Garreg Mach is under attack by the combined forces of the Kingdom and the church. Aware that the Federation must honor its pact, you march for the monastery to aid the Empire.

Edelgard volume_up
If I am defeated, the Empire will fall to ruin!
Raphael volume_up
I will go ahead to put a stop to Dimitri and Rhea. I am counting on your support, Claude.
link Claude volume_up
Well, we've come this far. We're not about to stop now!
Leonie volume_up
Now, set it aflame, as we planned. This opportunity will not escape us!
Raphael volume_up
They are burning Garreg Mach?! That's a bold move, Dimitri.
Raphael volume_up
What?! The wall collapsed. Did someone intentionally do this?
link Ignatz volume_up
Our path is blocked? We need to find another route and catch up with Edelgard!
link Hilda volume_up
The path's blocked! We've gotta find another way so we can catch up to Edelgard!
Raphael volume_up
What?! The wall collapsed. Did someone intentionally do this?
link Ignatz volume_up
The wall collapsed? Then our path might be blocked too!
link Hilda volume_up
The wall collapsed. We won't be able to move forward if that keeps happening.
link Claude volume_up
All right, we can advance now. Let's get a move on and catch up with Edelgard!
Leonie volume_up
There she is. Ignite the flames once more! They will know how deeply our rage burns!
Raphael volume_up
Fire again?! Me, surrounded by flames... I can't deny there's irony in that.
Leonie volume_up
There she is. Ignite the flames once more! They will know how deeply our rage burns!
Citizen volume_up
Uh, seems the enemy attacked them. We won't be setting any more fires.
Leonie volume_up
Well, they were unlikely to fall for the same trick twice. Time for our next plan then.
Raphael volume_up
We have gained control of Garreg Mach's entrance. I'll take up position here and stop the enemy from invading.
Ordelia General volume_up
I cannot allow you to do this alone, Your Majesty. Please, permit me to fight alongside you.
Raphael volume_up
We have gained control of Garreg Mach's entrance. I'll take up position here and stop the enemy from invading.
Ordelia General volume_up
I cannot allow you to do this alone, Your Majesty. Please, permit me to fight alongside you.
Ordelia General volume_up
The enemy forces are too great. But I can at least serve as a decoy for Her Majesty.
Raphael volume_up
Monica is in danger. Do not worry about me. You must attend to her!
link Marianne volume_up
We've come to rescue you. Are you all right?
link Hilda volume_up
We're here to save you! Are you OK?
Ordelia General volume_up
You have my thanks. Now let us push back the enemy!
Ordelia General volume_up
Where is Count Varley? Don't tell me he fled.
Ordelia General volume_up
You saved my life. Thank you, friends of Her Majesty!
Ordelia General volume_up
I can't hold out... I am so sorry to have failed you, Your Majesty!
Ordelia General volume_up
I have sworn my life to Her Majesty and I would do it again!
link Lorenz volume_up
Our own base will be in peril if Monica is defeated!
Ordelia General volume_up
The enemy will overwhelm Garreg Mach if I retreat!
Ordelia General volume_up
I can't hold out... I am so sorry to have failed you, Your Majesty!
Ingrid volume_up
There you are, Edelgard. Your life is mine!
link Lysithea volume_up
Edelgard is under attack! We must defend her!
link Hilda volume_up
Edelgard's getting attacked! We've got to help her!
Yuri volume_up
Stay out of my way! Actually, this is perfect. Now I can avenge the margrave as well.
link Holst volume_up
On the battlefield, we're all targets of someone's vengeance. No matter your aim, I will fight any who stand in my way.
Yuri volume_up
Ashe... I trusted you.
link Ashe volume_up
Yuri volume_up
Stay out of my way! Actually, this is perfect. Now I can avenge the margrave as well.
Yuri volume_up
Adrestia... Leicester... None of this would've happened if it weren't for you!
Yuri volume_up
I...I can't go on. I'm sorry, I have to fall back!
link Lorenz volume_up
Excellent. Continue defending the emperor!
