Marching south into Empire territory, the Alliance forces arrive at Gronder Field. A showdown with Count Bergliez, the Empire's mightiest general, seems imminent.

Holst volume_up
Ngh, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. Forgive me, Hilda.
Holst volume_up
Ngh, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. Forgive me, Hilda.
Holst volume_up
Urgh... What would become of my allies if I fell here?
link Claude volume_up
Our only goal is to take out Count Bergliez! Let's start by capturing the strongholds on the front line!
link Hilda volume_up
Where did Holst go? It isn't safe to have people charging off by themselves!
link Lorenz volume_up
He said that he wished to preserve his strength at the start so that he might be fully prepared to face Count Bergliez.
link Claude volume_up
He can handle himself, but try to keep an eye out for him.
link Hilda volume_up
All right! Let's keep toppling these strongholds!
link Leonie volume_up
House Bergliez's army is mediocre at best! We got this!
Shez volume_up
I don't see the Ashen Demon yet. Better keep on our toes.
Shez volume_up
I don't see the Ashen Demon yet. Better keep on our toes.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, but remember our main target is Count Bergliez. There's no guarantee you'll face the Ashen Demon directly.
link Hilda volume_up
Aren't things going a little too well? There's no way the Imperial army is this weak.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, something's off. It's like they're holding back.
Monica volume_up
In the name of the emperor, I, Monica von Ochs, shall obliterate the Alliance army!
link Lysithea volume_up
I knew they were hiding soldiers somewhere. But we should be able to break through at this rate!
link Lorenz volume_up
So, they were concealing their soldiers after all. But we should be able to break through with our current momentum!
Ordelia General volume_up
You are a formidable foe, but I will not back down that easily!
Ordelia General volume_up
This shall be your retribution for betraying Her Majesty! I do not care what excuses you may have!
Ordelia General volume_up
You're...quite strong!
Ordelia General volume_up
I cannot push myself any further. But mark my words, I'll be back!
Petra volume_up
The enemy is gaining strength. I can be catching them off guard and stopping them.
link Lorenz volume_up
She is the princess of Brigid, a vassal state of the Empire. Perhaps we can convince her it would be advantageous to join us.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I cannot be letting you through!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Why do you leave the Empire? Will you not be protecting your family?
link Linhardt volume_up
It's more a question of priorities. I value my life, so I have to fight.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Petra?! Oh, I hope you can forgive me!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Yes, I can forgive. But I will still be fighting!
link Shamir volume_up
So, Brigid's supporting the Empire's war after all. That's why you're here, right, Petra?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I will not be answering that. You are free to be thinking what you like. Now we fight!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I am having problems. I must reconsider my way of fighting!
Petra volume_up
My dreams, my future... I cannot be dying... in foreign lands.
Petra volume_up
My dreams, my future... I cannot be dying... in foreign lands.
link Claude volume_up
There's a lot riding on you, Petra, isn't there? Is it really the smartest choice to die here?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You are right. I will be choosing to live.
link Ignatz volume_up
They're targeting an ally stronghold! We have to deal with them before they attack us from behind!
link Hilda volume_up
Looks like they're attacking an allied stronghold! We need to take care of that before they come at us from behind!
link Lysithea volume_up
We did it. Now we don't have to worry about them coming up behind us.
link Hilda volume_up
Yay! Now we don't have to watch our backs.
Leopold volume_up
Well done. But this is Empire territory. Do not think you will retain the upper hand forever.
link Claude volume_up
So the Imperial army wants to fight us in an open field. It's what I expected, but it's still quite a sight to see their army up close.
link Claude volume_up
There's no way we'll be able to break through their formation head-on. If we could just make Count Bergliez come to us...
link Claude volume_up
I've got it! Anyone who can, go take out the Imperial generals on the southeast side!
link Lorenz volume_up
The southeast? But there appear to be plenty of enemies to the west as well.
link Claude volume_up
Just go with me on this. We're gonna defeat those generals, and then rave about how Holst took them down.
link Claude volume_up
We're gonna make sure the entire battlefield knows that Leicester's mightiest warrior has arrived!
link Holst volume_up
My lord, I can no longer bear to watch quietly from the sidelines. It is time to make my move!
link Claude volume_up
Give 'em all you got, Holst! We'll back you up!
link Hilda volume_up
Holst! Claude told us to take down the enemy generals and then pretend like you did it.
link Holst volume_up
I see... So he plans to use my name to draw out Count Bergliez, eh?
link Hilda volume_up
Ohhh, so that's what he's doing! Now it makes sense.
