1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. Sorry to spring all those major announcements [cdb]on you.
  3. I wasn't intentionally hiding that stuff from you. There was just never a good time to bring it up.
  4. So, just to make sure... You still have my back, right?
  5. Affirm your support.
  6. Deny your support.
  7. Of course. I was honestly so sick of waiting for the [cdb]roundtable's approval all the time.
  8. Of course. I was honestly so sick of waiting for the [cdb]roundtable's approval all the time.
  9. Hah! I hear that. It's one of the main reasons we [cdb]formed the Federation.
  10. I'm not against what you've done, but that doesn't [cdb]mean I'm for it either. I'm still not sure what the right [cdb]path is.
  11. I'm not against what you've done, but that doesn't [cdb]mean I'm for it either. I'm still not sure what the right [cdb]path is.
  12. So you're going to wait and see before you support it? That's awfully pragmatic of you.
  13. In any case, we still really need your help. I hope we [cdb]can count on you, [HERO_MF].
  14. The roundtable may have been abolished, but the Five Great Lords still retain the right to speak [cdb]their minds.
  15. Naturally, it is our duty as nobles to obey the king's [cdb]commands, but I fully intend to let my opinions be [cdb]known when necessary.
  16. And if the king refuses to heed my advice, well...
  17. Ask what he'll do.
  18. Cut him off.
  19. What will you do?
  20. What will you do?
  21. Hey now, that's enough of that. The Federation's still [cdb]finding its feet.
  22. Hey now, that's enough of that. The Federation's still [cdb]finding its feet.
  23. That is precisely why I am saying this. If we wait [cdb]until Claude closes his ears to the opinions of those [cdb]around him, then...
  24. I will take it upon myself to ask the lords of Leicester [cdb]who is truly fit to be their king!
  25. And they will undoubtedly be unanimous in their [cdb]reply. The one who will bring glory to Leicester is [cdb]none other than...
  26. Me, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! Hahaha!
  27. I had a sneaking suspicion something was going on [cdb]when my father gave up his position so suddenly.
  28. He rushed through all the paperwork and ceremonies [cdb]needed to make my brother the next Duke Goneril.
  29. Ask about the nobles' titles.
  30. Ask about the ceremonies.
  31. What's the difference between all those titles anyway? Like duke and count or whatever?
  32. What's the difference between all those titles anyway? Like duke and count or whatever?
  33. A duke is a slightly higher rank than a count, [cdb]but there honestly isn't much difference.
  34. What kinda ceremonies do you have to go through [cdb]to become a duke?
  35. What kinda ceremonies do you have to go through [cdb]to become a duke?
  36. Basically, my father presents a fancy document to my [cdb]brother that proves he's the new duke. Then everyone [cdb]claps.
  37. Leicester's ceremonies are all pretty bare-bones [cdb]compared to the Kingdom or Empire.
  38. Maybe the Federation will shake things up a bit. Not that I care about all that.
  39. Both the Kingdom and the Federation are ruled by [cdb]kings, but I think their structures are markedly [cdb]different.
  40. Not that I'm basing that on anything in particular. Whether things go smoothly or not depends on Claude.
  41. Be optimistic.
  42. Express concern.
  43. Claude'll be a great leader. He's got a good head on [cdb]his shoulders.
  44. Claude'll be a great leader. He's got a good head on [cdb]his shoulders.
  45. Ugh, how naïve of you.
  46. I wonder if Claude will be able to manage. He tends [cdb]to get carried away sometimes.
  47. I wonder if Claude will be able to manage. He tends [cdb]to get carried away sometimes.
  48. Not as much as you do, thankfully.
  49. The three towns on the western edge of Leicester [cdb]used to be bustling with pilgrims making their way to [cdb]the monastery.
