1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. It is not an exaggeration to say that we have [cdb]dispatched nearly every obstacle in our path. Both within and beyond the Empire.
  3. All that is left is to vanquish the Central Church [cdb]and the Kingdom, who obstinately persist in their [cdb]opposition to us.
  4. Express concern about the Alliance.
  5. Express concern about those who slither in the dark.
  6. I'm not so sure about that. What about the Alliance? They may be our allies now, but we don't know if [cdb]they'll try and pull something.
  7. I'm not so sure about that. What about the Alliance? They may be our allies now, but we don't know if [cdb]they'll try and pull something.
  8. No, I would like to believe they wouldn't betray us.
  9. I'm not so sure about that. We didn't completely [cdb]wipe out those who slither in the dark, right?
  10. I'm not so sure about that. We didn't completely [cdb]wipe out those who slither in the dark, right?
  11. Yes, that is true. Even after we conclude our battle [cdb]with the church...
  12. Our war with those who slither in the dark may [cdb]continue.
  13. We suspect Thales of being the leader of those who [cdb]slither in the dark. I kept careful watch for him and Solon at Fort Merceus.
  14. But I saw neither hide nor hair of them. I am [cdb]concerned as to what their ultimate goal might be.
  15. Do you truly not know anything?
  16. Remain silent.
  17. Say something even though you don't know.
  18. ...
  19. ...
  20. I will take that to mean you are completely clueless. Not that I had high hopes anyway.
  21. I don't really know, maybe they're aiming for [cdb]somewhere else? Like the Imperial capital or Garreg Mach?
  22. I don't really know, maybe they're aiming for [cdb]somewhere else? Like the Imperial capital or Garreg Mach?
  23. What a surprise, you actually had a response. However, the capital is most certainly not their [cdb]target.
  24. I preemptively laid a trap for them under the same [cdb]assumption and came up with nothing.
  25. Yes, everything looks good here. Now, what should I [cdb]do with that one message?
  26. Hm? Is something the matter? I do apologize, but I [cdb]have not a moment to spare.
  27. Edelgard has ensured that I am quite busy! Hahaha!
  28. If the Kingdom army is approaching, that means our [cdb]fight is finally coming to a close.
  29. Why are you looking at me like that? Nothing has [cdb]changed. We need only forge ahead with the path [cdb]we believe in.
  30. And I, Ferdinand von Aegir, shall be by your side! Defeat is not even a remote possibility!
  31. Once again, everyone's convinced that the war will [cdb]end soon.
  32. But I'm not so sure. They say bad things come in [cdb]threes. That means more trouble is on the way.
  33. Take an optimistic view.
  34. Proclaim you'll deal with anything that happens.
  35. Nothing else is gonna happen. The end's in sight.
  36. Nothing else is gonna happen. The end's in sight.
  37. I hope so. I suppose I could put in one last bit of [cdb]effort if it means all this will be over.
  38. Doesn't matter. We'll deal with anything that comes [cdb]our way. We've handled any number of crises by now.
  39. Doesn't matter. We'll deal with anything that comes [cdb]our way. We've handled any number of crises by now.
  40. That's true. But don't forget that each one has been [cdb]much worse than the last.
  41. My brother was in charge of Fort Merceus. It doesn't [cdb]matter that he was standing in for my father.
  42. Guess that means he'll have to be held responsible [cdb]somehow.
  43. Ugh, I just don't know what to do.
  44. Express concern for Caspar's brother.
  45. Speculate how this will affect Caspar.
  46. Are you worried about him? I know it's [cdb]nerve-wracking not knowing how it'll play out.
  47. Are you worried about him? I know it's [cdb]nerve-wracking not knowing how it'll play out.
  48. No, worrying won't change anything. I know it'll be [cdb]handled fairly whatever the outcome.
  49. If your brother loses his right to the Bergliez title, [cdb]would you become your father's heir?
  50. If your brother loses his right to the Bergliez title, [cdb]would you become your father's heir?
  51. No, that won't happen. I haven't had the necessary [cdb]education on how to govern a territory.
  52. But maybe...this could be our chance to make Edelgard's vision a reality.
  53. You know, separating titles and territories. It doesn't [cdb]seem completely out of the question right now, does [cdb]it?