Grégoire volume_up
Eep! I so desperately want to flee, but I can't very well do that with Her Majesty here.
link Claude volume_up
So that's the Empire's Minister of Religious Affairs. He heads up the Southern Church now. If he's in trouble, we should go help.
link Leonie volume_up
Hey! Looks like you're having a rough time. We're gonna back you up!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Oh, thank you! Is Her Majesty all right? Do tell her I've been fighting valiantly!
link Lorenz volume_up
Count Varley, we have come to provide you with assistance, per the king's orders.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Oh, thank you! Is Her Majesty all right? Do tell her I've been fighting valiantly!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I am the bishop of the Southern Church, and you are obligated to protect me! Now do so and be quick about it!
link Yuri volume_up
I'm tempted to ignore that, but we'll have a mess on our hands if the cretin actually dies.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I demand that you rescue me right this... Hm? Bernadetta? Oh, I didn't know that you...
link Bernadetta volume_up
Um, hello. This is all a bit...unexpected, I guess.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Oh, thank you! Is Her Majesty all right? Do tell her I've been fighting valiantly!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Where is Her Majesty? I would like to fight by her side, if possible.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'm alive... I mean, of course I am! My death would be a crippling blow to the Empire!
Grégoire volume_up
Thus ends a brilliant man...a glorious life... and far too much unspent gold...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My future... Er, our future is riding on this. I cannot let you through!
link Holst volume_up
We need to aid Count Varley! If he's defeated, our base will be compromised as well!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I cannot hold back the enemy any longer. Please, someone, help!
Grégoire volume_up
Thus ends a brilliant man...a glorious life... and far too much unspent gold...
Dimitri volume_up
I will end you.
Raphael volume_up
Dimitri's most loyal retainer... I must be getting close then.
Dimitri volume_up
As long as I stand, you will not lay a finger on His Majesty.
link Leonie volume_up
I know this is your job and all, but you're preventing me from doing mine.
link Ashe volume_up
I really don't want to fight you. But there's no chance you'll step aside, right?
Dimitri volume_up
If you already know, then prepare yourself. I will not hold back...even against you.
Dimitri volume_up
As long as I stand, you will not lay a finger on His Majesty.
Dimitri volume_up
I will not yield. No matter what!
Dimitri volume_up
Ngh... I would sooner fight to the end, but that would bring great pain to His Majesty.
Raphael volume_up
Now, eliminate Dimitri and force the Kingdom troops to retreat!
Raphael volume_up
Monica is still struggling? My apologies, but would you go and aid her?
Raphael volume_up
If Count Varley dies, the Central Church will rally. That is the last thing you want, right?
Leonie volume_up
I've long awaited this day, Edelgard. Your tyranny ends here!
link Claude volume_up
Oh, this is not good. We can't let Edelgard die!
Leonie volume_up
Ashe, I believe I told you to flee from the battlefield if you came across me.
link Ashe volume_up
Forgive me for disobeying your orders.
Leonie volume_up
I've no reason to hold back before the enemy of the margrave and my people.
link Claude volume_up
Right, right... But on the other hand, it'd really make my day if you withdrew. No?
Leonie volume_up
I never expected to spar with the renowned Lord Holst. I wish we could have met under different circumstances.
link Holst volume_up
I'm honored to hear that, but there's no sparring on the battlefield. Only fights to the death!
Raphael volume_up
Garreg Mach is certainly a strategic location, but is it truly essential to the Kingdom?
Leonie volume_up
Perhaps. If we control this land, we will be in a better position to ward off your invasions, yes?
Leonie volume_up
Hahaha! If it's my head you're after, you'll have to risk your own to take it!
link Claude volume_up
Stop Dimitri with everything you've got! Hold nothing back!
Leonie volume_up
I am offended that you think such feeble attacks would kill me!
Leonie volume_up
So, the time has come. Very well. Turn your horses around! All troops are to withdraw!
link Claude volume_up
And just like that, a full retreat? Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
Count Rowe volume_up
We must seize this opportunity while the Kingdom army is engaged. Quickly, capture the front gate of the monastery!
link Claude volume_up
I should've known she wouldn't let this opportunity slip by. Get on over to Garreg Mach!
Raphael volume_up
She popped up out of nowhere! Is there another secret path we don't know about?
Rhea volume_up
No matter how many years pass, you people will always be little more than fools.
Count Rowe volume_up
Return the land you stole from us!
Shez volume_up
Sorry, but I think I'd rather fight you instead.
Shez volume_up
Sorry, but I think I'd rather fight you instead.
Count Rowe volume_up
I will correct the mistake I made when I took you ending your life.
Count Rowe volume_up
So you have chosen to side with Edelgard. I am disappointed in you, Claude.
link Claude volume_up
No hard feelings, Rhea. I'm just determined to see what the world would be like without you.
link Shamir volume_up
I owe you a lot, but the debt's been paid. If you expected more, that's on you.