Citizen volume_up
link Holst volume_up
Hahaha! No Imperial dog is a match for Holst Sigiswald Goneril!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Hmph, you're more formidable than I expected.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
There's a commotion on the eastern front. Send any free generals over there at once.
link Holst volume_up
Is that all you've got? You'll have to send your entire army if you want a chance of stopping me!
Merchant volume_up
We are unable to stop Holst's advance! Please send aid, Your Excellency!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So. Holst has appeared at last. Then I must go forth and face him myself.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Caspar! This place is now under your command!
Rodrigue volume_up
Don't you dare lose to him! Aw, man. I wanted to fight Holst too!
link Lysithea volume_up
The enemy is on the move! Count Bergliez is headed this way!
link Hilda volume_up
The enemy's on the move! We've got Count Bergliez incoming!
link Claude volume_up
Then he took the bait. Now we need to lure him into the stronghold!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You wish to do battle with me, Holst? Then I'd be glad to accept your request!
link Holst volume_up
You're the one who sought me out! I will take you on right here, right now!
link Hilda volume_up
No, Holst! You're supposed to draw him into the stronghold first!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
This is the most invigorating battle I've had in quite some time! Who wants to try and slay me?!
link Ignatz volume_up
There's no way we can take him on head-to-head! Get him into the stronghold, quick!
link Lorenz volume_up
He is far stronger than the rumors suggested. I am willing to duel him, but it would be better to prioritize our current strategy.
link Marianne volume_up
If we can just shut the gate... Hurry and get away from Count Bergliez!
link Hilda volume_up
All we need to do now is close that gate! Get away from Count Bergliez! On the double!
link Claude volume_up
He's in! Close the gate, now!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You're sending this many troops after me? Don't think I'm the only lion waiting to strike on this battlefield!
Artisan volume_up
We have lost sight of His Excellency! Take down the surrounding strongholds using whatever you can!
link Leonie volume_up
That's the last of 'em! They won't be looking for Count Bergliez now.
link Holst volume_up
We have defeated the enemy troops who were searching for Count Bergliez.
link Holst volume_up
We have defeated the enemy troops who were searching for Count Bergliez.
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Ah, the enemy appears. Then I guess it's time for the Blade Breaker to put an end to both you and your schemes.
link Lorenz volume_up
The Blade Breaker has certainly made an appearance, but it seems the Ashen Demon is further back among the enemy troops.
link Claude volume_up
Then we'll go after Jeralt first. The Ashen Demon might come out if he's in danger.
link Leonie volume_up
Do you remember me, Captain? Well, even if you don't, we have to fight!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Hm? Oh, Leonie! You've grown so much since I last saw you.
link Leonie volume_up
I'd wanted a little more experience before I faced you, but... This is it, Captain!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Would you look at that. You've become a fine mercenary. If it's a battle you want, you've got it.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My name is Alois Rangeld, and by my honor you will go no further!
link Raphael volume_up
Alois? I've got nothing against you, so I don't really wanna do this. I'll still knock you flat, though.
link Shamir volume_up
Alois? Look, you're in my way. I'm going to make you move.
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Where's the Empire's strongest warrior, anyway? Shouldn't he have stopped you?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You think I'm struggling here? This barely squeezes into my top five tough fights!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Looks like I'm at a disadvantage. Time to draw back.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
That was so careless... What was I thinking?! Now I have no choice but to withdraw.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
If the captain's pulled back, then so will I.
Viscount Hymir volume_up
That's enough for now. Everyone, fall back!
link Lorenz volume_up
Jeralt's Mercenaries have withdrawn. What will the Ashen Demon do now, I wonder?
Byleth volume_up
They both withdrew? Then it's up to me to turn this around.
Byleth volume_up
They both withdrew? Then it's up to me to turn this around.
link Claude volume_up
Perfect! Draw the Ashen Demon into the stronghold!
Byleth volume_up
I'm not backing down. I'll face you in my father's stead.
Byleth volume_up
I'm not backing down. I'll face you in my father's stead.
link Claude volume_up
They say this one's even stronger than the Blade Breaker. Avoid any direct engagement.
link Claude volume_up
We'll use the same strategy as we did with Count Bergliez! Bait the Ashen Demon into the stronghold!
Byleth volume_up
It's not that I haven't been taking you seriously, but this time...I won't hold anything back.
Byleth volume_up
It's not that I haven't been taking you seriously, but this time...I won't hold anything back.
link Marianne volume_up
I don't think we can beat them head-on. We have to lure the Ashen Demon into the stronghold somehow!
link Hilda volume_up
We'll get pulverized if we fight head-on! We need to lure the Ashen Demon into the stronghold, and fast!
link Raphael volume_up
OK, the gate's closing! Get out while you still can!
link Lorenz volume_up
Now we must close the gate! Make haste and move out of the stronghold!
link Lorenz volume_up
Now! Close the gate!