  50. But that all changed once the Empire took control of Garreg Mach.
  51. There are more Imperial troops than pilgrims now. Not to mention bandits prowling around...
  52. I'm certain that's one of the reasons why there's been [cdb]so much civil unrest over there.
  53. I guess I used to be part of House Riegan's forces.
  54. But now I'm gonna be a commander in the Federation [cdb]army. How's that any different?
  55. Claim it's different.
  56. Tell him nothing will change.
  57. Sounds to me like you're getting a higher rank, [cdb]so maybe people'll show you more respect.
  58. Sounds to me like you're getting a higher rank, [cdb]so maybe people'll show you more respect.
  59. And it'll probably be easier to put any food bills on [cdb]a tab.
  60. And it'll probably be easier to put any food bills on [cdb]a tab.
  61. Huh. My grandpa and little sis always hate it when [cdb]their guests do that.
  62. I doubt anything's going to change. You've always [cdb]fought for Leicester regardless.
  63. I doubt anything's going to change. You've always [cdb]fought for Leicester regardless.
  64. Yeah, you're right. I just gotta keep doing what I've [cdb]always done!
  65. Maybe we'll at least get better food now that Claude's king!
  66. I heard that my adoptive father always supported [cdb]establishing the Federation.
  67. So he probably won't retire anytime soon, [cdb]unlike Duke Goneril.
  68. Console her.
  69. Ask if she's relieved.
  70. That's gotta be a bit of a letdown. You would've [cdb]gotten his position, right?
  71. That's gotta be a bit of a letdown. You would've [cdb]gotten his position, right?
  72. Then you wouldn't have to listen to him anymore and [cdb]could do whatever you wanted.
  73. Then you wouldn't have to listen to him anymore and [cdb]could do whatever you wanted.
  74. I'm not sure that's completely accurate. Besides, I have no idea what I'd do with myself if that [cdb]happened.
  75. You sound relieved. Didn't you want his position, [cdb]though?
  76. You sound relieved. Didn't you want his position, [cdb]though?
  77. Well, I sincerely doubt I'd be able to handle such a [cdb]large responsibility right now.
  78. I'll just continue to fight for the Federation army, so I [cdb]do hope I'll have your support.
  79. The Alliance might be the Federation now, but I [cdb]don't think the citizen's lives will change all [cdb]that much.
  80. So I don't care about it either way, but if this makes [cdb]going to battle easier then I'm all for it.
  81. Ask if she's really OK with it.
  82. Explain how the citizens' lives will change.
  83. How can you be so apathetic? The entire structure of [cdb]the region just changed!
  84. How can you be so apathetic? The entire structure of [cdb]the region just changed!
  85. This whole thing was Claude's idea, right? I'm sure [cdb]it'll work out fine.
  86. I'm sure it'll affect the citizens' lives at least a bit. Like, uh...stuff might get more expensive.
  87. I'm sure it'll affect the citizens' lives at least a bit. Like, uh...stuff might get more expensive.
  88. Prices always go up during wars, though. Doesn't [cdb]matter if we're a Federation or an Alliance.
  89. Anyway, it doesn't matter what we are. Our job's to [cdb]fight for our home, same as ever.
  90. The minor nobles were surprisingly reluctant to form [cdb]the Federation.
  91. Perhaps their fear of change overpowered any [cdb]frustrations with the roundtable.
  92. Our new leader will have to figure out how to gain [cdb]their loyalty.
  93. Oh, that's right. He's not just a leader anymore— [cdb]he's officially a king. I should use a more [cdb]appropriate title.
  94. A scout from the Knights of Seiros was spotted near Leicester's western border.
  95. We can't tell what they're up to, but my guess is that [cdb]they're waiting for an opportunity to retake Garreg Mach.
  96. And that would mean...
  97. I never could have predicted that the Leicester Alliance would dissolve itself.
  98. This is yet more proof that the future is not set in [cdb]stone. Anything is possible.
  99. Even so, it's an astonishing move. I'm curious to see [cdb]how things will progress from here.
  100. I never imagined there would be a ceasefire between Adrestia and Leicester. It just goes to show that [cdb]anything is possible.
