1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. We've got all kinds of emergencies breaking out [cdb]across Fódlan at the same time.
  3. And while I think it's just a coincidence, it makes me [cdb]a little uneasy about the future.
  4. Uneasy, huh?
  5. Uneasy, huh?
  6. Sympathize with him.
  7. Blow it off.
  8. Yeah, I feel like things aren't going to be magically [cdb]resolved just because we manage to fend off Almyra.
  9. Yeah, I feel like things aren't going to be magically [cdb]resolved just because we manage to fend off Almyra.
  10. We're on the same page there for sure. I just hope [cdb]this pit in my stomach is from something I ate and [cdb]not some ill omen of the future.
  11. Eh, you're probably overthinking it. And regardless, [cdb]you should be focusing on Almyra right now.
  12. Eh, you're probably overthinking it. And regardless, [cdb]you should be focusing on Almyra right now.
  13. Yeah, you're probably right. Still, something about it [cdb]just isn't sitting right with me.
  14. I can't help but feel like the events to come are going [cdb]to have a massive impact on Fódlan.
  15. Still, if I'm worried, the others probably are as well. You mind talking to them?
  16. An Almyran presence appearing near Fódlan's Throat [cdb]is not all too uncommon.
  17. But with House Goneril requesting reinforcements [cdb]from all corners, I cannot help but think that we find [cdb]ourselves in a situation most grave.
  18. What do you mean?
  19. What do you mean?
  20. House Goneril has ever been the epitome of courage, [cdb]and Leicester has been considered secure for as long [cdb]as they have held the Locket.
  21. So it must be a serious situation indeed if they are [cdb]now willing to set aside their pride and ask for aid.
  22. Regardless, you are a commoner with no particular [cdb]obligation to enter a dangerous battlefield. Are you [cdb]certain you wish to remain with us?
  23. Tell him you're raring to go.
  24. Brush off the question.
  25. Yeah, fighting is sorta my job. I'm not worried.
  26. Yeah, fighting is sorta my job. I'm not worried.
  27. I see. In that case, I will not stop you—but I caution [cdb]you not to overdo it.
  28. Yeaaah, I'll think about it.
  29. Yeaaah, I'll think about it.
  30. Judging by your face, that will be a fairly short [cdb]internal conversation. I ask only that you are careful.
  31. Ugh. I thought I was finally going to be free from my [cdb]brother for a bit, but here I am. So much for all the [cdb]fun I was gonna have at school.
  32. Ask about her brother.
  33. Ask about school.
  34. I take it you don't have the best relationship with [cdb]your brother?
  35. I take it you don't have the best relationship with [cdb]your brother?
  36. Honestly, the problem is that he cares about me too [cdb]much. It's a total pain.
  37. I didn't realize school was fun.
  38. I didn't realize school was fun.
  39. Oh, it is! Nothing but crying and laughing and [cdb]dancing with friends my own age...
  40. Ughhh, I just want to go back to the Officers Academy already!
  41. If the Almyran army breaks through the Throat— [cdb]which, granted, is unlikely—the Alliance will be in a [cdb]world of trouble.
  42. I wonder if Claude really appreciates the seriousness [cdb]of this situation.
  43. Claim that he does.
  44. Say he has no clue.
  45. I think the guy's perfectly aware and is just trying [cdb]to put on a brave face for the troops.
  46. I think the guy's perfectly aware and is just trying [cdb]to put on a brave face for the troops.
  47. I mean, if he was running around panicking, [cdb]everyone else would start doing the same.
  48. I mean, if he was running around panicking, [cdb]everyone else would start doing the same.
  49. Hmm, yes. Perhaps I should attempt to view the man [cdb]in a more optimistic light.
  50. Right? The guy's just walking around like he doesn't [cdb]have a care in the world.
  51. Right? The guy's just walking around like he doesn't [cdb]have a care in the world.
  52. A troubling thought indeed. As acting leader of the Alliance, his position demands that he command [cdb]the other lords.
  53. I think we'll soon learn if Claude has what it takes to [cdb]assume the mantle of leadership.
  54. Oh, why did I even come here... I'm going to [cdb]be useless!
  55. Come on, Ignatz. We've come all this way, so it [cdb]doesn't make sense to start worrying now.
  56. Besides, if we allow Almyra to invade, who knows [cdb]what will happen to our hometowns?
  57. Yeah, Leonie's right! I'm gonna give Almyra the [cdb]thrashing of a lifetime to keep my little sis safe!
  58. You can say that all you want, but we're just [cdb]commoners. We don't know the first thing about war!
  59. Hey, we trained at school, remember? We can totally [cdb]outfight these guys!
  60. Maybe—but I still wish I had the kind of experience [cdb]that [HERO_MF] does.
  61. Maybe—but I still wish I had the kind of experience [cdb]that [HERO_MF] does.
  62. All right, this is just pathetic. Can you please talk [cdb]some sense into him?
  63. Show compassion for Ignatz.
  64. Give some advice.
  65. Actually, I get what he's saying—throwing a pack of [cdb]students up against a trained army is a bit nuts.
  66. Actually, I get what he's saying—throwing a pack of [cdb]students up against a trained army is a bit nuts.
  67. Exactly! And sure, it's my fault for getting caught up [cdb]in the thrill of it all, but still...
  68. Look, just go out there and do your best. And if [cdb]things get too rough, there's no shame in retreating.
  69. Look, just go out there and do your best. And if [cdb]things get too rough, there's no shame in retreating.
  70. Do what I can, and run if things get too dangerous... Yeah, OK. I think I can handle that.
  71. No use in panicking when the enemy's at our door. We just have to go out there and give it our best!
  72. Oh, Goddess...
  73. ...