  54. My father's at Garreg Mach, which means I might [cdb]have to see him again.
  55. My father's at Garreg Mach, which means I might [cdb]have to see him again.
  56. Though it sounds like he's shut himself away, so the [cdb]chances of it are probably pretty low.
  57. It'll be OK...right?
  58. It'll be OK...right?
  59. Reassure her.
  60. Express doubt.
  61. Yeah, we're pretty far from the monastery now, [cdb]so you shouldn't have to worry.
  62. Yeah, we're pretty far from the monastery now, [cdb]so you shouldn't have to worry.
  63. Right? I thought so too!
  64. Right? I thought so too!
  65. I dunno. We're still pretty close to Garreg Mach, [cdb]so he could show up here any time if someone sends [cdb]for him.
  66. I dunno. We're still pretty close to Garreg Mach, [cdb]so he could show up here any time if someone sends [cdb]for him.
  67. What?! Urgh... I have to find somewhere to hide.
  68. I am having one memory of the previous Duke Aegir. But it is a bad one.
  69. When we were first coming to the Imperial capital, [cdb]he had insults for my father.
  70. I became angry and attacked, knocking him [cdb]off of his feet. I am having much to reflect on.
  71. Fighting a pompous noble was way easier than going [cdb]against a former classmate.
  72. Though really, that shouldn't change the fact that [cdb]they're all people with families and lives.
  73. Reassure her.
  74. Say it doesn't matter who it is.
  75. You can't help how you feel. Everyone finds it easier [cdb]to fight certain people over others.
  76. You can't help how you feel. Everyone finds it easier [cdb]to fight certain people over others.
  77. Yeah, you're right. And our next battle will be full of [cdb]opponents I'd rather not face.
  78. But...this is the path I've chosen.
  79. Well for me, it doesn't make a difference who I face [cdb]on the battlefield.
  80. Well for me, it doesn't make a difference who I face [cdb]on the battlefield.
  81. Then honestly, I envy you. At least I know I can [cdb]always count on you.
  82. Then honestly, I envy you. At least I know I can [cdb]always count on you.
  83. Between Viscount Essar and Baron Gillingr...
  84. Many western lords showed sympathy towards the [cdb]former Duke Aegir.
  85. And there may be more who secretly oppose Her Majesty's plan, even if they show outward support.
  86. Claim they must be stamped out.
  87. Claim they must be accepted regardless.
  88. It's been nearly three years since Edelgard ascended [cdb]the throne.
  89. It's been nearly three years since Edelgard ascended [cdb]the throne.
  90. That kind of opposition can't be allowed to linger. We need to stamp them out.
  91. That kind of opposition can't be allowed to linger. We need to stamp them out.
  92. Oh my, I never thought I'd hear you say something [cdb]like that. I feel like a proud mother watching her [cdb]child blossom into a fine adult.
  93. ...
  94. ...
  95. We just have to be patient. They'll come round to Edelgard's ideas in time.
  96. We just have to be patient. They'll come round to Edelgard's ideas in time.
  97. You truly think so? My sense is that if they were going [cdb]to get on board with Her Majesty's plan, they would [cdb]have done so already.
  98. It looks like a lot of the Knights of Seiros are going to [cdb]join the battle.
  99. But Lady Rhea wouldn't possibly appear on the front [cdb]lines herself...right?
  100. Say it's a possibility.
  101. Say she probably won't.
  102. She very well could. It would really boost the knights' [cdb]spirits.
  103. She very well could. It would really boost the knights' [cdb]spirits.
  104. Yes, I suppose that's true. My goodness, this battle [cdb]becomes more daunting by the second.
  105. Definitely not. Have you ever seen the [cdb]archbishop fight?
  106. Definitely not. Have you ever seen the [cdb]archbishop fight?
  107. No, but that doesn't mean she can't. Don't you get [cdb]the feeling that she could really handle herself?
  108. We failed to wipe out those maggots at Fort Merceus.
  109. A pointless battle. I hope the next will satisfy me.
  110. Suggest it will.
  111. Suggest it won't.
  112. There are plenty of strong fighters in the knights and [cdb]the Kingdom. You'll have a good time for sure.
  113. There are plenty of strong fighters in the knights and [cdb]the Kingdom. You'll have a good time for sure.
  114. Let us hope so.
  115. Not that I'm underestimating our opponents, but [cdb]there are few people out there who can give you [cdb]the fight you're looking for.
