1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. Moving forward, I expect our army will continue to [cdb]advance as we establish more bases such as this one.
  3. Whenever a large number of people live together for [cdb]a stretch of time, various problems are bound [cdb]to occur.
  4. You may be inconvenienced as well. Please inform me [cdb]right away if anything comes up.
  5. Tell him you understand.
  6. Crack a joke.
  7. Got it, thanks. I'll let you know straight away.
  8. Got it, thanks. I'll let you know straight away.
  9. Please do. As this army's leader, my aim is to respond [cdb]as best I can to any potential concerns.
  10. Inconvenient? If anything, it's a little too cozy around [cdb]here. You got good food, warmer weather, the works.
  11. Inconvenient? If anything, it's a little too cozy around [cdb]here. You got good food, warmer weather, the works.
  12. Hah, perhaps so. Just please do not tell me you wish [cdb]to return home.
  13. The Kingdom army is a coalition of soldiers from our [cdb]various lords. We are a congregation of births and [cdb]ideologies.
  14. Though I hope everyone will understand and [cdb]compromise with their peers...I suspect that will not [cdb]always be the case.
  15. I suspect you know, but Lord Lonato is Ashe's [cdb]adoptive father.
  16. So long as Ashe is resolved to fight, we shouldn't [cdb]interfere.
  17. However, Lonato will likely be a difficult opponent [cdb]for our friend. Please bear that in mind.
  18. I suspect you know, but Lord Lonato was the late Ashe's adoptive father.
  19. I wonder what Ashe would say to us now if he were [cdb]still alive.
  20. Though I suppose that is one question we will never [cdb]have an answer to.
  21. Back when I was about 14 or 15, the boar and I went [cdb]out west to help quell the rebellion.
  22. That's when I witnessed the beast inside him. I know [cdb]exactly what I saw.
  23. Tell me, do you think you can imagine the look on his [cdb]face when he slew the enemy commander?
  24. Say that you can.
  25. Say that you can't.
  26. Yeah, I think so. Given how you're talking about it, I'm guessing he smiled or something?
  27. Yeah, I think so. Given how you're talking about it, I'm guessing he smiled or something?
  28. That's right. I've known him a long time, but I had no [cdb]idea he was capable of that.
  29. We're talking about Dimitri, right? I have no idea. He's so detached when he strikes down enemies now.
  30. We're talking about Dimitri, right? I have no idea. He's so detached when he strikes down enemies now.
  31. Then I'll tell you. He smiled. He stood over the [cdb]enemy commander's miserable corpse and smiled, [cdb]drunk on his own bloodlust.
  32. I know now that the commander was deeply involved [cdb]in the Duscur incident.
  33. It's not wrong to want revenge. But when I look at [cdb]him now... It makes my stomach turn.
  34. I can't figure out why Lonato would start such [cdb]a reckless fight.
  35. He might hold a grudge against the church because [cdb]of my stepbrother, but to go so far as recruiting [cdb]people from the city into his forces...
  36. Ask for more details.
  37. Agree.
  38. By stepbrother, you mean Lonato's son, right? What's all this about a grudge against the church?
  39. By stepbrother, you mean Lonato's son, right? What's all this about a grudge against the church?
  40. The church found my stepbrother to be involved in [cdb]the Tragedy of Duscur and executed him.
  41. Wait, the church are the ones who killed him? I'd get [cdb]it if the Kingdom carried out the execution, but the [cdb]church doing it doesn't make any sense to me.
  42. Wait, the church are the ones who killed him? I'd get [cdb]it if the Kingdom carried out the execution, but the [cdb]church doing it doesn't make any sense to me.
  43. Faerghus was in turmoil because of King Lambert's [cdb]assassination, so the church stepped in and judged [cdb]the perpetrators on its behalf.
  44. But the church gave no further explanation on its [cdb]decisions. Not to Lonato, nor anyone else in the Kingdom.
  45. Sounds like there's more to the story. But anyway, [cdb]at least I understand the situation with Lord Lonato now.
  46. Sounds like there's more to the story. But anyway, [cdb]at least I understand the situation with Lord Lonato now.
  47. Yeah. Whatever the circumstances, dragging civilians [cdb]into it doesn't make sense.
  48. Yeah. Whatever the circumstances, dragging civilians [cdb]into it doesn't make sense.
  49. The people of the city love Lonato, and I'm sure [cdb]they wanted to fight for his cause.
  50. But even so, that's no excuse for sending those [cdb]without any training or experience into battle.
  51. Now that Lord Lonato has pledged his allegiance to [cdb]the Empire, it's pretty likely they'll try to help him.
  52. They can't get a reputation for abandoning those [cdb]who support them.
  53. After all, that would be a huge deterrent for anyone [cdb]who's planning to betray the Kingdom and go over to [cdb]the Empire.