Count Rowe volume_up
Yes, your debts with me are settled, Shamir. Your actions now, however, are another story.
Count Rowe volume_up
Jeralt?! I never would have thought to find you among the Federation forces.
link Jeralt volume_up
Life is full of twists. I just wish facing you in battle wasn't one of them.
Count Rowe volume_up
You look so much like... No, that can't be. Were it true, why would you fight me?
Byleth volume_up
You act as if we've met.
Byleth volume_up
You act as if we've met.
Count Rowe volume_up
Garreg Mach is our church's most sacred site. We must reclaim it!
Count Rowe volume_up
You shall face retribution for violating this sacred ground!
link Holst volume_up
This is our chance to take out the archbishop! We must not let it pass us by!
Count Rowe volume_up
Only a little more... A little more and Garreg Mach will be mine again!
Count Rowe volume_up
Ngh... It seems the opportunity has slipped through our fingers. But we shall return, and next time you will not be so fortunate.
link Claude volume_up
We managed to hold out, but Rhea got away.
Byleth volume_up
The time has come for my revenge! Prepare yourself!
Byleth volume_up
The time has come for my revenge! Prepare yourself!
Raphael volume_up
The Ashen Demon?! Now we must deal with an even more formidable foe.
link Claude volume_up
We're not winning this thing unless we take out the Ashen Demon.
link Arval volume_up
At last, the Ashen Demon has appeared. Now is our chance to settle the score!
Shez volume_up
I'm on it. I won't lose this time!
Shez volume_up
I'm on it. I won't lose this time!
link Claude volume_up
We're gonna need that power of yours to win. You got this!
Shez volume_up
You're strong...but I've got a little something of my own—and this time, I know I can take you!
Shez volume_up
You're strong...but I've got a little something of my own—and this time, I know I can take you!
Linhardt volume_up
You shall be punished for murdering the sire of my vessel.
Linhardt volume_up
You arrogant speck! Begone! This fight is not for you.
Linhardt volume_up
This vessel will not move as I command!
link Arval volume_up
The monster's losing control. Now's our chance to finish it!
Linhardt volume_up
This vessel will not move as I command!
Linhardt volume_up
You wretched...hateful...thing!
link Raphael volume_up
Whoops, some enemies slipped outta the stronghold! We gotta take 'em down before they do something!
link Lorenz volume_up
It seems some enemy commanders secretly escaped the stronghold. We must deal with them before they cause trouble.
link Ignatz volume_up
We did it! That should take care of all the enemy commanders around here.
link Lorenz volume_up
Well done! That should be all the enemy commanders in the area.
link Lysithea volume_up
The Kingdom cavalry and the church are launching an attack on our strongholds!
link Hilda volume_up
The Kingdom cavalry is working with Rhea's lackeys to attack our strongholds!
link Marianne volume_up
Thank goodness, we defended the strongholds.
link Holst volume_up
The Kingdom cavalry has been taken care of, so we should be fine now.
link Holst volume_up
Lady Edelgard's wounds need tending to. We should send our healers.
Raphael volume_up
Thank you. I am in your debt.
link Claude volume_up
Ah yes, the ol' set-it-on-fire strategy. We should put that out before things get messy.
link Hilda volume_up
I think we've got some combat engineers on standby. Maybe they could deal with all this fire stuff?
link Claude volume_up
All right, engineers, you're up! Don't let them start another fire!
link Lorenz volume_up
Claude! Our snipers are ready!
link Claude volume_up
Snipers, attack! Cover our advance!
link Holst volume_up
You know, we could make good use of those ballistae and catapults.
Raphael volume_up
I cannot let it end here!
??? volume_up
Ngh! At this rate, they'll overrun the monastery!
??? volume_up
Your Majesty! King Claude! I cannot hold out any longer! I require assistance!
Leonie volume_up
If the church has withdrawn, then we need not risk our lives any longer.
link Claude volume_up
And just like that, a full retreat? Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
link Claude volume_up
This war won't end until Rhea's dead. Get ready for a chase, everyone!
Count Rowe volume_up
Salvation is beyond you. You shall be punished for your transgressions!
link Claude volume_up
We managed to drive her away, but this war won't end until she's dead. Get ready for a chase, everyone!
link Claude volume_up
No, they got Edelgard! There'll be no victory now, even if we manage to drive them off.
??? volume_up
I tried, Your Majesty... Forgive me...
link Claude volume_up
No! They've invaded Garreg Mach! We have no choice but to retreat for now.