link Edelgard volume_up
Is something wrong, Ferdinand? You're staring quite intently at those plants while you water them.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I was merely reflecting on something I saw long ago in Enbarr.
link Edelgard volume_up
Oh? What would that be?
link Ferdinand volume_up
In truth, it is nothing noteworthy.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Back when I was a child, I saw a water nymph dancing and singing in a fountain along the main street.
link Ferdinand volume_up
She was radiant, brilliant in the dewy light of the sun. But as an immature young lad, I grew embarrassed and ran away.
link Dorothea volume_up
Wait a minute. That sounds familiar...
link Edelgard volume_up
And you're sure of what you saw? A water nymph?
link Ferdinand volume_up
Absolutely. Her song resonated within me—it was a bucolic tune sung by commonfolk around the capital.
link Ferdinand volume_up
As I recall, she had not been wearing so much as a scrap of clothing.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Anyway, once I finally mustered up the courage to return, the nymph had vanished.
link Edelgard volume_up
Such a tale hardly seems possible...
link Dorothea volume_up
What? That's the reason Ferdie ran away that day? No way... I've been wrong about him this whole time?!
link Dorothea volume_up
I mean, considering how I must've looked in that fountain... Oh no...
link Dorothea volume_up
Gah! I can't even begin to face him right now! I have to go back!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Hm? Is that Dorothea? I wonder what she's doing over there.
link Dorothea volume_up
Ack! He's seen me! All right, Dorothea, just be calm. It's fine, it's all fine, everything's fine...
link Dorothea volume_up
Why, if it isn't Ferdie and Edie! What a coincidence to bump into the two of you here.
link Edelgard volume_up
Er, Dorothea? Your face is red.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Yes, indeed it is. Do you have a fever?
link Dorothea volume_up
Really? Hmm. I feel fine, but...
link Dorothea volume_up
Er, well, I was just coming to check on things, but since it all checks out, I'll be going. Bye!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Wait! You could suddenly take a turn for the worse, so I will escort you back.
link Dorothea volume_up
No, I'm fine. I'm not going far.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Yet still too far to travel alone. If something were to happen to you, it would already be too late!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Come now, take my arm. Or if it please you, I could carry you there.
link Dorothea volume_up
Enough! I'm perfectly fine, so just mind your own business and stay away from me!
link Edelgard volume_up
No one appreciates obstinance, Ferdinand.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Apologies. Although given the intensity of her rebuff, I worry she may have not liked me to begin with...
link Ferdinand volume_up
Have I committed some grave wrong against her? What should I do...