  54. So I bet their emperor will make an effort to rescue Gaspard's army.
  55. It kind of makes me feel like... I don't know. Like the [cdb]war has truly begun.
  56. As I understand it, the Southern Church is one of the [cdb]churches in Adrestia that's part of the Seiros faith.
  57. They apparently had a doctrinal dispute with the Central Church a long time ago.
  58. But the old Southern Church and the modern one [cdb]must be entirely different, right?
  59. Ask how they're different.
  60. Agree they're different.
  61. What do you mean? Aren't they the same [cdb]organization with the same doctrine?
  62. What do you mean? Aren't they the same [cdb]organization with the same doctrine?
  63. Hmm, well, the present Southern Church is actually [cdb]under the Empire's command.
  64. And their bishop abides by the emperor's [cdb]dictates as well.
  65. The bishop's name escapes me, but if I recall, [cdb]he's the father of one of the students who was in the Black Eagles.
  66. They might be. They're technically part of the [cdb]church, but as I hear it, they're under the Empire's [cdb]direct control.
  67. They might be. They're technically part of the [cdb]church, but as I hear it, they're under the Empire's [cdb]direct control.
  68. Yes, that's right. Though whether that's a good thing [cdb]or not, I couldn't tell you.
  69. I wonder if the people in the Empire weren't [cdb]surprised by all the changes regarding the church.
  70. I imagine I'd be a little confused myself if something I'd taken as a given was so suddenly rejected.
  71. I think Castle Gaspard's in Rowe territory, which is [cdb]fairly close to Dominic lands.
  72. I've actually met Count Rowe myself. Well, I guess we [cdb]only spoke a tiny bit.
  73. He was always going off on his attendants... Honestly, [cdb]he didn't make a very good impression on me.
  74. If we're fighting Lord Lonato and the Empire's army, [cdb]then it makes sense we'd have to face Count Rowe [cdb]next, right?
  75. I don't imagine they'd just open their gates if [cdb]we lay siege to the castle with a large army... Nope, definitely not.
  76. As we turn our forces to the south, the margrave [cdb]keeps his eyes on the north.
  77. He actually has another son, in addition to Sylvain...
  78. Ah, no, wait. I shouldn't speak about matters [cdb]pertaining to other houses.
  79. Prompt her to continue.
  80. Leave it be.
  81. Now you've got me curious. Sylvain has a brother?
  82. Now you've got me curious. Sylvain has a brother?
  83. Well... Yes. An older brother, named Miklan. I saw [cdb]him myself when I was very young.
  84. I never heard particularly good things about him, [cdb]but then a few years ago, his family disowned him [cdb]entirely.
  85. Rumors have spread that he's stooped to thievery and [cdb]plunders his way through different villages.
  86. I'm not gonna ask if you don't want to say anything [cdb]else. We can just drop it.
  87. I'm not gonna ask if you don't want to say anything [cdb]else. We can just drop it.
  88. Yes, let's. My apologies for bringing up such difficult [cdb]matters.
  89. Now, then. We've had intelligence that the enemy will [cdb]employ a company of skilled mercenaries in the [cdb]coming battle.
  90. We would be well-served to prepare for all manners [cdb]of ferocity.
  91. I know Lord Lonato. He served Rufus for a time, [cdb]you see.
  92. And I heard that Castle Gaspard was granted to him [cdb]on the recommendation of the grand duke.
  93. However, the two of them clashed quite frequently, [cdb]so maybe it was simply a way to rid himself of a [cdb]bothersome man.
  94. The last time I saw Lord Lonato was at... Lambert's funeral, I believe.
  95. I can scarcely believe that this is how we will meet [cdb]again. It pains my heart.
  96. The archbishop is both moved and deeply grateful [cdb]that the Kingdom has accepted us.
  97. In her view, it would be lamentable if we met your [cdb]noble deeds with our own failure to cooperate.
  98. Bearing that in mind, we dispatched a portion of the Knights of Seiros to rush to your aid.
  99. Ask if he's going to fight too.
  100. Ask if that's the only reason they're fighting.
  101. I get the reason, but are you gonna fight too? You're not a knight, just the archbishop's assistant.
  102. I get the reason, but are you gonna fight too? You're not a knight, just the archbishop's assistant.
  103. And as such, it is my responsibility to stand at the [cdb]vanguard and oversee the battle in Lady Rhea's stead.
  104. That's the only reason you're here? It's got nothing to [cdb]do with the fact that we're fighting Lonato?
  105. That's the only reason you're here? It's got nothing to [cdb]do with the fact that we're fighting Lonato?
  106. Of course, as a member of the church, I should like [cdb]to settle our relationship with him once and for all.
  107. The Knights of Seiros are the finest in the land. They are every bit as equal to the king's army. I have [cdb]no doubt we will be of great service to you.