  101. I don't particularly care what happens to the Empire [cdb]anymore, but it's awfully unpleasant to fight them.
  102. So I welcome that sort of alliance. It's probably safe [cdb]for me to take naps again without a care in the world.
  103. Agree with him.
  104. Tell him there's no time to nap.
  105. Yeah. They won't ask you to help with battle [cdb]prep as much if we're not fighting the Empire.
  106. Yeah. They won't ask you to help with battle [cdb]prep as much if we're not fighting the Empire.
  107. Precisely. I might even be able to add an evening nap [cdb]to my schedule.
  108. Even if we've stopped fighting, there's still tons of [cdb]negotiations. And since you're from the Empire, [cdb]you're bound to play a large role in that.
  109. Even if we've stopped fighting, there's still tons of [cdb]negotiations. And since you're from the Empire, [cdb]you're bound to play a large role in that.
  110. Yes, that's true. I suppose I'll have to settle for just [cdb]napping in the morning, then.
  111. I was expecting we'd be getting a pay raise now that [cdb]our boss is a full-blown king.
  112. So I blew all my gold on celebratory drinks, only to [cdb]find out we're gettin' the same lousy rate as before.
  113. Ugh, life's too cruel. Now I'm even more hard up for [cdb]coin than usual.
  114. With Almyra beaten, I thought the ceasefire with the Empire meant we were done with all this awful [cdb]fighting...
  115. It looks like we're going to have to fight again?! What is even going on?
  116. It looks like we're going to have to fight again?! What is even going on?
  117. Shake your head and say you don't know.
  118. Offer an explanation.
  119. Tell her it should be obvious.
  120. Beats me. Maybe they wanted to go on the [cdb]offensive again now that they're the Federation.
  121. Beats me. Maybe they wanted to go on the [cdb]offensive again now that they're the Federation.
  122. Seriously? Why does everyone like fighting [cdb]so much?!
  123. They probably gathered us all together to make the [cdb]transition into the Federation less chaotic.
  124. They probably gathered us all together to make the [cdb]transition into the Federation less chaotic.
  125. Ohhh, I see. I do hope you're right about that.
  126. Ohhh, I see. I do hope you're right about that.
  127. It's obvious. They're preparing to form an alliance [cdb]with the Empire.
  128. It's obvious. They're preparing to form an alliance [cdb]with the Empire.
  129. Oh, that makes sense. Wait, why are they going to [cdb]do that?!
  130. Oh, that makes sense. Wait, why are they going to [cdb]do that?!
  131. Has Fódlan become stabilized again?
  132. Then I can be returning to Brigid. Right?
  133. Tell her she can.
  134. Tell her she can't.
  135. Yeah, you could ask Claude about it.
  136. Yeah, you could ask Claude about it.
  137. Then I will try asking. I must be doing my duty.
  138. I dunno about that. I'm not sure things have fully [cdb]settled.
  139. I dunno about that. I'm not sure things have fully [cdb]settled.
  140. You are thinking so? But I must be returning [cdb]someday.
  141. I have to be fulfilling my duty.
  142. Burgundy, Albany, and Siward all hold territories on [cdb]the western border.
  143. While Albrecht, Nilsson, and Müller control the [cdb]northeast.
  144. They never had a vote at the roundtable, and have [cdb]long been at the mercy of the Five Great Lords.
  145. But it's not like their opinions are completely ignored [cdb]either. It's complicated.
  146. Welcome! No more Alliance, huh?
  147. That was quite a shock. But maybe it'll be easier for [cdb]me to travel between territories now.
  148. I just hope I can count on your continued patronage! Speaking of, what are you buying today?
  149. It's not like the minor nobles were never allowed to [cdb]participate in the roundtables.
  150. They'd be told about the discussion topics [cdb]beforehand, and could submit a complaint if they had [cdb]any objections.
