1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. ...
  3. Oh, hello. My apologies, I was caught up in my own [cdb]thoughts.
  4. Apologize for interrupting.
  5. Express concern.
  6. Sorry. Didn't mean to bother you.
  7. Sorry. Didn't mean to bother you.
  8. There is no need to apologize. It was nothing of [cdb]consequence.
  9. You OK? Seems like you're always working yourself [cdb]to the bone. You could do with a break.
  10. You OK? Seems like you're always working yourself [cdb]to the bone. You could do with a break.
  11. First Dedue, now you. I promise, there is no need for [cdb]concern.
  12. More importantly, we need to focus on the coming [cdb]battle. The Imperial army is quite formidable.
  13. They will be unlike any other opponent we have [cdb]fought these past two years.
  14. I want to ensure you are fully prepared. And...I am [cdb]sorry for dragging you into this.
  15. ...
  16. Faerghus has changed over these two years. Both in [cdb]the army's structure, and within the hierarchy [cdb]of lords.
  17. And with the ruler of the Duscur Peninsula, Viscount Kleiman, dealt with...
  18. My people have begun moving back to their homes.
  19. Ask if he'll return to Duscur.
  20. Compliment their efforts.
  21. Duscur is your home too, right? Are you gonna [cdb]go back?
  22. Duscur is your home too, right? Are you gonna [cdb]go back?
  23. No. My place is with His Majesty. From now until [cdb]the end of time.
  24. That just shows how hard you've all worked. But this [cdb]is only the start. There's a lot more to be done.
  25. That just shows how hard you've all worked. But this [cdb]is only the start. There's a lot more to be done.
  26. Yes, you are right.
  27. Since the Empire declared war, Fraldarius has been [cdb]taking in refugees from Garreg Mach as well.
  28. Though, as you know, the Kingdom barely has [cdb]enough resources to support its own citizens.
  29. It's no simple matter to secure goods and land for [cdb]extra people. There's been some civil unrest, [cdb]which has led to a rise in bandit attacks.
  30. Propose practical countermeasures.
  31. Sympathize with him.
  32. In the long run, we can't just focus on subduing the [cdb]bandits. Maybe if we find a way to give work to the [cdb]refugees...
  33. In the long run, we can't just focus on subduing the [cdb]bandits. Maybe if we find a way to give work to the [cdb]refugees...
  34. Though the fastest solution would be to take back Garreg Mach so they can all go home.
  35. Though the fastest solution would be to take back Garreg Mach so they can all go home.
  36. That would be the best option if we could pull it off. But I doubt the Empire will just give in.
  37. I don't know much about this governing stuff, but it [cdb]sounds like you lords have it rough.
  38. I don't know much about this governing stuff, but it [cdb]sounds like you lords have it rough.
  39. You're telling me. Honestly, I'd love to abandon my [cdb]duties, but that wouldn't solve a thing.
  40. So we're meeting up at the Valley of Torment, huh? Ugh, must we?
  41. Come on, Sylvain. Complaining about it won't do [cdb]us any good.
  42. I'm gonna guess you've never been to Ailell. That's the only way you could say that with a [cdb]straight face.
  43. Ask about Ailell.
  44. Chastise Sylvain.
  45. You know, I don't think I've ever been there either. What's it like?
  46. You know, I don't think I've ever been there either. What's it like?
  47. For one thing, you can't take a step without running [cdb]into lava or scorching hot steam vents.
  48. The whole valley is as hot as the sun. You'd probably [cdb]faint from merely standing around.
  49. But there's nowhere else we can meet them. We'll just [cdb]have to brace ourselves.
  50. Sylvain. It's gonna hurt morale if a general like you [cdb]goes around griping all the time.
  51. Sylvain. If a general like you goes around griping all [cdb]the time, it's gonna hurt morale.
  52. Yeah, well, I think an army that forbids its generals [cdb]from speaking their minds wouldn't be any good, [cdb]either.
  53. Huh... Sylvain might have a point.
  54. I'm sure Lonato has already heard about Faerghus's decision to shelter the Central Church.
  55. If he ends up betraying the Kingdom over this, then I [cdb]might have to fight him.
  56. I've already sworn to serve Faerghus, though, so I [cdb]have to steel myself for that possibility.
  57. You're probably well aware, but the hierarchy in [cdb]western Faerghus has undergone some major changes [cdb]these past two years.
