link Felix volume_up
Mercedes. Good. I need your help.
link Mercedes volume_up
Felix? Why do you have a cat?
link Felix volume_up
Picked it up.
link Mercedes volume_up
Yes, I can see that, but... Oh no! Its little leg is hurt!
link Mercedes volume_up
Here, let me have it. I may be able to heal it with magic.
link Mercedes volume_up
There. It should be fine now.
link Felix volume_up
Thanks. Sorry for the trouble.
link Mercedes volume_up
Oh, it's no trouble at all. Though I must admit, you're the last person I expected to bring me an injured kitten!
link Mercedes volume_up
It reminds me of how my little brother once took in a cat when we were young.
link Felix volume_up
Hey, that's right. You have a brother from a different father, right?
link Felix volume_up
Would that little brother of yours be Professor Jeritza?
link Mercedes volume_up
Yes. This was a long time ago, when we both still lived with House Bartels.
link Mercedes volume_up
My brother took in an injured cat, and after it healed, it began living in the mansion.
link Mercedes volume_up
We did our best to feed it secretly so it wouldn't be discovered.
link Felix volume_up
Secretly? What's the big deal with one little furball?
link Mercedes volume_up
We couldn't let anyone find out, no matter what. The people in that house were...horrid.
link Mercedes volume_up
Had they learned of the cat, they would've put it in a sack and tossed it in the river.
link Mercedes volume_up
Eventually, my mother and I left House Bartels and never looked back. Though we left my brother behind.
link Mercedes volume_up
Still, I've always wondered what happened to that poor little cat...
link Felix volume_up
Animals are smart enough. If the thing felt threatened, it would've taken off.
link Mercedes volume_up
I suppose you're right.
link Felix volume_up
Er, anyway. Now that you fixed the cat, I should bring it back to where I found it.
link Mercedes volume_up
Are you sure? It's clearly taken a shine to you.
link Felix volume_up
Yeah, but I can't keep it. The thing's practically a kitten! What if it has parents that...I don't know. Miss it?
link Mercedes volume_up
Yes, I suppose returning it would be best.
link Felix volume_up
All right, go. Shoo! Come on, get out of here already!
link Felix volume_up
Stop rubbing my legs! What is it? You want food? Well, I don't have any!
link Mercedes volume_up
Aw, that cat really likes him!
link Mercedes volume_up
Animals clearly understand when a kind soul comes to their aid.
link Felix volume_up
Mercedes, do something! This cat won't stop following me!
link Mercedes volume_up
I'm sorry, but there isn't anything I can do. You'll have to wait until it feels like going home.
link Felix volume_up
link Mercedes volume_up
Goodness, really? Having a cat like you is a good thing.
link Mercedes volume_up
My little brother has always loved cats, but recently they won't come near him, and it just breaks his heart.
link Felix volume_up
I do not understand that man. But regardless, that's not the issue.
link Felix volume_up
I'm not sure it is.
link Mercedes volume_up
Well, so long as you're stuck waiting, we may as well get comfortable and have a nice chat.