  116. Not that I'm underestimating our opponents, but [cdb]there are few people out there who can give you [cdb]the fight you're looking for.
  117. Hmph... You may be right.
  118. Hapi, it is unnecessary for you to shoulder this [cdb]burden. My dream is my own responsibility.
  119. It's not a burden. I don't really have anything I'm [cdb]aiming for myself, so I figure I might as well fight [cdb]for what you want.
  120. No, I will not allow it! Haven't you always spoken [cdb]about wanting to find your own goal in life?
  121. Yeah, which is exactly why I decided to help you. I dunno how much I can really do, though.
  122. Side with Hapi.
  123. Side with Constance.
  124. Helping others achieve their dreams is an admirable [cdb]goal in its own right. Especially since you two are [cdb]so close.
  125. Helping others achieve their dreams is an admirable [cdb]goal in its own right. Especially since you two are [cdb]so close.
  126. Yeah! See, Coco?
  127. I can understand why Constance wants you to find [cdb]your own dream.
  128. I can understand why Constance wants you to find [cdb]your own dream.
  129. Yes, exactly! Look, I am truly delighted you want to [cdb]help me.
  130. Striving to achieve my dream takes no small amount [cdb]of effort.
  131. At times I wish I had someone at my side to share [cdb]that struggle with.
  132. Not that I am asking that of you! Do not [cdb]misunderstand me!
  133. If you're someone like me who hasn't figured out her [cdb]own goals...
  134. Wouldn't you want a friend who's super focused on [cdb]achieving a dream of their own?
  135. That way you could put all your efforts into lifting [cdb]them up, you know? I kinda like doing stuff like that.
  136. I've sparred with His Majesty several times, and he [cdb]is amazingly strong. Without a doubt the toughest [cdb]warrior in the Kingdom.
  137. I don't know if I'd be able to defeat him in battle.
  138. Say he could win.
  139. Say he probably couldn't win.
  140. Say he doesn't have to fight.
  141. You could take him. You're a lot stronger now than [cdb]when we faced off before.
  142. You could take him. You're a lot stronger now than [cdb]when we faced off before.
  143. You think so? In any event, I'll at least try to make [cdb]sure I'm prepared.
  144. If he's really that strong, then you'd probably have a [cdb]rough time. But if you already know how powerful [cdb]your opponent is...
  145. If he's really that strong, then you'd probably have a [cdb]rough time. But if you already know how powerful [cdb]your opponent is...
  146. Then all you need to do is have some tricks ready to [cdb]handle him, right? This is war, not a sparring match.
  147. Then all you need to do is have some tricks ready to [cdb]handle him, right? This is war, not a sparring match.
  148. Huh... Yeah, that's a good point, I suppose.
  149. There's no need to force yourself to fight him. Especially since you don't know if you can win.
  150. There's no need to force yourself to fight him. Especially since you don't know if you can win.
  151. No, I can't avoid him. I'm a member of the Imperial army now.
  152. This is going to be a tough battle. Take care of [cdb]yourself, [HERO_MF].
  153. We have been subjected to an unnecessary amount of [cdb]detours, but the time has finally come to settle things [cdb]with the Kingdom.
  154. And with the Alliance coming to our aid as well, [cdb]we will no doubt achieve victory.
  155. The issue is what happens after we win. I am [cdb]concerned about the relationship between the Empire and the Alliance.
  156. Agree there's cause for concern.
  157. Take an optimistic stance.
  158. That's a good point. It's hard to imagine Claude and Edelgard suddenly becoming best buds.
  159. That's a good point. It's hard to imagine Claude and Edelgard suddenly becoming best buds.
  160. Precisely. If relations sour between the two of them, I will once again face a difficult decision.
  161. C'mon, there's no way the war would continue [cdb]after this.
  162. C'mon, there's no way the war would continue [cdb]after this.
  163. I certainly hope you're right. For my part, I shall [cdb]spare no effort in trying to maintain peace between [cdb]our two regions.
