Claude's blockade stands between you and Count Bergliez. The general can't hold out much longer— you must break through and save him before it's too late.

link Edelgard volume_up
Count Bergliez controls the stronghold in the center of the plain, but the enemy has him completely cut off from aid.
link Edelgard volume_up
Our goal is to break the siege so he and his troops can evacuate safely.
Gustave volume_up
So much for securing a surrender before reinforcements arrive... Well, you all know what to do. Engage the enemy!
link Caspar volume_up
There's no time for the delicate approach. Let's tear into 'em from all sides!
link Hubert volume_up
There can be no victory this day if we do not rescue both Bergliez and his troops.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Her Majesty comes to rescue us! I know your spirits are weary, but rekindle them now with whatever spark of hope remains in your soul!
link Ferdinand volume_up
We have broken through! Continue pushing!
Marianne volume_up
I stand with my friends and will not permit you to pass!
link Edelgard volume_up
Aren't negotiations with Margrave Edmund still ongoing? Perhaps we can win Marianne over to our side.
link Lorenz volume_up
Marianne, whatever are you doing on the front lines? Stand down!
Chilon volume_up
No! I can't abandon my friends when they all fight for their lives!
link Ignatz volume_up
I know you hate this kind of thing, Marianne, so please! Put down your weapon!
Chilon volume_up
No! I can't abandon my friends when they all fight for their lives!
link Ignatz volume_up
I'm sorry, Marianne, but I've chosen to join the Empire.
Chilon volume_up
And my choice has long since been made— I stand with Claude, as I always have.
Chilon volume_up
What does it matter if I die...
Viscount Albany volume_up
Marianne, no! How could you?!
link Lorenz volume_up
I cannot bear to strike you down, Marianne. Please surrender—your father will understand.
Chilon volume_up
You're right. My adoptive father would want me to lay down my arms, not my life.
link Hubert volume_up
Talks with Margrave Edmund will go much better if you surrender here. Will you not consider it?
Chilon volume_up
You're right. My adoptive father would want me to lay down my arms, not my life.
Raphael volume_up
I'm itching to show what my muscles can do. Now, who... Huh? Oh, hey, Ignatz!
Raphael volume_up
I'm itching to show what my muscles can do. Now, who wants to be first?
link Ignatz volume_up
I don't want to kill you, I'm just going to have to knock some sense into you instead!
link Ignatz volume_up
Wait, that's Raphael! Don't kill him, please! Let me talk to him first!
Shez volume_up
I thought I might find you here, Lorenz.
link Lorenz volume_up
Yes, House Gloucester fights with the Empire now. But what of you? Is this truly where you wish to die?
link Ignatz volume_up
I'm sorry, Raphael, but I've chosen my side. I fight with the Empire now!
Shez volume_up
Well, I guess you're gonna do what you have to do. You're a knight of Gloucester now, after all.
Shez volume_up
Ugh, this is rough. My body's crying out for a break!
link Ignatz volume_up
I made my choice.
link Ignatz volume_up
You don't have to do this, Raphael. Think about Maya! She needs you, remember?
Shez volume_up
Hey, no fair! But...all right, Ignatz. I'm in, but only 'cause it's you!
link Edelgard volume_up
We must secure an exit for our allies. Taking down those strongholds will drive a wedge into their siege!
link Petra volume_up
There are two strongholds. We must deploy our forces with cleverness to be taking both.
link Linhardt volume_up
Now then, if they'll just be kind enough to let us escape this way...
Hilda volume_up
Look, I really need to hold this line, so why don't you just leave and we'll call it a day?
link Balthus volume_up
Uh oh. You're not here with... OK, whew! No Holst. Now scram already, will ya? Get outta here while you still can!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Oh, I will, Baltie—right after you explain why you're fighting for the Empire! You know Holst is never gonna let you live this down!
link Lorenz volume_up
Please stand down, Hilda. It would grieve me terribly to take your life.
Viscount Albany volume_up
Then maybe you should stand down, because I'm not going anywhere!
link Ignatz volume_up
I knew this was coming, but it still hurts to fight my old friends...
Viscount Albany volume_up
You serve House Gloucester. What did you expect?
Viscount Albany volume_up
I can't mess this up—not when everyone's counting on me.
Gustave volume_up
Get outta there, Hilda! We can't lose you!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Yeah, all right... Sorry!
Lysithea volume_up
All right, here they come... But I came here to fight, and I won't back down!
link Hubert volume_up
House Ordelia has already offered us their allegiance, which means Lysithea is here of her own accord.
link Balthus volume_up
Whoa, hold on. I can't fight you! You're from House Ordelia!
Pittacus volume_up
Well, don't expect me to hold back just because you do.
link Lorenz volume_up
I do not understand your motives, Lysithea. Why do you go against your house's wishes?
