in your eyes, all the critters are gonna bolt.
  14. I'm good, thanks. Though I wonder if there's any [cdb]booze left over from yesterday...
  15. Come on, is that a joke? Ah, you couldn't carry a load [cdb]like me no matter how strong you are!
  16. Leave it to me. I'll haul in a catch so big, we'll stink [cdb]like fish for a solid week!
  17. You want to play in the water? You're seriously like [cdb]a kid sometimes. But hey, I like that about you.
  18. You should open yourself up to nature, like I do. It's good for the soul.
  19. Whenever I find myself somewhere with fresh air, I start to miss the mustiness of Abyss.
  20. Up for some sparring? I mean, we don't have to, but...
  21. You might not know this, but there was a fourth [cdb]house at Garreg Mach called the Ashen Wolves.
  22. If you ever see an unwholesome type trying to take [cdb]a shot at me, be a pal and lend a hand, all right?
  23. I'm pretty good at picking my fights, but these are [cdb]hard times for folks who can't say the same.
  24. Just once, I'd like to be that guy who single-handedly [cdb]turns the tide of battle.
  25. My likes? Ah! Money, fighting, women, and [cdb]gambling—and not necessarily in that order.
  26. Probably bounty hunters. I'm too lazy to really [cdb]worry about much else.
  27. Oh, that's easy. I wanna become Fódlan's Superhuman King of Grappling! I already [cdb]hold the title in Leicester, see?
  28. Can't make money if I don't gamble, and can't [cdb]gamble if I don't make money. It's a tough old world.
  29. You came from a mountain village, right? My mom [cdb]did as well, so I guess that means we're sort of alike.
  30. You talking about women? Because if not, most of my [cdb]memories are of Holst. Well, and Hilda, I suppose.
  31. There's too many serious people around here. I'd rest [cdb]easier if there were more oddballs, you know?
  32. Are you kidding? Have you seen these fists? Though I [cdb]guess I don't mind swinging a weapon occasionally.
  33. Wait, you actually care what other people think about [cdb]you? Huh, that's surprising.
  34. Ah, you're just my type—and a great fighter to boot!
  35. Not bad. I get to bust as many skulls as I want, [cdb]which is great for blowing off steam.
  36. Actually, today's kinda rough. Up a little too late [cdb]last night, if you know what I mean...
  37. What, this? Yeah, a while back some fool got on my [cdb]case about my hair being a mess, and hooked me up.
  38. I get my curly hair from my mom. My dad and [cdb]little bro both have nice straight hair.
  39. Admiring my chiseled features, eh? Well go ahead! Drink it in.
  40. You can tell how many times someone's stared death [cdb]in the face by looking at their own.
  41. Checking out the Steely King of Grappling, are we? What can I say? I know, I'm impressive.
  42. I almost had to put these muscles to work paying off [cdb]my debt. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm not for sale.
  43. Feels good to get out and stretch the old wings once [cdb]in a while. Hope that helped you unwind a bit.
  44. You really know how to show a guy a good time! Let's hang out again soon.
  45. We'll figure something out if we work together.