  108. I shall be joining the Kingdom army in this fight [cdb]as well.
  109. Of course, I did not just up and come here. I secured Lady Rhea's permission first.
  110. Accept what she says.
  111. Doubt her fighting skill.
  112. Huh. That must mean you can fight at least a little, [cdb]yeah? Glad to have you.
  113. Huh. That must mean you can fight at least a little, [cdb]yeah? Glad to have you.
  114. Goodness! "A little"? I will have you know that [cdb]despite my appearance, I am quite accustomed to the [cdb]battlefield.
  115. But you're not a member of the Knights of Seiros. Can you actually fight?
  116. But you're not a member of the Knights of Seiros. Can you actually fight?
  117. Goodness! I will have you know that despite my [cdb]appearance, I am quite accustomed to the battlefield. Though I admit healing is more my forte.
  118. And on that note, Seteth and I look forward to [cdb]fighting alongside you.
  119. <<<EMPTY>>>
  120. Ah, it's you. I appreciate the assist back in Ailell.
  121. The name's Catherine, or Thunder Catherine, if you [cdb]will. I'm one of the Knights of Seiros. Good to be [cdb]fighting by your side.
  122. Introduce yourself.
  123. Tell her you've heard of her.
  124. Name's [HERO_MF]. I'm serving as a [cdb]commander in the Kingdom's private army for the [cdb]time being.
  125. Name's [HERO_MF]. I'm serving as a [cdb]commander in the Kingdom's private army for the [cdb]time being.
  126. I've heard a lot about you. Folks say you know your [cdb]way around a sword.
  127. Thunder Catherine, huh? Come to think of it, I've [cdb]heard people say your strength is outta this world.
  128. Thunder Catherine, huh? Come to think of it, I've [cdb]heard people say your strength is outta this world.
  129. As they say, seeing is believing. And you'll have a [cdb]front row seat now that we're fighting together. It'll be better than any rumors, I'll tell you that.
  130. Lady Rhea gave us direct instructions to come help [cdb]the Kingdom army.
  131. The church is grateful the Kingdom took them in, [cdb]despite the danger. We'll make sure we repay you [cdb]the best way we know how—on the battlefield.
  132. I guess I'm with you people now. Ah well, beats dying [cdb]out there somewhere.
  133. Still, to think that I've ended up in the Kingdom [cdb]after all.
  134. It'd be a real hassle to have to explain all that stuff [cdb]though. Sure hope I don't run into her.
  135. Ask who she means.
  136. Say nothing.
  137. Her?
  138. Her?
  139. It's a long story. Too long. Don't worry about it.
  140. ...
  141. ...
  142. ...
  143. Not loving this "you staring at me in silence" thing.
  144. As long as I am having a way to survive, I choose that. Always.
  145. But I am feeling relief not to be fighting the Empire [cdb]again soon. I can be giving my full strength now.
  146. Tell her the Empire's army will be there too.
  147. Agree it's a relief.
  148. It's true we're going to fight Lonato, who's part of the Kingdom, but...unfortunately, I think the Imperial [cdb]army is going to come lend their support.
  149. It's true we're going to fight Lonato, who's part of the Kingdom, but...unfortunately, I think the Imperial [cdb]army is going to come lend their support.
  150. Is that so? I will be having to steel my heart.
  151. Yeah, what a relief. I'd imagine you're none too [cdb]enthusiastic about fighting former allies.
  152. Yeah, what a relief. I'd imagine you're none too [cdb]enthusiastic about fighting former allies.
  153. Yes. However, it is being inevitable. I will be having [cdb]to steel my heart.
  154. Right now, I am only focusing on the fight in front of [cdb]me. I cannot be affording to worry about who I am [cdb]facing.
  155. Welcome to my shop! Er, or what's going to be my [cdb]shop if I ever open the darn thing.
  156. Anyway, hiya! I'm Anna, and it's a pleasure to make [cdb]your acquaintance.
  157. If I find anything good out there I'll add it to my [cdb]stock, so keep checking back.
  158. Never in a million years did I imagine I'd be fighting [cdb]as a commander for Faerghus.
  159. Even now when I see their knights' flag fluttering in [cdb]the air, this indescribable feeling washes over me.
  160. You don't need to keep an eye on me. I may detest Faerghus, but I'm not actively hostile to them now.
  161. I've fought alongside my commanding officer for a [cdb]long time, but this'll be my first time going to Castle Gaspard.