Pittacus volume_up
My decisions are my own, Lorenz—and there are some sacrifices I simply won't make.
link Ignatz volume_up
Please stand down, Lysithea! There's no reason for us to fight!
Pittacus volume_up
I don't remember asking your opinion!
Pittacus volume_up
Not bad. No, not bad at all.
Pittacus volume_up
I surrender. And as it was my choice alone to be here, I ask you not to take action against my parents.
link Edelgard volume_up
Then it's a good thing I'm not the type to punish people for such trivial reasons.
link Edelgard volume_up
I heard about what was done to you, Lysithea. And as one who understands that intimately, I ask you to join my cause.
Pittacus volume_up
You, too... Yes, all right. I'll hear you out.
link Edelgard volume_up
Our allies are nearly within reach! Clear out the enemy soldiers in those strongholds!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Well met, my son. For the first time in my life, I thought my end had come for me.
link Caspar volume_up
Yeah, I've never seen you in such bad shape. You look half-dead!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
It surprises me to see you among the ranks of my rescuers.
link Petra volume_up
Do not be having the wrong idea. I am helping the Empire, not you.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'm humbled you came for me personally, Your Majesty.
link Edelgard volume_up
You can thank me once we're clear of this place. Now ready your troops for retreat.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Ah, but it does my heart good to see you! Pray take care of my troops.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The siege is broken, men! Your courage and perseverance have been rewarded!
link Edelgard volume_up
The way is open! Move as one, and defend the count and his soldiers as we go!
Gustave volume_up
You think I'm just gonna let you slink out of here? Ha! I'm already two steps ahead!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Looks like we're up.
link Edelgard volume_up
They've cut off our escape and... Oh no. Look who's with them.
Shez volume_up
We won't put a dent in Jeralt's company with the numbers he has. I vote we rush Claude's main position instead.
Shez volume_up
We won't put a dent in Jeralt's company with the numbers he has. I vote we rush Claude's main position instead.
link Hubert volume_up
It would indeed catch him by surprise— but do we flank from the left or right?
link Monica volume_up
Either way, let's choose a path and clear out anyone foolish enough to stand before us!
link Hubert volume_up
Very well. We attack from that direction.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Her Majesty blazes the trail! Charge!
link Edelgard volume_up
This retreat is looking more and more like a full-on assault... Stay with him, everyone!
Gustave volume_up
Hold on. Are they coming for us?!
link Hubert volume_up
Very well. We attack from that direction.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Her Majesty blazes the trail! Charge!
link Edelgard volume_up
This retreat is looking more and more like a full-on assault... Stay with him, everyone!
Gustave volume_up
Hold on. Are they coming for us?!
link Hubert volume_up
So much for choosing which side to flank. It seems we must follow the count's lead.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Her Majesty has given us a chance to escape! Rush the enemy and smash the Alliance to splinters!
link Edelgard volume_up
I hope the count isn't doing what I think he's doing... Everyone, stay with him!
Gustave volume_up
Wait, what? They're going the wrong way!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
No Bergliez goes the long way round—we smash through and make our own path!
Gustave volume_up
Is he nuts? That's not even a proper path... Is he just coming straight for us?!
link Hubert volume_up
This strategy makes no sense at all, which is exactly why I think it may work.
link Edelgard volume_up
We're nearly clear of the battlefield! Just one more push and... Oh no.
Byleth volume_up
It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
Byleth volume_up
It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
link Edelgard volume_up
The Ashen Demon! Clever of Claude to keep this little surprise for the moment it would matter most...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'll handle the mercenary. The rest of you press on! Don't stop, no matter what!
link Edelgard volume_up
We're nearly clear of the battlefield! Just one more push and... Oh no.
Byleth volume_up
It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
Byleth volume_up
It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
link Edelgard volume_up
The Ashen Demon! Clever of Claude to keep this little surprise for the moment it would matter most...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'll handle the mercenary. The rest of you press on! Don't stop, no matter what!
link Edelgard volume_up
We're nearly clear of the battlefield! Just one more push and... Oh no.
Byleth volume_up
It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
Byleth volume_up
It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
link Edelgard volume_up
The Ashen Demon! Clever of Claude to keep this little surprise for the moment it would matter most...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'll handle the mercenary. The rest of you press on! Don't stop, no matter what!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You'll never get a better crack at the Alliance's leadership, Your Majesty. Hit them with all you have! Leave nothing on the battlefield!
link Edelgard volume_up
Count Bergliez is keeping the Ashen Demon busy, which means now is our chance to strike at Claude!
Gustave volume_up
So you're the one who's messing up all of my clever plans!
Shez volume_up
Hey, I just work here—but you're gonna make a nice trophy for the emperor.
Shez volume_up
Hey, I just work here—but you're gonna make a nice trophy for the emperor.
link Edelgard volume_up
Claude, can't you just play nice until I achieve what I set out to do?