  164. Lately I've felt off for some reason. Like I'm not [cdb]myself.
  165. I used to be a timid person who'd get so nervous [cdb]before battles he couldn't sleep.
  166. But now I feel strangely calm, even though we're [cdb]facing a major fight.
  167. Praise him.
  168. Warn him.
  169. That just shows how much you've grown. You've been [cdb]doing a great job.
  170. That just shows how much you've grown. You've been [cdb]doing a great job.
  171. Hah, you're going to make me blush. I'm not so sure [cdb]about all that, but I appreciate you saying so.
  172. You've probably gotten used to it after fighting so [cdb]much. Just make sure you don't get complacent.
  173. You've probably gotten used to it after fighting so [cdb]much. Just make sure you don't get complacent.
  174. Have I? That's unsettling. I don't want to be used to [cdb]killing people.
  175. How you been holding up? Nothing but some shady [cdb]battles lately, huh?
  176. I've had a hankerin' to really let someone have it. And it looks like I'll be finally getting my wish.
  177. Say you feel the same.
  178. Stare in confusion.
  179. Yeah, you're right. We've just been cleaning up other [cdb]people's messes rather than actually fighting.
  180. Yeah, you're right. We've just been cleaning up other [cdb]people's messes rather than actually fighting.
  181. See, you get it. I need an opponent I can really [cdb]unload on.
  182. Really? But we've had plenty of people to fight, [cdb]what with all the bandits and rebels.
  183. Really? But we've had plenty of people to fight, [cdb]what with all the bandits and rebels.
  184. They don't count. I need an opponent I can really [cdb]unload on.
  185. If we're fighting the Kingdom, then I might get to [cdb]face Dimitri, right?
  186. I've heard he's ridiculously strong. I wonder which of [cdb]us would come out on top.
  187. Say Dimitri's stronger.
  188. Say Raphael's stronger.
  189. Dimitri's probably stronger. They say his strength is [cdb]inhuman, like some kinda monster.
  190. Dimitri's probably stronger. They say his strength is [cdb]inhuman, like some kinda monster.
  191. Huh... I wonder what his training regimen is. Maybe I'll ask him once the war's over.
  192. I think you beat him in terms of pure muscle mass.
  193. I think you beat him in terms of pure muscle mass.
  194. Yeah, but muscles alone don't count for much. Plus, I don't have a Crest.
  195. As maddening as it is, we have no way to fight those [cdb]who slither in the dark so long as they remain in the [cdb]shadows.
  196. Which means all we can do is try our best to put a [cdb]halt to their ambitions.
  197. If their aim is to throw Fódlan into chaos, then the [cdb]best way to stop that would be...
  198. If their aim is to throw Fódlan into chaos, then the [cdb]best way to stop that would be...
  199. To bring peace to Fódlan.
  200. To unify Fódlan.
  201. To hurry up and end the war so Fódlan can be at [cdb]peace. Right?
  202. To hurry up and end the war so Fódlan can be at [cdb]peace. Right?
  203. That is part of it. But simply ending the war won't be [cdb]enough.
  204. We need to reform our systems of power so that peace [cdb]is sustainable.
  205. To unify Fódlan, right?
  206. To unify Fódlan, right?
  207. Yes, and also to reform our systems of power so that [cdb]peace is sustainable.
  208. That's the only way to ensure they won't meddle with [cdb]us again, and that the same tragedies aren't repeated.
  209. I received a letter from my adoptive father. He said [cdb]that I've done this long enough and should come [cdb]home now.
  210. It's a little late for that, though. There's no way I [cdb]could abandon everyone after we've come this far.
  211. I wouldn't be of any use back home anyway. I have no [cdb]idea what he's thinking.
  212. Say he must have his reasons.
  213. Say he must be worried about her.
  214. Maybe something's come up back home? Since he's [cdb]asking you so suddenly and all.
  215. Maybe something's come up back home? Since he's [cdb]asking you so suddenly and all.
  216. Perhaps. But even so, I have no intention of leaving. I'll have to make that clear to him.
  217. Maybe he's just worried about you. He's still your [cdb]father, even if you're not blood-related.
  218. Maybe he's just worried about you. He's still your [cdb]father, even if you're not blood-related.
  219. Do you really think so? But even if that's true, I have [cdb]no intention of leaving.
  220. I wonder if the Kingdom would abandon the Church [cdb]of Seiros if we dealt a big enough blow to the Central Church.
