1. Though horrible, I must take lives if we are [cdb]to succeed.
  2. We don't survive if we don't win.
  3. Once I'm on stage, I won't leave until I've seen my performance through.
  4. Even the most beautiful rose has thorns. Have you realized that yet?
  5. Every time I grow stronger, I'm thrown into [cdb]another battle. It's a vicious cycle.
  6. One step closer to victory.
  7. Hope this gets people fired up.
  8. This will really demoralize our enemies!
  9. I thought you were supposed to be some great [cdb]fighter, but you barely cut it as an understudy!
  10. It's an honor to force your retreat, Edie.
  11. I guess the big-shot noble doesn't remember [cdb]what happened after all.
  12. Oh, Petra... I really just want to see you safe [cdb]back in Brigid.
  13. Sorry, Manuela, but I can't yield!
  14. The goddess won't always save you, Archbishop.
  15. Wait, I won... Did you let that happen?
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. There's no version of this where we end up [cdb]as friends, huh? That's a shame.
  20. How does it feel to be defeated by a [cdb]commoner like me? Is your noble pride [cdb]wounded?
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I can't fall here—there are still too many [cdb]things I need to do.
  25. I have to win, even if it means taking down [cdb]a friend.
  26. Impressive, yes—but I prefer the roar of a [cdb]crowd to any honors in battle.
  27. It's easy to rack up victories when the war [cdb]never ends.
  28. Probably best not to overdo it.
  29. So this is the scene where all hope seems lost...
  30. I can't thank you enough.
  31. My hero!
  32. How can I ever repay you?
  33. My knight in shining armor!
  34. Impressive.
  35. Your actions fill our hearts with courage.
  36. You never fail to impress!
  37. You are a shining beacon of courage!
  38. I can't take my eyes off you when you fight.
  39. I can't take my eyes off you when you fight.
  40. You're so strong, Edie!
  41. I thought you were all talk, but you're not [cdb]half-bad for a big-shot noble.
  42. You're incredible, Petra! Just be careful you [cdb]don't get hurt.
  43. You're still shining just as bright as you did [cdb]on the stage!
  44. You might be a demon to your enemies, [cdb]but you're a hero to your friends.
  45. It fills my heart to see my friends doing such [cdb]great things.
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Use your power to win the day for us!
  49. It makes me happier than I can say to be [cdb]fighting by your side, Edie.
  50. I need to follow your example, Ferdie.
  51. I don't mind getting upstaged by a strong [cdb]woman like you, Petra.
  52. Incredible, Monnie! I'm sure Edie will be [cdb]thrilled to hear about your exploits.
  53. Ooh, you're strong! Strong enough to keep me [cdb]safe for the rest of my days.
  54. Just watching you work makes my heart [cdb]flutter!
  55. You've exceeded all of our expectations.
  56. I can't afford to slack off when someone as [cdb]strong as you is leading the charge, Edie!
  57. Well! The noblest of all nobles certainly is [cdb]living up to his reputation.
  58. You fight brilliantly, Petra—it's like you're [cdb]gliding on air out there!
  59. It's always an honor to be graced with the [cdb]presence of the Divine Songstress!
  60. This may be the greatest deed anyone has yet [cdb]accomplished in this war. I should write a [cdb]victory ballad to celebrate.
  61. Look upon the brilliance of Her Majesty and [cdb]sing her praises! Hehe! Don't worry, Edie, I'm just having a little fun.
  62. Try not to push yourself past your breaking [cdb]point, Ferdie.
  63. Where the Queen of Brigid goes, victory [cdb]always follows!
  64. We're the twin flowers at Edie's side. Our bloom will bring her glory!
  65. This can't be happening!
  66. Was that bad? That seems bad.
  67. Fighting you won't be an easy task.
  68. How I wish we'd ended up on the same side.
  69. Well, this won't be easy.
  70. I'd rather be attacking than defending, but I [cdb]still find this whole affair to be very annoying.
  71. This stronghold is my stage, and I don't intend [cdb]to surrender the spotlight!
  72. We have to protect this stronghold!
  73. We... We failed.
  74. I'm more than just some pretty face.
  75. I hope I never get used to this kind of thing.
  76. I'm sorry, but this is what I have to do.
  77. Now that we're standing here face-to-face, I realize how difficult this will be.
  78. This was destined to happen.
  79. I was hoping to fight at your side, Edie, [cdb]but instead we find ourselves here.
  80. You may be a big-shot noble, but I still won't [cdb]let you pass.
  81. I'm happy to see you've gotten used to life [cdb]here, Petra. So, so happy.
  82. I wish this diva duel was taking place on the [cdb]stage and not here...
  83. You may be the archbishop, but you won't be [cdb]getting any mercy from me.
  84. You're actually pretty fabulous for a demon.
  85. You're actually pretty fabulous for a demon.
  86. Though we only knew each other briefly back [cdb]at the academy, you were still my friend—but [cdb]now our paths have diverged forever.
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Another job well done.
  89. I might have failed, but I'm grateful just to [cdb]be alive.
  90. Days like this happen to the best of us.
  91. This is so frustrating! But I won't give up...
  92. I should step away for now.
  93. Mind if I join you?
  94. I'm here and ready to give my all!
  95. This fight's never going to end if I keep [cdb]getting kicked off the stage!
  96. I'm back and raring to go!
  97. I wish I could relive my glory days...but I [cdb]guess it's not meant to be...
  98. The battle begins.
  99. Let's sing a few bars to get our spirits up!
  100. I have to focus...
  101. Hold on! I'm coming for you!
  102. We have to strengthen our defenses.
  103. We have to escape—we're no good to anyone if [cdb]we die here.
  104. This will be a decisive battle—I have to [cdb]ready myself.
  105. I'll help you to the best of my ability, [cdb]meager though it may be.
  106. Hope for the best...but prepare for the worst.
  107. I'm here to fight, and I won't lose!
  108. It's always hard to fight a friend.
  109. That was a fearsome battle, but I'm glad we [cdb]pulled through in the end.
  110. Peace awaits us—I know it does.
  111. I hope no one is too badly hurt.
  112. I can't believe we fended them off.
  113. Not sure how I manged to slip away there.
  114. Fortune's on my side once again!
  115. Then this is the end? I'm so sorry, everyone...
  116. But...I still had so much I wanted to do...
  117. We have the advantage! Hold those heads [cdb]high, everyone!
  118. We have to endure this storm!
  119. We did it!
  120. Oh, come on! I can't get past this!
  121. Let's get moving.
  122. Looks like you could use some help.
  123. This'll be easy with both of us!
  124. Advance our forces.
  125. Please help them out!
  126. You have to save them! Now!
  127. We have to hold out!
  128. There must be someone who can save me...
  129. Can I count on your help?
  130. Lend me a hand here!
  131. Think you can help me out?
  132. I could use some help here!
  133. This is the climax of our battle, which means [cdb]it's my time to shine!
  134. Don't lose heart—we can still win!
  135. Leave this one to me.
  136. That's my cue!
  137. See? I'm not so bad.
  138. Done and done! Now, what's next?
  139. No! How did that happen?
  140. I'm sorry. This is on me.
  141. I'll do whatever it takes.
  142. This is my fault. Please forgive me.
  143. Time to get started.
  144. We did it!
  145. Are you kidding me?!
  146. This looks bad!