Gustave volume_up
Funny—I was gonna ask you that. But I'm guessing the answer's the same for both of us.
link Hubert volume_up
While you never fail to surpass expectations, it seems the element of surprise was with Count Bergliez today.
Gustave volume_up
Right? I hit the guy hard enough to break him a dozen times over and he still kept coming. He's more nightmare than man!
Gustave volume_up
I'm sad it's come to this, Lorenz.
link Lorenz volume_up
And yet even as you speak those words, you seek an opening to strike at me. I know you well, Claude.
Gustave volume_up
Never too late to do the right thing, Ignatz. Come back to us.
link Ignatz volume_up
Stop trying to sway me, Claude! It's not going to work!
Claude volume_up
The battle's lost if they've made it this far, but maybe I can still take out an officer or two.
Gustave volume_up
They've got me cornered! Better think fast...
Gustave volume_up
That's all I can take... Let's see if our new mercenary friend is worth all that gold.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I must be getting old... Enough! I'm falling back!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
You handle things over there. We'll hunt down the Imperials who escaped.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You protect the main position! We'll go after the Imperial soldiers who escaped!
link Hubert volume_up
We have reinforcements watching the escape route—they will hold Jeralt's Mercenaries at bay.
Byleth volume_up
My work here is unfinished!
Byleth volume_up
My work here is unfinished!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I can't hold this monster back forever. Forget the Demon and take out the commander!
link Edelgard volume_up
Which just leaves the Ashen Demon. We're close to the finish now, so let's take whatever time we need and do this right.
link Monica volume_up
That clash with Count Bergliez has left the Demon weary—this could be our best chance to crush that pest for good.
Byleth volume_up
How many times have we fought now? Either way, this will be the last.
Byleth volume_up
How many times have we fought now? Either way, this will be the last.
Shez volume_up
You're right about that. I'm not letting you leave here alive, Ashen Demon!
Shez volume_up
You're right about that. I'm not letting you leave here alive, Ashen Demon!
Byleth volume_up
This didn't go how I expected, but I can still do some damage.
Byleth volume_up
This didn't go how I expected, but I can still do some damage.
Byleth volume_up
The Empire has grown strong...
Byleth volume_up
The Empire has grown strong...
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
link Arval volume_up
We've finally got that menace on the ropes. We can win this!
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
Byleth volume_up
I might actually have to work for this one.
Gustave volume_up
This siege is coming apart at the seams... Deploy the reinforcements! Fill those gaps!
link Monica volume_up
They're trying to shore up areas where we've thinned their ranks. Don't let that happen!
link Dorothea volume_up
Does the center still hold?
link Ferdinand volume_up
Good, they're wide open. Push through! We must reach Count Bergliez!
Citizen volume_up
All right, you asked for it... Target their forts and crush their reinforcements!
link Caspar volume_up
They've got catapults! We have to stop 'em!
link Bernadetta volume_up
So I don't want to panic anyone, but they're still hurling boulders at us!
link Bernadetta volume_up
So I don't want to panic anyone, but they're still hurling boulders at us!
link Linhardt volume_up
Well, that was a delight. Maybe can we stop and rest for a few here?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
They're trying to escape to the north! After them!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Hmm? They're attacking the main position? But that's not... Urgh! I have to go help them!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My name is Alois Rangeld, and by my honor you will go no further!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
They're trying to escape to the north! After them!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Hmm? They're attacking the main position? But that's not... Urgh! I have to go help them!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My name is Alois Rangeld, and by my honor you will go no further!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I can stand this no longer... I'm falling back!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
They make for the east... I can't let them escape!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
They're avoiding us entirely and attacking the main position instead. Looks like someone over there has half a brain after all...
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Sorry to cut your escape short, friends.
Viscount Hymir volume_up
They make for the east... I can't let them escape!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
They're avoiding us entirely and attacking the main position instead. Looks like someone over there has half a brain after all...
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Sorry to cut your escape short, friends.
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Well, this was fun. I barely even got to stall for time.
link Monica volume_up
A detachment of white mages stands ready to mend our wounded comrades.
link Edelgard volume_up
Now! Heal Count Bergliez's forces!
??? volume_up
Thank you!
link Monica volume_up
Now that our soldiers are away, we should send the white mages with them.
link Hubert volume_up
The count's soldiers we saved could be of great use if we place them under his command.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
With this many troops, I can finally turn the tide. Time to wipe the smug grin off that Alliance kid's face!
link Monica volume_up
If that's the escape plan, we're better off keeping the numbers small instead of relying on the count's men for aid.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
To think you would die when freedom was so near at hand... I will avenge you!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Pay attention! This will not be much of a rescue if none of the count's troops are alive at the end of it!
??? volume_up
I am undone... It was a joy and an honor... to serve you...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
They're dead... They're all dead... How could we let this happen?
link Edelgard volume_up
Escape was within our grasp, too...