  221. I doubt the king and lords in Faerghus are so [cdb]hardheaded that they'd keep fighting a losing battle.
  222. I have friends and family in the Kingdom, so I'd like [cdb]to avoid stoking the flames of war any higher.
  223. Do you remember the girl who fought alongside me [cdb]at Arianrhod...and lost her life in the process?
  224. Say you remember her.
  225. Say you don't remember.
  226. You mean Ingrid, from the Blue Lion House, right? She was an impressive fighter.
  227. You mean Ingrid, from the Blue Lion House, right? She was an impressive fighter.
  228. Yes. Everyone must've been devastated when she [cdb]passed. Especially Sylvain.
  229. Uh, sorry. I'm not the kinda guy who remembers [cdb]every single person he fights.
  230. Uh, sorry. I'm not the kinda gal who remembers every [cdb]single person she fights.
  231. I understand. She might've been our friend, but to [cdb]you, she was only an enemy.
  232. If a person were to give even a passing thought to [cdb]every enemy, they'd never be able to fight in a war.
  233. But even so, I can't stop myself from thinking [cdb]about them.
  234. We're finally going head-to-head with the Knights of Seiros.
  235. I wonder where I'll run into her. Though there's no [cdb]guarantee it'll happen at all.
  236. But if it did... Hm.
  237. Ask her to finish her thought.
  238. Give a vague response.
  239. Then...what?
  240. Then...what?
  241. I think you know. I don't want to say it.
  242. Actually, if you can't figure it out, then you don't [cdb]need to know. Sorry.
  243. I hope you do run into her.
  244. I hope you do run into her.
  245. Yeah. Though she'd probably just say she's following [cdb]orders.
  246. So that's why you quit the knights?
  247. Yeah. And also why I'm trying to avoid Lady Rhea as [cdb]much as possible... Hm?
  248. Sorry, am I interrupting?
  249. Sorry, am I interrupting?
  250. Nah, don't worry about it. It wasn't important. Anyway...
  251. You feel like you're ready? This is gonna be our [cdb]toughest battle yet.
  252. We'll show them what Jeralt's Mercenaries are [cdb]made of.
  253. It seems my father was avoiding Archbishop Rhea [cdb]specifically, rather than the Central Church on the [cdb]whole.
  254. And so I had little choice but to do the same.
  255. But I can't keep running from her forever. And I want [cdb]to figure out why he felt that was necessary.
  256. So that's why you quit the knights?
  257. Yeah. And also why I'm trying to avoid Lady Rhea as [cdb]much as possible... Hm?
  258. Sorry, am I interrupting?
  259. Sorry, am I interrupting?
  260. Nah, don't worry about it. It wasn't important. Anyway...
  261. You feel like you're ready? This is gonna be our [cdb]toughest battle yet.
  262. We'll show them what Jeralt's Mercenaries are [cdb]made of.
  263. It seems my father was avoiding Archbishop Rhea [cdb]specifically, rather than the Central Church on the [cdb]whole.
  264. And so I had little choice but to do the same.
  265. But I can't keep running from her forever. And I want [cdb]to figure out why he felt that was necessary.
  266. The captain's having a pretty in-depth conversation [cdb]with the Ashen Demon over there.
  267. I'm a little put out he didn't include me, but I'm not [cdb]gonna sulk about it.
  268. It's not my place to butt in on family discussions, [cdb]even if I am his first and greatest apprentice.
  269. This upcoming battle is going to make history.
  270. If I can stand out, I'll make a name for myself as a [cdb]mercenary. I've gotta carry on Captain Jeralt's legacy.
  271. Crisis averted! And have I got a bunch of discounts [cdb]for you!
  272. What? You're saying these are my usual prices? Well...
  273. That's because I've always given you a discount! Be sure to come back soon!
  274. Hmm... So we're finally facing off against the church.
  275. I thought I'd already prepared myself for this when I decided to join Captain Jeralt, but...
  276. I admit I'm a little hesitant about fighting [cdb]old comrades.
  277. I heard of your exploits at Fort Merceus. I was [cdb]praying for your victory from afar, but it seems I [cdb]didn't have to worry.
