link Ferdinand volume_up
Well, you are looking robust today. Let us get that coat of yours glowing, shall we?
link Leonie volume_up
Hey, Ferdinand.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Hello, Leonie. Have you some need of me?
link Leonie volume_up
I did a little detective work and learned something: You're the weird one.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I fear I do not take your meaning. How exactly am I "weird"?
link Leonie volume_up
You're a noble who delights in cleaning out stables and maintaining filthy equipment.
link Leonie volume_up
And among the Imperial nobles, you're the only one who does those kinds of things when it's not your specific responsibility.
link Leonie volume_up
Which means I was right—Empire and Alliance nobles are all the same.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Mmm. I think I understand what you are trying to say.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Certainly among those you investigated, I am the only one who puts such ideas into action.
link Ferdinand volume_up
But that is, if you would forgive me, a surface-level assessment. The reality beating at the heart of the matter is quite different indeed.
link Leonie volume_up
OK, what does that mean?
link Ferdinand volume_up
True nobles think as I do, inside their heads.
link Ferdinand volume_up
It just so happens that I am the only one who turned thought into deed on this particular occasion.
link Ferdinand volume_up
So if you believe those actions to be strange, you are saying the thoughts of all of them are strange as well.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Which means you find all nobles of the world—myself among them—to be strange.
link Leonie volume_up
Are you trying to confuse me? Because it's working.
link Leonie volume_up
How do you reach a conclusion like that? I'm telling you, you're the only weird one.
link Ferdinand volume_up
We appear to be arguing past one another.
link Leonie volume_up
Seems like it—but I'm still right.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Then I am left with no choice but to make you understand that I am the right sort of noble!
link Leonie volume_up
And I'll have to make you understand there aren't actually any other nobles like you!
link Ferdinand volume_up
link Leonie volume_up
link Ferdinand volume_up
Goodness, whatever is the matter with me? It is out of character for me to be so obstinate.
link Ferdinand volume_up
An understanding like this ought never be forced upon a person.
link Ferdinand volume_up
My behavior was ill-befitting a noble, Leonie. Please allow me to apologize.
link Leonie volume_up
Nah, I got pretty heated there myself.
link Leonie volume_up
At the end of the day, you're taking charge and being helpful, and that's what counts.
link Leonie volume_up
It doesn't really matter if other nobles would ultimately do the same thing or not. So...sorry.
link Ferdinand volume_up
You must think nothing of it. However, I believe a thought has just come to me...
link Ferdinand volume_up
Ultimately, the problem is not me—it is that you mistrust the nobility as a whole.
link Ferdinand volume_up
That being the case, I must redouble my efforts to put my philosophy into action so as to make others of my stature understand the correct way of things.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I am certain this will rid us of the selfish sort of nobles you imagine to be lurking around every corner.
link Leonie volume_up
Wait. I mean, that'd be pretty great, but...
link Leonie volume_up
If nobles start taking the initiative to work and stop looking down on commoners, doesn't that just...make them commoners?