  58. His Majesty tried for the longest time to find a [cdb]solution that would make everyone happy, including [cdb]the commoners.
  59. But nothing's easy in this world. It's impossible to [cdb]avoid bloodshed completely.
  60. Knowing that, he could've tried to push off the [cdb]responsibility onto someone else and pretended he [cdb]wasn't involved.
  61. But His Majesty is far too honorable for that. I just [cdb]hope this doesn't turn into a full-on civil war.
  62. I never imagined we'd all meet again under these [cdb]circumstances.
  63. When I heard that we were aiding the church and [cdb]there was going to be a war, I couldn't stand idly by.
  64. Annie and I rushed to the castle and met up [cdb]with Ashe.
  65. We had an audience with Dimitri and begged him to [cdb]let us fight as well.
  66. I've studied hard over these past two years, you know. I'm certain I'll be able to help.
  67. We're already struggling and we haven't even faced [cdb]their main forces yet. I'm worried for Lady Rhea's [cdb]safety.
  68. We need to hurry to Ailell. If anything were to [cdb]happen to the people from the church...
  69. No, I mustn't assume the worst. I'm sorry. I'm just so [cdb]frightened.
  70. Hey, it's been a while! Or maybe it hasn't... We did [cdb]bump into each other in Fhirdiad on occasion.
  71. So, we're going to be at war soon, huh? It honestly [cdb]hasn't quite hit me yet.
  72. Say you feel the same.
  73. Say it'll happen fast.
  74. Me neither. It's hard to take in when you're faced [cdb]with battles this size.
  75. Me neither. It's hard to take in when you're faced [cdb]with battles this size.
  76. But we've fought plenty of smaller battles these past [cdb]two years, so you'll get used to it before long.
  77. But we've fought plenty of smaller battles these past [cdb]two years, so you'll get used to it before long.
  78. Just the answer I'd expect from you, [cdb][HERO_MF]. I guess I could learn a thing or [cdb]two from you.
  79. Oh yeah? I told my troops they'll feel it soon enough [cdb]once they start swinging their weapons around.
  80. Oh yeah? I told my troops they'll feel it soon enough [cdb]once they start swinging their weapons around.
  81. Hm, maybe I should go do some training then.
  82. I can't believe it's been two years, [cdb][HERO_MF]. I've heard a lot about what [cdb]you've been doing.
  83. It sounds like you've presided over a great number of [cdb]battles. We'll be counting on you for this next [cdb]one too.
  84. Give a reassuring response.
  85. Give a humble response.
  86. Yeah, I've got your back. I'm gonna fight as hard as I [cdb]can against the Empire.
  87. Yeah, I've got your back. I'm gonna fight as hard as I [cdb]can against the Empire.
  88. I'm glad to hear that. Let's make sure we all [cdb]survive this.
  89. I don't think I've done anything all that impressive. I hope you're not expecting too much from me.
  90. I don't think I've done anything all that impressive. I hope you're not expecting too much from me.
  91. Hm. It's not like you to be so humble.
  92. But in any case, let's just both do our best. We can't [cdb]afford to lose.
  93. I will accompany you in the coming battle. I have far [cdb]more freedom now that I've stepped down from my [cdb]post as Duke Fraldarius.
  94. I'd planned to leave our territory entirely to my son, [cdb]but I hear he's commanding a unit in this war as well.
  95. So my wife and younger brother are temporarily in [cdb]charge of Fraldarius.
  96. Though of course I've told Felix he'll have to return [cdb]from time to time to check on things.
  97. I will return to the capital after seeing you all off.
  98. We must ensure Fhirdiad is well defended in His Majesty's absence.
  99. Please, I ask that you keep His Majesty safe. And my [cdb]daughter Annette as well.
  100. It looks like Emperor Edelgard has spent these past [cdb]two years steadily preparing for war.
  101. She removed the regent, Lord Arundel, then she [cdb]dismissed Prime Minister Aegir and established the Southern Church...
  102. She might've even been plotting this while she was at [cdb]the Officers Academy.
  103. Hey, Commander, are we really doing this? If we take in the church, we'll have an [cdb]honest-to-goodness war on our hands.