  278. The end of the war is finally upon us.
  279. I will do everything in my power to see it through!
  280. Randolph and I guarded the front lines the whole [cdb]time you were away.
  281. I'm sure we'll be of use when we advance on the Kingdom too.
  282. Let me know if there's anything I can do in the [cdb]meantime!
  283. It feels as though the full might of the Empire is [cdb]gathered here.
  284. Of course, we also have many talented individuals [cdb]stationed at Arianrhod in the west, most notably our Minister of Military Affairs.
  285. There is no possible way we'll be defeated...but let us [cdb]be vigilant in protecting Her Majesty all the same.
  286. I'm a general from Leicester. The Alliance sent me to [cdb]lend you a hand.
  287. I don't really know what's going on, but we're all [cdb]going to have to cooperate from here on out, right?
  288. We've got your backs. And I believe an Imperial [cdb]general's gone to aid the Alliance in my stead.
  289. The Kingdom's got plenty of formidable warriors, [cdb]and they're not just in the Knights of Seiros.
  290. You especially need to watch out for King Dimitri's [cdb]right-hand man, Dedue of Duscur.
  291. And there's also Felix, the new Duke Fraldarius. I bet he wants revenge for his father.
  292. The bishop was supposed to come himself, [cdb]but it turned out a representative was good enough. So here I am.
  293. The bishop...that is, Count Varley, has gone into [cdb]hiding now.
  294. He's not completely incompetent, however. He's still [cdb]maintaining his duties.
  295. You know there's three Alliance territories nearby, [cdb]right? Burgundy, Albany, and Siward.
  296. The nobles who govern them are extremely [cdb]opportunistic. They've been shifting between the Alliance and Empire for quite some time now.
  297. They also have strong ties with the Central Church, [cdb]so they've been warned not to cause any trouble.
  298. A lot of mercenaries who worked for the Kingdom [cdb]have ditched their contracts.
  299. Everyone's pretty sure they know how this war will [cdb]end up.
  300. A mercenary won't last long if they don't pick up on [cdb]subtle shifts like that.
  301. I have journeyed with you this far, and I will stay until [cdb]the very end, [HERO_MF].
  302. I, too, am interested in the secrets the Central Church's leaders are hiding.
  303. Garreg Mach also houses some ruins. I wonder if we'll [cdb]discover their true origin.
  304. My dad was killed at Arianrhod.
  305. And now I finally have the chance to exact my [cdb]revenge.
  306. All my comrades say they're fighting for the Empire [cdb]or for Her Majesty, but I'm fighting for myself.
  307. I heard that long ago, Houses Fenja and Menja [cdb]weren't split at all. They were one house.
  308. Both viscounts swore allegiance to the Duke Aegir of [cdb]their time, but...
  309. House Fenja was nearly destroyed, and House Menja [cdb]cut ties with Duke Aegir for their own survival.
  310. And now look at the difference in their standing. I guess it's because the next Viscount Menja was so [cdb]devoted to the emperor.
  311. You gotta hear this! I went back to my hometown for [cdb]the first time in forever.
  312. And it turns out that everyone had assumed I'd died [cdb]in battle. So my fiancé married another woman! He was my childhood sweetheart.
  313. I guess I have no choice but to find another partner.
  314. Hey, what about you, Commander? Anyone special in [cdb]your life?
  315. Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
  316. Looks like all the crises have been wrapped up! Now everyone can finally take a breath.
  317. We just gotta keep up the momentum and end this [cdb]war once and for all!
  318. I'm sure you can pull it off. I believe in you!
  319. ...
  320. Something the matter, Arval? You're oddly quiet.
  321. Something the matter, Arval? You're oddly quiet.
  322. I know there is nothing to be done. I know that, [cdb]and yet...
  323. I still have this nagging feeling that things cannot [cdb]continue in this fashion. I wonder why that is.
  324. In truth, I believe your remarkable growth has me [cdb]lamenting my current situation.
  325. It makes me reminisce about the days when you [cdb]would waver and I would set you right again. Yet now...you have the strength to set yourself right.
  326. I only hope you find the best path forward for both [cdb]of us, [HERO_MF].
  327. <<<EMPTY>>>
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