1. Look who's here! It's been forever! Did you do [cdb]something with your hair?
  2. Nah, probably just lost some weight since you last [cdb]saw me.
  3. Nah, probably just lost some weight since you last [cdb]saw me.
  4. You must not be eating enough! Those arms are like [cdb]chicken bones!
  5. I imagine you've been doing a lot of mercenary work. You probably haven't had time for proper meals, [cdb]what with the way things have been going.
  6. Time's not the issue here, money is. And it's been [cdb]really quiet in the Alliance, despite what's been going [cdb]on elsewhere.
  7. The last two years have been hard on us mercenaries. It's not easy to land jobs when there's nobody to fight.
  8. Sounds like that's all gonna change, at least. So, uh, what are you all doing here?
  9. Sounds like that's all gonna change, at least. So, uh, what are you all doing here?
  10. At the last roundtable conference, each of the Five Great Lords agreed to contribute soldiers [cdb]and officers to the Alliance army.
  11. That's why I'm here. I'm guessing it's the same [cdb]for you, Marianne?
  12. Yes. My adoptive father sent me...
  13. I'm in the same boat. Count Gloucester arranged my [cdb]transfer.
  14. Oh, that's right, you're doing the whole knight thing [cdb]for Lorenz's father now.
  15. Raphael, didn't I hear your family started an inn? What are you doing here?
  16. Claude sent me a letter, asking me to come. And there was no way I'd miss this!
  17. Same here. I guess Claude wanted to get all the Golden Deer back together, huh?
  18. Just look at all of us! I guess Claude wanted to get [cdb]the Golden Deer House back together.
  19. That pretty much sums it up. There's no way I'm [cdb]getting through this war without friends I trust by [cdb]my side.
  20. And there's Claude! Now our little reunion's [cdb]complete!
  21. Well... We are missing Lorenz.
  22. Yeah, Count Gloucester sent one of his newest [cdb]knights in Lorenz's place.
  23. Um, yes, I suppose I should apologize for that.
  24. Heh, I have no doubt Lorenz has his hands full [cdb]protecting the border right about now.
  25. And I'm guessing you're not exactly thrilled to see me [cdb]instead of my brother.
  26. I just wish my brother could've made it too!
  27. For the time being, I've asked Holst to see to our [cdb]defenses in case Almyra decides to take another [cdb]run at our borders.
  28. Besides, I'm not about to let the Empire see our best [cdb]card on the first play!
  29. It's always been my plan to have you all here. And I'm [cdb]sure we'll be reunited with Lorenz before long.
  30. After all, we'll be passing through Gloucester [cdb]territory very shortly.
  31. The Airmid River serves as the border between the Alliance and Empire. I imagine we'll want to fortify [cdb]its banks and close off the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
  32. That is the plan, yes, Claude?
  33. Does that mean we're going to the Great Bridge of Myrddin?
  34. That's right. There are many large bridges spanning [cdb]the Airmid, but the terrain on the eastern bank is less [cdb]than ideal.
  35. The Great Bridge of Myrddin is the only one suitable [cdb]for crossing into the Alliance with a significant [cdb]military force.
  36. So if the Empire's looking to attack us, blockading [cdb]the Great Bridge will severely limit their options.
  37. Of course, that means the enemy will do everything [cdb]in their power to take control of it.
  38. So while I'm happy to see you all again, I'm afraid we [cdb]don't have time to reminisce.
  39. He's right. We need to get ready to move out.
  40. He's right. We need to get ready to move out.