  104. If you wanna leave, now's your chance. I won't stop [cdb]you, and neither will Dimitri.
  105. If you wanna leave, now's your chance. I won't stop [cdb]you, and neither will Dimitri.
  106. Aw, c'mon, don't be like that. We've fought together [cdb]for two years now. I'd never abandon you, or the Kingdom.
  107. The Kingdom army has taken on members of the Knights of Seiros and refugee volunteers.
  108. I'm glad to have them, of course, but there's no way [cdb]to vet all their backgrounds.
  109. We need to keep a sharp eye out. If you notice anyone [cdb]suspicious, make sure you take action.
  110. Hm... That's right, I've seen you in the king's [cdb]conference room before.
  111. I serve the leaders of Duscur. I've been sent to aid [cdb]your expedition.
  112. Many of my subordinates don't speak Fódlan's [cdb]language, so there may be some issues, but I hope we [cdb]can all work together.
  113. I used to do business at Garreg Mach, until I [cdb]suddenly heard that a war was starting.
  114. And so I fled here to the Kingdom along with others [cdb]from the town and monastery.
  115. As I understand it, Blaiddyd, Fraldarius, and Charon [cdb]territories are all taking in refugees.
  116. I'm traveling around to earn a living, but my wife [cdb]and kid are staying in a port town in Fraldarius.
  117. Fhirdiad is without a doubt the largest city in Blaiddyd territory.
  118. However, Camulus in the west is also a town of fair [cdb]size and boasts a historic cathedral at its center [cdb]to boot.
  119. I heard that most of the clergy who made it to the Kingdom are planning to settle there.
  120. I have served the church for quite some time, and it is [cdb]unfathomable that anyone should think it corrupt.
  121. Both Lady Rhea and Seteth severely punish any who [cdb]take bribes or commit a crime.
  122. But I suppose if someone has already declared their [cdb]judgment corrupt, then there is nothing I can say to [cdb]change that.
  123. Though I suppose the same thing applies to the Empire if you think about it.
  124. Everyone thinks my marriage was purely political. They say His Majesty arranged it to weaken the [cdb]influence of the western territories.
  125. I concede that His Majesty is taking a harsh stance [cdb]towards the western lords, including my father, Viscount Mateus.
  126. So I can't deny there were political implications when I married into House Gautier.
  127. But my wife and I married because we wanted to. I want to make sure everyone knows that.
  128. <<<EMPTY>>>
  129. <<<EMPTY>>>
  130. For instance, have you had a chance to use the [cdb]training grounds or browse the marketplace yet?
  131. There are facilities where you can improve your [cdb]weapons and prepare for battle. Be sure to make use [cdb]of them.
  132. Here you can train your mind and body and gain [cdb]proficiency in new classes.
  133. It never hurts to be prepared. I'm sure I'll be seeing [cdb]you often.
  134. I've got plenty of goods that will surely come in [cdb]handy! I look forward to doing business with you.
  135. Oh, [HERO_MF]! Do you have a moment?
  136. I apologize for stealing you away at such a busy time, [cdb]but I have a request.
  137. The truth is, we're lacking in hands to help with tasks [cdb]around the camp. Would you mind volunteering?
  138. I'm looking for volunteers to help around the camp.
  139. We all need to chip in to make life here as pleasant as [cdb]possible.
  140. Great work, [HERO_MF]. We couldn't have [cdb]done it without you.
  141. Hmm. Your face tells me you're hungry.
  142. Felix, please show [HERO_MF] where the [cdb]mess hall is. You said you were feeling peckish as [cdb]well, right?
  143. What? Why do I have to... Fine, whatever. You have [cdb]any preferences, [HERO_MF]?
  144. Say you usually make your own food.
  145. Well, I usually make my own food, so...
  146. Well, I usually make my own food, so...
  147. That was back when you were a mercenary. But fine. I guess we'll see how good your cooking is.
  148. We provide food for everyone in the army here.
  149. Feel free to bring in ingredients and make your [cdb]own meals.
  150. I'm surprised you can make something this good with [cdb]ingredients from Faerghus. I bet the others enjoyed [cdb]it too.