Byleth volume_up
I fell for a trap? Hmph. I guess Jeralt's defeat shook me.
Byleth volume_up
I fell for a trap? Hmph. I guess Jeralt's defeat shook me.
Shez volume_up
Our fight isn't over. We'll settle this later!
Shez volume_up
Our fight isn't over. We'll settle this later!
link Claude volume_up
That takes care of those two. Now all that's left is to rain down a world of hurt on the Imperial army!
Rodrigue volume_up
If my father's locked down, then I've gotta step up!
link Holst volume_up
Ah, so your plan is to use the ballistae to bombard them with arrows. Works for me!
link Hilda volume_up
Wow, Holst, you knew exactly what he was getting at! You must speak Claude!
Rodrigue volume_up
So you're the ones invading this time, huh? I'll knock you clear out of here!
Rodrigue volume_up
You came because you knew I'd be here, right? Then you don't have to say anything. Let's do this.
link Linhardt volume_up
You want to fight? Fine. For once in my life, I won't run away.
Rodrigue volume_up
You joined the Alliance? Well, an enemy's an enemy, I guess. You'll get no sympathy from me!
link Bernadetta volume_up
Don't hate me for trying to kill you, Caspar!
Rodrigue volume_up
No! I have to pay you back for what happened at Myrddin!
Rodrigue volume_up
Ugh, I can't believe you beat me twice!
link Hilda volume_up
All right, let 'em fly!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
They stole our ballistae? Caspar, how could you let this happen?
Byleth volume_up
This is bad. I need to find a way out of here.
Byleth volume_up
This is bad. I need to find a way out of here.
link Claude volume_up
Now's our chance! Everyone, take out Count Bergliez!
link Holst volume_up
Everyone, fall back if you need to! I'll defeat Count Bergliez!
Holst volume_up
Urgh... What would become of my allies if I fell here?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Leopold von Bergliez stands before you! Come and face me!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You've not the strength to slay me, coward! Offer up your final prayers before I send you to the afterlife!
link Holst volume_up
I can see why they call you the strongest in the Empire. But I won't fall here!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I can see why they call you the strongest in the Empire. But I won't fall here!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Leopold von Bergliez stands before you! Come and face me!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The Alliance is withdrawing! Do not pursue them. We will pull back as well.
link Claude volume_up
We've got a problem, everyone! Retreat as quick as you can!
Merchant volume_up
Sir! The Ashen Demon has escaped and is attacking one of our other strongholds!
link Claude volume_up
No, we can't get cut off! Everyone, attack the Ashen Demon with everything you've got!
link Lorenz volume_up
The Ashen Demon is as fierce an opponent as Count Bergliez! Do not let your guard down for even a second!
link Arval volume_up
The others don't stand a chance. You're the only one who can destroy the Ashen Demon.
Shez volume_up
Yeah, I know!
Shez volume_up
Yeah, I know!
Byleth volume_up
I've still got a job to do.
Byleth volume_up
I've still got a job to do.
Byleth volume_up
How many times have we fought now? Either way, this will be the last.
Byleth volume_up
How many times have we fought now? Either way, this will be the last.
Shez volume_up
You're right about that. I'm not letting you leave here alive, Ashen Demon!
Shez volume_up
You're right about that. I'm not letting you leave here alive, Ashen Demon!
Byleth volume_up
Come now, can't you just give me an easy win?
Byleth volume_up
Come now, can't you just give me an easy win?
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
link Arval volume_up
We've finally got that menace on the ropes. We can win this!
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
link Holst volume_up
The enemy is indeed formidable to have pushed me this far.
link Holst volume_up
The enemy is indeed formidable to have pushed me this far.
link Holst volume_up
Urgh... What would become of my allies if I fell here?
link Holst volume_up
Urgh... What would become of my allies if I fell here?
Holst volume_up
Ngh, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. Forgive me, Hilda.
link Claude volume_up
Holst! Damn it. There's no way we can keep going now.
link Hilda volume_up
Holst?! No, this can't be happening! Holst!
link Claude volume_up
All of the Alliance archers are ready and waiting. They probably know their way around the ballistae better than us.
link Claude volume_up
It's in your hands, archers! Hit them with your deadly accuracy!
link Lorenz volume_up
No matter how strong our foe, we can win if we work together. Probably!
link Claude volume_up
Pull together, everyone! Show him no mercy!