1. Ah, this is one of my favorites! How did you know?
  2. How thoughtful of you. Shall we feast together, then?
  3. I'm ashamed to admit I've never been too fond of this, [cdb]though I do appreciate the gesture.
  4. Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we?
  5. I'm honored by the invitation. So, where are we off to [cdb]today?
  6. I feel like I can finally breathe easy. Do you come [cdb]here often?
  7. What a charming little forest. Different from those in Fraldarius territory, of course, but nice all the same.
  8. Phew, we're even higher than I realized! Do watch [cdb]your footing—one wrong step could be your last.
  9. A lovely place. If it were up to me, I'd spend the [cdb]whole day casting my line and hauling up fish.
  10. Impressive. I don't think the stray notes I string [cdb]together can even be called singing, as such.
  11. Then we should stop for a snack. It's hard to enjoy an [cdb]outing like this on an empty stomach, you know.
  12. Ah, see that mushroom? I know it looks horribly [cdb]poisonous, but it's completely safe—and takes on the [cdb]most exquisite flavor when you toss it over a flame.
  13. Let's not take any more than necessary. The creatures [cdb]of the forest need to eat too, after all.
  14. Don't hesitate to ask for help. I have my white magic [cdb]at the ready whenever you want it.
  15. I don't mind—I used to carry Felix on my back all the [cdb]time when he was young. I almost miss it.
  16. You'll never improve without hard work and [cdb]dedication. Why not start now?
  17. I suppose those who do get seasick get it quite bad. Are you prone to such ailments?
  18. In our Kingdom, a rigorous procedure must be [cdb]followed before one can implement sweeping change.
  19. I had my first taste of Duscur wine the other day. It was almost like nectar from the goddess herself.
  20. During our time at the Officers Academy, His Majesty Lambert and I would often skip out on [cdb]classes in search of adventure. Fond memories indeed.
  21. Lambert's aptitude for magic was...subpar, to say the [cdb]least. So, I decided to master it myself instead.
  22. I believe it's the duty of elders such as myself to [cdb]support the younger generation as they build the [cdb]foundation for a brighter tomorrow.
  23. The margrave is a cunning man, yet has great [cdb]difficulty expressing his emotions. This is especially [cdb]true of the events surrounding Miklan.
  24. I've always encouraged Felix to pursue the path of [cdb]the blade, but I never expected he'd take to it with [cdb]such devotion.
  25. There's nothing better than sharing a drink with old [cdb]friends. Though that's more of an adult pastime, I suppose.
  26. Sweets, if I had to pick something. It's not that I [cdb]dislike them per se, but I rarely find myself craving [cdb]such saccharine pleasures.
  27. Hmm. The dreams I held dear as a child have either [cdb]already come true...or never will.
  28. Fraldarius territory is never far from my thoughts. I know I needn't worry myself, but at times I can't [cdb]help but do just that.
  29. My wife and my brother have faced great hardship [cdb]in my absence, all for the sake of our territory. For their sacrifice, I am forever grateful.
  30. One night when he was far too many flagons of [cdb]wine deep, the margrave said to Lambert... Ah, [cdb]my apologies. It would be rude of me to go on.
  31. Thinking of all the fine people who chose to fight [cdb]beside us fills me with nothing but the utmost pride.
  32. In my prime, I always used to love engaging the [cdb]enemy face to face, but as the years pass I've begun to [cdb]understand the joys of barking orders from the rear.
  33. I only hope you'll continue to let me assess the extent [cdb]of your power.
  34. The Kingdom and its army would be nothing now if [cdb]not for that fateful day you saved His Majesty's life.
  35. I've made efforts to learn some more of Duscur's [cdb]language of late. Once I've mastered that, I'll move [cdb]on to the tongue of the Sreng region.
  36. I'm more interested in how you are. Felix hasn't been [cdb]giving you any trouble, has he?
  37. Hm? What is it? You'll make an old man blush if you [cdb]keep staring like that.
  38. I care little for my appearance when I'm not on duty, [cdb]but rest assured, I dress properly when out in public.
  39. The years have begun to take their toll on me. Every time I glance in the mirror, the man staring [cdb]back grows less and less familiar.
  40. Felix is a rather handsome young man, don't you [cdb]think? I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the [cdb]tree. Hahaha!
  41. Now that I've relinquished my title, perhaps it's time I pass my cloak down to Felix as well.
  42. Hm, is my cloak soiled in some way? Pity, I only just [cdb]washed it.
  43. I had a wonderful time today, thanks in no small part [cdb]to your company. I appreciate it.
  44. Let me know if you have another moment to spare. I'd be glad to accompany you again.
  45. Indeed, let's give it our best.