  151. And now without that, they won't have any say in [cdb]how the region is run.
  152. The atmosphere around the camp is surprisingly [cdb]cheerful considering the impending battle.
  153. Probably because everyone was so on edge when we [cdb]were fighting with the Empire and Almyra.
  154. Morale is at an all time high after defeating such [cdb]formidable foes. It feels like we could take on [cdb]the world!
  155. I wonder, what kind of man is Claude?
  156. He led us to victory against the Empire and Almyra, [cdb]and now he's suddenly our king.
  157. I can't imagine a man of his caliber would listen to the [cdb]opinions of those beneath him.
  158. When the war broke out, we weren't able to negotiate [cdb]with the Kingdom because they'd also been thrown [cdb]into chaos.
  159. But now things have changed. We should see if [cdb]they're willing to ally with us.
  160. This is a great opportunity for Leicester to improve [cdb]relations with them.
  161. I was hoping for an alliance with the Kingdom, but I [cdb]guess I was barking up the wrong tree.
  162. It never even crossed my mind that we'd ally with the Empire. Can we truly trust them?
  163. Well, this just proves how much Leicester has [cdb]changed.
  164. I've heard some pretty unsavory rumors about Viscount Burgundy.
  165. Apparently he puts on a good show, but he doesn't [cdb]have an ounce of honesty in him.
  166. Viscount Phlegethon was terrible, but at least he [cdb]didn't hide how spineless he was.
  167. The bishop and I went to Derdriu to bestow the [cdb]goddess's blessing upon the coronation.
  168. Just between you and me, King Claude said he'd be [cdb]perfectly fine without a ceremony.
  169. But the bishop convinced him it would help give Leicester's citizens some peace of mind.
  170. That's why King Claude gave in and had a short [cdb]ceremony.
  171. It's certainly possible to become king without the [cdb]goddess's blessing, but the world isn't quite ready for [cdb]that yet.
  172. That's what the bishop said, anyway.
  173. Leicester's the Federation now, huh? That's gonna be [cdb]good for business!
  174. I've got no time to be standin' around jawin' away! I gotta see what's goin' on with the market prices.
  175. What a perfect chance to test my business acumen! Now, what should I focus on...
  176. Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
  177. By the way, I heard the Knights of Seiros were spotted [cdb]near the border.
  178. I'm curious what they're up to. I might have been just [cdb]a lowly gate guard for them, but I served in their [cdb]ranks all the same.
  179. Of course, that doesn't change who I'm working for [cdb]now. My blood runs Federation gold!
  180. Oh, right. Claude asked to see me. Something about [cdb]a decision he's making...
  181. Oh, right. Claude asked to see me. Something about [cdb]a decision he's making...
  182. Good, you made it in time. Come on, the meeting's [cdb]getting started.
  183. Sorry, we're still figuring out our strategy. You should [cdb]go and make sure you're fully prepared.
  184. You've been really working hard. I guess everyone's [cdb]got a different way of getting motivated.
  185. I know they all want to get through this without [cdb]anyone dying...but that's not how war works.
  186. You should spend time with the others while [cdb]you can. That way you won't have any regrets.
  187. Thinking about close friends reminds me of my old [cdb]mercenary band.
  188. Thinking about close friends reminds me of my old [cdb]mercenary band.
  189. Actually, I made a little something when I first [cdb]became a full-fledged mercenary.
  190. Actually, I made a little something when I first [cdb]became a full-fledged mercenary.
  191. Might not be a bad idea to give that to someone. It'll be my way of saying I'll always be there for them.
  192. Might not be a bad idea to give that to someone. It'll be my way of saying I'll always be there for them.
  193. How did it feel going onto the battlefield again? Were you overcome with sentimentality?
  194. It was exciting.
  195. It was no different than usual.
  196. Yeah, I was excited to get back to it.
  197. Yeah, I was excited to get back to it.
  198. Excited, hm... I can't say I was expecting that [cdb]response.
  199. Nah, not really. I felt calm like always.
  200. Nah, not really. I felt calm like always.
  201. Glad to hear it. I'm certain you are much stronger [cdb]now than you were half a year ago.
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