  151. I'm sure that'll go a long way in gaining their trust. Throwing in a few gifts wouldn't hurt either.
  152. That's just common sense. Not that stuff like that [cdb]works on me, mind you. But anyway, you've probably [cdb]picked up things on the battlefield, right?
  153. Maybe you could try giving someone a gift. People like that sort of thing.
  154. That's true. Maybe I should give something to Dimitri?
  155. That's true. Maybe I should give something to Dimitri?
  156. Is everything all right, [HERO_MF]? Do you [cdb]need something?
  157. Welp, that sure kept me busy. Maybe we should head [cdb]out to the next battle soon?
  158. Welp, that sure kept me busy. Maybe we should head [cdb]out to the next battle soon?
  159. Sorry, we're still figuring out our strategy. You should [cdb]go and make sure you're fully prepared.
  160. Sorry, we're still getting things ready. You have some [cdb]time to kill before we're open.
  161. Thank you so much for volunteering. I hope you'll do [cdb]it again.
  162. I have something to discuss with you, [cdb][HERO_MF].
  163. I saw you gathering materials from our previous [cdb]battle. I'd like you to take care of them.
  164. They can be used to expand the camp facilities.
  165. You can exchange materials to expand our [cdb]facilities here.
  166. I hope to see you make many improvements so we're [cdb]fully prepared for battle!
  167. Help yourself to our food reserves. Just don't go [cdb]wasting them.
  168. We've got the bare necessities at least. Time to get [cdb]to work.
  169. We've got the bare necessities at least. Time to get [cdb]to work.
  170. Expanding our facilities like that'll make sure we're [cdb]ready for whatever the next battle throws at us.
  171. Expanding our facilities like that'll make sure we're [cdb]ready for whatever the next battle throws at us.
  172. <<<EMPTY>>>
  173. <<<EMPTY>>>
  174. Ah, I was waiting for you, [HERO_MF]. Allow me to explain our plan of action.
  175. Let us first look at this map.
  176. We are preparing to march from our camp, which is [cdb]located here.
  177. Once we are ready, we will advance to Ailell, [cdb]the Valley of Torment, and rendezvous with Lady Rhea.
  178. However, we have received reports of bandits [cdb]disturbing the peace in that area.
  179. We will need to strike them down and restore order [cdb]for us to proceed safely.
  180. You must not let your guard down, no matter who we [cdb]face. Do make sure you are fully prepared for what [cdb]lies ahead.
  181. War is such a human enterprise.
  182. In that sense, we are very much the same as those on [cdb]the other side.
  183. But we cannot coexist, so we are determined to kill [cdb]each other. I suppose that's the nature of this beast.
  184. The chore master is ready to direct anyone who [cdb]wishes to volunteer.
  185. Speak with the facilities master for more information [cdb]on expanding a facility.
  186. I'm responsible for doling out our marching orders. Give me a shout if you want to deploy for battle.
  187. Welcome! Take a gander at all our wondrous weapons!
  188. 'Fraid I'm still setting up shop. Mind waiting a bit?
  189. You can survey the regions you've conquered to [cdb]acquire materials for facility expansion.
  190. If you find yourself marching someplace new, [cdb]make sure you do a survey once you've conquered it!
  191. Your tent is rather nice, isn't it? I suppose it pays to be [cdb]a commander.
  192. You said it. Things're totally different here compared [cdb]to all the small-time outfits I used to run with.
  193. You said it. Things're totally different here compared [cdb]to all the small-time outfits I used to run with.
  194. Now I've got my own space where I can kick back and [cdb]keep all my stuff in order.
  195. Now I've got my own space where I can kick back and [cdb]keep all my stuff in order.
  196. This probably means they expect a lot from you. More than your title implies, I would imagine.
  197. Yeesh, this camp is something else. Did you see how [cdb]many merchants we've got?
  198. Yeesh, this camp is something else. Did you see how [cdb]many merchants we've got?
  199. Are you finished sightseeing yet? I believe I heard [cdb]your employer calling for you.
  200. There's a town beneath Garreg Mach that's home to [cdb]some outcasts. It's called Abyss.
  201. One of my friends lived down there until just recently.
  202. They sent me some very eye-opening letters from [cdb]that place.
  203. <<<EMPTY>>>
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