  74. Ask her if she's all right.
  75. Watch in silence.
  76. Hey, you OK? You don't have to force yourself to [cdb]fight if you're worried, you know.
  77. Hey, you OK? You don't have to force yourself to [cdb]fight if you're worried, you know.
  78. Oh, but I couldn't face my adoptive father again if I [cdb]did that.
  79. ...
  80. ...
  81. Um, yes? What is it?
  82. Just didn't want to disturb you—though it looks like I [cdb]ended up doing that anyway.
  83. Just didn't want to disturb you—though it looks like I [cdb]ended up doing that anyway.
  84. No, not at all. It's my fault...
  85. ...
  86. You. You're the ex-merc who enrolled in the [cdb]academy, right?
  87. Yeah, the name's [HERO_MF]. Good to [cdb]meet you.
  88. Yeah, the name's [HERO_MF]. Good to [cdb]meet you.
  89. I'm a mercenary by trade myself. Though I'm actually [cdb]with the Knights of Seiros right now.
  90. Anyway, seems like you and me are in the same line [cdb]of work. Let me know if you need something.
  91. After receiving news of Almyra's invasion, I recruited [cdb]soldiers from neighboring lords in the western reaches [cdb]of Leicester and hurried here with all speed.
  92. And though officers and troops of House Gloucester [cdb]are aiding us, the count never had any intention of [cdb]joining the fray.
  93. I'd love to complain, but giving the count a bad [cdb]impression would lead to all sorts of trouble later. Probably best to just grin and bear it.
  94. Oh, and I have to keep an eye on the count's son! There really is no end to my worries.
  95. I was dispatched here by Margrave Edmund.
  96. He is normally exempt from having to supply [cdb]troops, but this was an exception.
  97. Though we command but a few forces, we must [cdb]safeguard the young mistress at all costs.
  98. Duke Goneril requested reinforcements from all of [cdb]the territories, but few appear to have gathered.
  99. As there have been no large-scale wars in recent [cdb]years, many of the various lords have neglected their [cdb]military preparations.
  100. Still, if the Kingdom or Empire were to send soldiers, [cdb]we'd have no problems.
  101. Alas, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. We're looking at a tough fight here, make no mistake.
  102. I've never fought the Almyrans before, though I hear [cdb]they're a barbaric, cruel people.
  103. Rumors claim they've got hair all over their bodies, [cdb]and they have fangs sharp as daggers!
  104. It's terrifying to imagine what horrors might await if [cdb]they were to capture you.
  105. Fódlan's Throat is an impregnable stronghold created [cdb]by combining the might of the three regions.
  106. And its keeper is the bravest warrior in all Leicester, Holst Sigiswald Goneril.
  107. So though our forces may be inferior in number, [cdb]the Almyran army is no cause for fear.
  108. Truth be told, I should have been at a lecture in some [cdb]classroom right about now. I can't believe this all [cdb]came up right when I was about to start school!
  109. If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...
  110. Still, I volunteered to come here of my own volition, [cdb]so I'm going to give this everything I have.
  111. I'm a relative of Baron Müller's, and my family's [cdb]home isn't far from the Throat.
  112. Heh. I can see by your reaction that you're trying to [cdb]remember who she even is. I'm guessing you don't [cdb]know any but the Five Great Lords, right?
  113. House Müller is a minor family of nobles—mere [cdb]nobodies wedged between the territories of Riegan [cdb]and Edmund.
  114. Nonetheless, we still want to protect Leicester just [cdb]as much as any of the Five Great Lords.
  115. The Almyran army's practically on our doorstep. I better talk to the others, calm my nerves.
  116. The Almyran army's practically on our doorstep. I better talk to the others, calm my nerves.
  117. All right, I better get some rest before the fighting [cdb]kicks off.
  118. All right, I better get some rest before the fighting [cdb]kicks off.
  119. Thanks for talking to everybody. They're much more [cdb]relaxed now.
  120. It won't be long till we're thrust into battle. You feel ready?
  121. Did you know there's a whole town under Garreg Mach? A bunch of suspicious characters live there.
  122. They call it Abyss... I wonder what those folks [cdb]are really like.
  123. The church leave 'em alone though, so they must [cdb]not've been involved in that business with Tomas.
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