  162. Apparently, the lord of Castle Gaspard is real beloved [cdb]by his people.
  163. I heard that everyone volunteered to enlist the [cdb]moment they heard that Lord Lonato himself was [cdb]going to fight.
  164. His soldiers' morale must be sky high too. Eh, [cdb]that kind of fervor does nothing for me.
  165. You familiar with Magdred Way? It's a highway that [cdb]connects the western forest and Garreg Mach.
  166. Castle Gaspard sits on that road. Lonato's the [cdb]castellan there.
  167. Sometimes a dense fog blankets the road, but it ought [cdb]to be OK at this time of year. Probably.
  168. His Majesty's got so much to do, but he still comes to [cdb]train with us every day.
  169. Me and the other folks in my unit always try to take [cdb]him on, but we're nowhere near a match for him.
  170. That said, I do think our teamwork's improved [cdb]because of it. I'm sure we'll best any opponents who [cdb]are on our level.
  171. If there's one thing I know, it's that trusting in your [cdb]allies' strength and working together is key in [cdb]whatever you do.
  172. Arianrhod is the seat of House Rowe's power. It is renowned as one of the most impenetrable [cdb]fortresses in all of Fódlan.
  173. If we are able to defeat Lord Lonato in Magdred, [cdb]and then carry that momentum west to fell Arianrhod...
  174. We should be able to gain the advantage, even in the [cdb]face of the Imperial army's superior forces.
  175. Recently, several of the church's scholars headed to Galatea territory, I believe at the invitation of the [cdb]count.
  176. Galatea's evidently an impoverished place, devoid of [cdb]anything but wild wastes. I guess they're working on [cdb]some kind of reclamation project.
  177. In any event, I'm glad that both us and them are [cdb]gonna be helping the people of the Kingdom.
  178. Have you heard rumor of the Red Morn of Itha? I don't know how much of this is true, but...
  179. One of the Grand Duke of Itha's surviving retainers [cdb]plotted to assassinate the king out of vengeance.
  180. Yet on the morning the dark deed was to take place, [cdb]the retainer's headless corpse was found laid out in [cdb]front of Castle Itha.
  181. Sends a chill down your spine, doesn't it? It makes [cdb]me wonder if the same fate would befall any us if we [cdb]were to oppose the king.
  182. Keep up the good work, Commander! Nothing to [cdb]report today!
  183. Do you remember me? I used to guard the gate back [cdb]at Garreg Mach.
  184. Sure, I remember you. But, uh...why are you here?
  185. Sure, I remember you. But, uh...why are you here?
  186. I came here to protect the members of the church. Oh, and also because you Kingdom folks saved me [cdb]back in Ailell.
  187. I have family back in Adrestia, so if I'm being totally [cdb]honest, I've got mixed feelings about all this.
  188. But it's a gatekeeper's duty to protect his charges! I swear to you, I'll lay down my life to defend [cdb]these gates!
  189. I came here with Seteth, but I gotta head back to Camulus soon.
  190. I'm just here so I can tell Lady Rhea about how things [cdb]are going on the front.
  191. I'll probably end up coming back from time to time [cdb]on business for her.
  192. A lot of the church people left in Camulus are elderly, [cdb]so it's up to me to step up and do my best!
  193. Forgive me, but do you have a moment?
  194. I had some new facilities established in preparation [cdb]for the coming battle.
  195. I am most certain they will be of great use to you. I bid you to take a look while we have the time.
  196. Hand over your weapons and I'll forge 'em good.
  197. Remember, the only thing standing between you and [cdb]death is the weapon in your hand.
  198. You can reflect on your previous battles here.
  199. The past has much to teach us. Come here whenever [cdb]you wish to ponder your previous actions.
  200. Ah, welcome. I can recommend battalions to you.
  201. I'm certain having experienced troops on your side [cdb]will be of great help.
  202. We're currently reconsidering our battle formations. Sorry, but you'll have to wait a while longer.
  203. Looks like we're making solid progress. I should get [cdb]ready too.
  204. Looks like we're making solid progress. I should get [cdb]ready too.
  205. This will be your first time in Magdred. I hear a dense [cdb]fog blankets the land there. I wonder if you'll be able [cdb]to manage.
  206. What do you mean?
  207. What do you mean?
  208. Don't try to hide it. We both know you can be... directionally challenged sometimes.
  209. Just spare me the grief of having to watch you [cdb]accidentally wander into enemy encampments.
  210. We collect any unneeded armaments and [cdb]resources here.
  211. Supplies are the lifeblood of any army. Nothing can go [cdb]to waste!
  212. <<<EMPTY>>>
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